The war is about to start again.

The confrontation between cat-shaped monsters and human-shaped monsters and demon adventurers and dragon warriors is the same as the previous war. Although tragic, the victorious scales continue to favor dragon fighters and demon adventurers.

However, when hundreds of giants intervened in the battlefield, the battle situation was reversed. Whether it was a demon adventurer or a dragon warrior, under the ferocious offensive of the giants, they retreated steadily.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help clenching my fist and smashing it **** the battlements.

"This is not a battle of equal magnitude at all!" I frowned, gritted my teeth and said: "That monster is even stronger than the Dragon Warrior!"

"It's far from our opponent."

Prey’s tone was calm, but his clenched fist had betrayed his heart.

At this moment, he was also very nervous and angry, but it was still to no avail.

"I really want to give it a try. These monsters that look like rocks made of rocks can withstand a few stabs."

Casillas's voice came from behind, turning his head and looking around, he saw him holding his arms and leaning on the battlements with a cold and arrogant expression.

"Don't be foolish," Herder reminded: "The other party has strong people who are not weaker than us, and there are still a lot of them."

"I don't know if this group of guys can be persuaded by me" Ozma sneered: "If you can, maybe you will become your own."

"Don't be delusional" Michelle glanced at Ozma with a cold eye, and said: "The only people who can be bewitched by you are the weak and incompetent people with strong desires. Look at these puppet-like creatures, their eyes Fierce and stupid, not the kind of creature that breeds ambition."

"Hmph, let me just say something" Ozma said: "On the contrary, it is you. Your holy light is also invalid for them."

"If you don't try, how do you know?" Michelle said coldly.

"Stop irritating Michelle" Held stared at Ozma coldly, said.

"Okay, okay" Ozma waved his hand again and again. Although he was not afraid, he still stopped molesting Michelle.

On the battlefield, the giant waved his arms, constantly sweeping the adventurers and dragon warriors below. The dragon warriors were better. Although they would fly far away after being smashed, and they would fall very badly after landing, but After slowing down, he was still able to rush up without fear of death, and his combat effectiveness was not much weaker than before.

But the adventurers of the devil world are not good. They don't have such a strong strength or the strong physique of a dragon warrior. After being smashed into the air, they either die on the spot or break their bones and tendons. For better, they are also seriously injured.

Therefore, when facing this group of terrifying giant monsters, the adventurers of the devil show fear and fear, but due to the battlefield environment, they can't avoid it, and have to bite the bullet and deal with the giant monsters.

However, in the face of such a disadvantage, how can ordinary adventurers turn things around?

Ever since, they can only hope that the dragon warriors will show off their power and rescue them from danger, but they have completely forgotten that most of these adventurers are behind or face to face mocking that the dragon warriors are not humans. Dragon warriors and beasts are equated.

Fortunately, the dragon fighters didn't care, how to fight, how to fight, and when it was time to save people, they would never spare their strength.

This makes many adventurers of the devil survived.

If so, the situation in the demon world is still in crisis.

This battle lasted for nearly two hours and finally ended.

Looking at the monsters fading like the tide, as well as the adventurers and dragon people warriors who were so tired that they collapsed to the ground, I can only rejoice in my heart that the monsters have chosen to retreat. Otherwise, it will take another hour for the demon world. The adventurers and warriors of the dragon people are about to be wiped out.

The adventurer and the dragon race gathered the bodies of their fallen companions and returned to the town one after another.

This night, the custom shops and casinos were gone.

Only a few adventurers will visit there, and more adventurers have chosen to stay silently in their homes and lick their wounds.

The dragon people still eat, train, and sleep as before. They are plain and meticulous.

Heloise and I still met in the same restaurant. This time, none of us spoke, but was eating silently.

The surrounding atmosphere is also the same as ours, either silently eating or sitting in a chair in a daze, there is no more noise in the past.

After dinner, Heroes and I were walking in the street as usual.

Looking at the sparse passers-by, I said lightly: "There are really few people today."

"Yes." Heloise sighed softly, and said, "Many people are buried in the battlefield."

"No one thought that the alien invaders would send such a powerful monster to fight."

"No one can think of it, so the number of adventurers killed in battle is many times more than usual" Heloise said sadly: "Even the Oath Guard organization has damaged nearly half of the adventurers."

"Three days later, there will be another war. How do you fill up your missing manpower?"

"It can only be transferred from other branches."

"Will this damage the overall strength of your organization?" I wondered.

"Meeting" Heroes said: "But there are not many losses. After all, any of the six major organizations has a very deep foundation."

"Why didn't you deploy more adventurers before?" I wondered: "If all the six major organizations deploy more adventurers, maybe they would have started a counterattack long ago?"

"You are right," said Heloise. "If the six organizations can unite and advance together, so will the invaders. But the problem is that the six organizations cannot achieve unity and advance together. Each organization has its own ideas. Ghost tires all want to use the opportunity of war to weaken the strength of other organizations."

"There is no way, once selfish thoughts arise, no matter how powerful the organization is, it will not be able to display the strength it should have."

"So" Heloise sighed: "This war is really difficult to win."

"Forget it, don't think about these things anymore." I waved my hand and said, "By the way, what about Xilan? Wouldn't you still be attending the memorial banquet of the fallen companions?"

"Yes." When saying this, Heloise's expression instantly faded: "He is still attending the banquet."

"This is not his problem," I comforted: "This time, the Oathkeeper organization really lost many members. Many of them should be Xilan's companions, right?"

"Heh" Heloise sneered: "It's just a group of friends drinking and having fun."

"By the way, how is Xilan's situation?" I asked again: "He should not have suffered any injuries, right?"

"No" Heroes said: "He is very strong, cat-shaped monsters and humanoid monsters pose little threat to him, and the giant who can really pose a threat to him, but because the attack speed is too slow to hurt him. To his chance."

"That's okay." I nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

"not good at all!"

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