The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3524: The dragon race is coming

There have been six battles three days apart, and news of the dragons has been long overdue.

The first to come is the dragon people.

They were like lizardmen, under the leadership of the blue lizardmen, they entered the city mightily.

I have to say that the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar really has a set of training soldiers.

Seeing that their queue is neat and uniform, magnificent, murderous, and at a glance they are the army of a hundred battles.

Based on the momentum of their army, I guess that Bakar must have captured other planets.

However, it is no wonder that whether it is a dragon or other races, as long as the strength reaches the apostle level and can shuttle in the universe, they can't stop wanting to expand the territory and classify the territories of other planets as their own territory.

This is ambition and desire.

At the same time, it is also the most fundamental law in the universe-the weak eat the strong.

After the dragon people’s army entered the town, they immediately stood at attention. Then, as the commander, the blue dragon people shouted their name, and then shouted: “I’m waiting for your majesty’s order to gather here. Commanded by Master Germany."

The voice was loud and echoing.

Held walked slowly out of the house, came to the dragonman commander, and stood still.

Although she did not exude any apostle-specific aura, and could even reduce the coercion, even so, I clearly saw that the body of the dragon commander trembled slightly.

This is probably the result of bloodline suppression, just like the pure-blood dragon clan will naturally produce the bloodline suppression effect against the mixed-blood dragon clan.

Herder didn't say anything on the scene, but said lightly: "Thanks for your hard work, let's rest first."

The dragon race commander responded, turned around, and said to the dragon soldiers under his command: "Line up, rest!"

The soldiers of the dragon race made a loud promise, and under the guidance of the adventurer, turned around and left.

When Herder turned around, his gaze froze in my place. Then, he retracted his gaze, moved up the steps, and returned to the mansion.

"She seemed to have a special look at you just now" Salon's voice rang in my ears.

"I feel it now."

"What do you think she meant by that look?" Salen asked.

"I don't know" thought for a while, I shook my head again, and said: "Anyway, it's very complicated, I don't understand."

"It's very complicated," Sairen said: "But what is certain is that she has no love for you."

"Oh?" I glanced at him, and asked casually: "How did you know?"

"The look in the eyes when the heart of love arises is not like hers, but dim and focused."

Seren explained that that expression is a master of emotion.

"Perhaps" I said: "But even if she is showing admiration for me, I don't dare to accept her."

"That's the apostle." Looking at the street where the flow was restored again, Salon whispered: "Marrying an apostle, but it means that your life will take off from then on."

"Fei Huang Tengda?" I thought for a while, and said: "At most, it is in the Demon Realm...No, even in the Demon Realm, it is still not possible to fly Huang Tengda. It is more powerful than Herder, but there are some. "

"What do you think?" Sairen said: "I am talking about Feihuang Tengda, referring to the ability to have a national power like Moonlight City."

"If this is the case, then forget it." I shrugged, and I said: "Just for the sake of a country-sized territory, I will get myself into an embarrassing situation, it's not worth it."

"Embarrassed?" Seren didn't understand what I wanted to say.

"Yes, it's embarrassing" I said: "You have been with me for so long, you should also know my relationship with DiRigi and Shilock?"

"His" Seren took a breath: "Are you really related to them?"

"Originally it didn't matter, but as we get along slowly, some feelings will gradually become logical."

"I'm going, you're really awesome, more awesome than I thought!" Sairen exclaimed: "Do you know who Shilock and DiRigi are? One is not knowing good and evil, not distinguishing right from wrong, and acting recklessly The witch, a complex of viruses, releases highly poisonous life forms that can kill all living creatures all the time. Such two people, you dare to have a relationship with them, you are not afraid that the people in the guild will be brutally killed. ?"

"Why?" I said: "Once I choose to be with them, I must choose a space where I live with them, and I have found this space."

"Oh?" Seren's eyes were full of curiosity: "Where?"

"An island," I said: "An isolated island, but there are rich species resources on it. Once I establish a relationship with DiRigi and Silok, I will send people to build the isolated island and make it a livable space."

"Then you run on both ends?"

Seren joked: "I'm afraid you won't please either."

"It shouldn't" I shook my head and said: "DiRigi is still very righteous. As for Shirlock, although he may be a petty man, he will not resent me too much. As for my other fiancées, even dissatisfied. My behavior will only be dealt with by the family law, and it will be harmless."

"Speaking like this, it's clear." Sairen said: "Since you have chosen DiRigi and Shilock, naturally you have to retreat to Herder who has trapped them, otherwise they will not spare you lightly."

"Will I be merciful? It really doesn't matter at all. What I am really afraid of is embarrassment."

"You think, how many times have DiRigi and Shilock helped me, and Shilock relies on me so much, suddenly let her know that I have hooked up with her enemy Herder, what will it look like?"

"Do you want to live in pain?" Seren guessed.

"There may be such an expression, but there shouldn't be many such expressions. After all, my relationship with Shilock and DiRigi is much better than Herder."

"Since it is not painful, what kind of feeling do you think it will be?"

Seren asked.

"Probably... annoyed."

Actually, I am not sure, after all, Herder and I are still innocent.

Then, we talked about the dragon people again.

I asked Seren, what is the strength of these dragon races?

Seren told me that the strength of this group of dragon people is quite strong, even if it is placed on the Hefeng Continent, it is not too much to fight against an army composed of junior members of the national power organization.

"In that case, the next war will cause the alien invaders to suffer."

"Don't be too optimistic," Seren snorted and said, "You know, as of now, we only have information on two types of monsters, but in fact, there are not only two types of monsters, but also More other monsters did not show up. These unseen monsters will be called unstable factors. Once they burst out, the fate of the Demon World can be imagined."

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