The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3535: Ozma's tragic past

In a blink of an eye, the war came again.

In this war, no new monsters joined, but the number of giant human monsters more than doubled.

Faced with a huge number of giant monsters, whether it is an adventurer or a dragon warrior, there is a lot of psychological pressure.

The battle has just begun, and the adventurers of the devil world take the lead, fighting cat-shaped monsters and human-shaped monsters first, followed by dragon warriors, passing through this chaotic fighting camp, fighting against the giant human monsters that rushed over. .

The entire battlefield was chaotic like a mess.

On the battlefield, adventurers fought better with cat-shaped monsters and human-shaped monsters. It was no different from the previous wars. Basically, they were evenly matched, but the war between the dragon warriors and the giant monsters was It is very different from the previous battle.

Since the number of giant monsters has more than doubled, and more than half of the dragonkin warriors are still on the battlefield with injuries, the dragonkin warriors were severely impacted when they met the giant monsters. The battle is even more difficult.

Condescendingly, I can see that the Dragon Warriors have done their best, but war does not mean that they can turn things around with their best.

Under the premise that the individual strength is close, the number and cooperation determine the victory or defeat.

Needless to say, the dragon people warriors have a tacit cooperation, but to my surprise, there is also a tacit cooperation between giant human monsters.

In the case of close numbers, the strength of the two parties should have been comparable, but when the number of giant monsters soared, the strength of the two parties instantly deviated.

In less than half an hour, the loss rate of Dragon Warriors reached nearly half.

But the war is still not over.

Standing on the city wall, holding on to the battlements, I frowned slightly, and said, "If this goes on, the dragon warriors will soon be finished."

"I know what you want to say" this time, Herder took the lead and said, "But even so, you can't go to the war."

"I know" my fist was slightly clenched, and I said solemnly.

"Actually, you don't need to be so serious anymore" Ozma said in a frivolous tone: "Even if this war is won, there will be a half of the adventurers who can be the mainstay missing. This is a huge and irreversible loss to the Demon World. ."

"Even so, we can't bring any of us to the battlefield."

Michel, who was not dealing with Ozma, consciously stood up to refute Ozma, saying: "The real mainstay of the devil world is, in addition to adventurers, there are innocent civilians engaged in production."

"Without the protection of adventurers, those innocent civilians can only be reduced to fish on the cutting board" Ozma sneered: "It's better to let them get out of the sea of ​​suffering earlier."

"Your thoughts are still so evil, Ozma" Michelle said coldly: "It seems that you still can't let go of what happened in the past."

"Whatever you say" Li Mang flashed in Ozma's eyes, but still had a disdainful expression on his face, and said, "I'm just explaining the facts."

Seeing Ozma's eyes are slightly wrong, I guess he must have some unfortunate past.

Although I wanted to ask what kind of past it was, but seeing his cold and fierce eyes, I swallowed the rest of the words back into my stomach.

The war lasted for more than two hours. When retreating, most of the adventurers from the Devil Realm collapsed to the ground with exhaustion, while most of the Dragonite fighters could not stand up anymore.

Yes, most dragon fighters were killed in battle.

It can be said that this is an extremely tragic battle, especially for the dragon reinforcements.

I believe that after meeting in the hotel, Seren will definitely be clamoring for drinks, and maybe they will continue to make trouble, so I chose not to go back to the hotel for the time being, but followed Herder and them back to the apostle’s mansion.

Seated, after a while, Herder spoke first and held a brief post-war discussion.

During this period, I didn't say a word, not because I didn't cooperate with Herder, but I really didn't know what to say.

After the meeting, Michelle and I went to his mansion and had a brief chat with him in the mansion.

The content of the chat is about Ozma.

Michelle didn't mean to conceal at all, and directly told Ozma's past.

It makes me feel heavy.

Ozma's past is truly tragic.

Ozma was once the strongest magician of the Perus Empire. He and his friend, the legendary Kazan of the Perus Empire, jointly created the glory of the Perus Empire.

However, as the powerful enemies of the Perus Empire were expelled one by one by the two, when their reputations rose, the emperor of the Perus Empire became wary of the two lives, and as the two became more prestigious in China Sheng, this wariness became stronger and stronger, and eventually it became a murderous intent.

Under the operation of the Emperor Perus, Kazan and Ozma received news of each other's rebellion at the same time, and started fighting in a certain place.

Because of their loyalty to the empire, the two friends, even if they are heartbroken, still endure the pain in their hearts and kill each other until the two lose, when a group of top powerhouses in the empire appears and surrounds them. Arrested for treason.

In prison, Ozma and Kazan are still loyal to the empire. I believe that the empire will give them innocence until the truth of the matter is told by some courtiers who can’t bear to watch the two empire’s heroes die in their loyalty. After them, it finally came to light.

Ozma and Kazan were struck by lightning, and the pain was too hard for them to be.

Even so, the two are still alive and strong, because they still have family, because they still have each other.

However, the next operation of the Emperor of the Perus Empire completely cut off the loyalty of the two to the empire.

The emperor ordered the execution of all Ozma's family and his lover Liz was taken as a concubine.

After hearing the verdict, Ozma was almost crazy, wailing painfully in prison, but no one paid any attention. Only his friend, Kazan, was silently accompanied.

Excessive sadness caused Ozma to faint and woke up again. What he saw was the desperate eyes of his friend Kazan, and his weak arms.

After questioning, he learned that the Emperor of the Perus Empire was afraid that Kazan would escape from prison, so he pulled the tendons of his arms.

At this moment, Ozma was heartbroken, despair and pain completely swallowed him.

Just when Kazan was exiled to the south of the Stru Mountain Range, Ozma changed. He changed from a human to a ghost and wandered in the Perus Empire.

His resentment and anger, turned into a plague, spread quickly, and in a very short time, disturbed the entire Perus Empire.

The emperor at that time also suffered a complete mental breakdown due to Ozma’s strong resentment and became a lunatic. He killed his wife and children with his own hands. Finally, a certain child who escaped by chance led his courtiers and army to send him off. Got the guillotine and ended a life of sin.

However, Ozma's anger did not calm down.

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