I can't understand at all, what's wrong with Xilan's injurylessness? Does it have to be a good thing to return with injuries?

Feeling my incomprehension about this matter, Heloise frowned and said, "Don't worry about worries but worry about unevenness."

"I understand this" nodded, and I said, "but doesn't it mean fundamental interests? What does it have to do with injury or not?"

"Other adventurers organized by the Oathguard will be injured because they are not as skilled as others. Xilan will not be injured because of his high strength and rich combat experience. What does this have to do with being outnumbered and uneven? "

"You don't understand what I mean," Herois said: "If it was the previous war, it was inferior to humans. After all, there are a single species of monsters. Everyone already has experience, injured and defeated, and they can only admit that they are unlucky. , But this time is different. A new monster came. Facing the sudden new monster, everyone else was injured, but he was not injured. Do you understand this gap?"

"Understand a little" I said: "But still, Xilan is already much stronger than them, and it's normal not to get hurt."

"But what do you make other injured adventurers think, what do you think?" Heloise asked back: "Others will not regard him as a powerful hero, nor as a role model, but as an alien."

Upon hearing this, I suddenly thought of a story.

There is a wizard who puts a potion that can turn people into fools in the only well in a certain country.

Except for the king, the other people drank the water from the well and became fools.

The people who became fools did not feel lucky because their king still retained a wise mind. On the contrary, they were confused because the king’s behavior and the way of thinking were different from theirs.

Over time, confusion turned into rejection.

One day, this feeling of rejection reached its peak, and the people decided to overthrow the king's rule and replant a new king.

In order to keep his position, the king personally drank a bowl of water from the well in front of all the people.

Since then, the king has also become a fool, but he has been accepted and loved by the people again.

That said, Xilan is the same.

Even though he was not injured, in the eyes of the adventurers of the many injured Oath Guardians organization, he was an outlier and was not accepted by the collective.

"However, as you just said, he was invited to participate in the memorial activity. Isn't this also an accepted situation?"

"It's not so much acceptance, it's better to say that he is better at drinking, and that occasion requires someone who is good at drinking to accompany him."

Tangtang Xilan turned out to be a accompaniment, but this seemed to be a good thing for him.

After all, he is good at drinking, it is also a blessing to find a space where he can use his skills.

At midnight, when he returned to the hotel, Seren was lying on the sofa drinking.

"Hiccup, I'm back." After hitting a drink, Seren waved at me.

"I'm back" I said: "I remember you don't usually drink strong alcohol."

"I'm always in a good mood" Sailun said.

"In other words, you are in a bad mood now?"

"Yes, it's bad."

Salen nodded and admitted.

"What's the matter?" I asked curiously: "Is anyone bullying you?"

"It's not just bullying." A sharp light flashed in Seren's golden eyes: "It's just riding on my head and shit!"

Me: (O_o)??

After taking a sip of wine, Seren continued: "Do you know how many warriors have been damaged by the dragon people this time?"

I shook my head: "I don't know."

"More than one hundred!" Sairen roared: "More than one hundred! Just a group of stupid giant-like monsters can cause the dragon race to lose more than one hundred elite warriors! A great shame! A great shame! Bully dragon! Too much! Too much deceiving the dragon!"

I understand the shame and shame. It's normal to lose, but what about deceiving the dragon?

Victory or defeat is a common matter for soldiers. Moreover, the death of a dragon warrior is not a real death, but will be resurrected in the land of the dragon.

After coming and going, the dragon people have not lost a dragon in the true sense.

If this is the case, it can be regarded as being ridden on the head and shit, then how should the demon world behave?

Thinking of this, I ignored Seren and went to the bed, lay down with a plop, stretched my waist, and said in a comfortable voice, I planned to sleep with my eyes closed.

Just as my sleepiness was brewing, Seren’s voice sounded in my ears: "Hey, get up, kid, drink with me!"

Slightly awake, I frowned, did not open my eyes, and replied lazily: "Xiao Zhi is in Hefeng Continent."

"I'm talking about you! You fellow!" Sairen patted my head with a paw.

"Hey, I'm so annoying." I sighed, opened my eyes, stared at him, and said, "What the **** is wrong with you? Why is it so abnormal today?"

"I was **** on my neck by a monster, tell me how to swallow this breath!" He exasperated: "Since I can't find a revenge object, I can only relieve my sorrows by drinking. You drink with me!"

Looking at him with a serious and threatening expression, it is estimated that if he does not drink with him today, he will not let me sleep peacefully.

With a sigh, I got up, and when I was about to take the wine from Salon's hand, he slapped my hand and said, "The wine is almost gone, you can buy more."

"An La An La" I replied feebly, put on my coat, and went out.

The bar was overcrowded, but there were very few sounds.

Many drunk adventurers lay directly on the table and fell asleep.

Those adventurers who haven't slept are pouring alcohol into their mouths one after the other. They are either drunk and full of nonsense, or they are still sober, but they are constantly pouring like alcohol.

From their faces, I saw sadness.

In their eyes, I can't see the brilliance.

Just one blow made them depressed to this point. If the invaders send more powerful monsters out, how will the will of this group of adventurers be depressed?

Cursing my lips, I came to the bar, greeted the waiter, and expressed the idea of ​​buying wine, but the waiter refused.

"Should it not be forbidden to sell bars here?" I asked in a low voice.

"That's it, sir" the waiter said helplessly, "We didn't ban take-out wine here, but today, you have also seen..."

He did not go on, because at this time, another adventurer shouted: "Ten more bottles of wine!"

I quit the bar reluctantly and went to a shop that specializes in selling drinks. Unexpectedly, the shop owner said that today's drinks have been fully packaged by the bar. If you want to buy alcohol, you can only wait for the next batch of drinks to be delivered.

I have no choice but to leave again.

In this way, one after another, until the first... I don't remember how many shops, and finally I bought wine.

In order to prevent Seren from drinking the wine later, I would buy it again. I bought all the remaining boxes of all kinds of wine and took them away.

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