Ozma, who was added by hatred, turned into a ghost, pulled out the soul of the former emperor of the Perus Empire, and continued to torment, torture, and ravage.

At first, the former emperor continued to abuse and curse, but as the torture and torture took longer and longer, the methods became more and more cruel, and the abuse and curse gradually turned into pleading.

But Ozma remained the same.

On a certain day, he finally became tired of destruction and torment, and swallowed the soul of the former emperor in one bite.

"Does the swallowed soul just disappear?" I asked curiously.

"The soul will never disappear" Michelle said: "Either return to where he was supposed to go, or be left in the body, devastated, and will never be at peace. Ozma's approach belongs to the post By."

Later, he explained: "Of course, the soul is not something that anyone can swallow. It must achieve a special physique, like Ozma, who has the ability to devour the soul after being transformed into a ghost. Although it cannot digest the soul, it can torture the soul in the body forever."

"Do you have a similar method?" I asked again.

"I am a sacred adventurer, I can only appease the soul and liberate the soul, but cannot devour the soul" Michel said: "Even if the soul is swallowed by me, it will only be trapped, but will not suffer any torture. And devastation."

"That's it" I nodded: "So, is Ozma relieved?"

"No," Michel said: "He kept recruiting believers during the torture of the former emperor. After a hundred years, his legion of pretenders has reached the size of millions of people, enough to wipe out the Perus Empire in one fell swoop."

"Millions of people annihilate an empire?" I thought about it, spreading my hands, and said: "It's really a weak empire."

"It can't be said to be particularly weak," Michel said: "At least it occupies the entire Arad continent."

"But the Arad continent is only a small part of the Hefeng continent."

Michelle's eyes twitched, and instead of continuing my words, he said, "In short, at the time, the Perus Empire was still very famous."

"Okay" I curled my lips: "You continue."

"Just as Ozma was about to destroy the Empire of Perus, my priesthood and I appeared in time to prevent this tragedy from happening."

"I think if you don't organize, what happens may not be a tragedy."

"Isn't it a tragedy if life is smashed?" Michelle frowned.

"But it’s not Ozma’s fault." I retorted, "He was loyal and killed not only his family, but also his beloved fiancée. Even his best friend was destroyed and disabled. Is this possible? Isn't it a tragedy?"

"The tragedy you are talking about is too narrow, child" Michelle said in a predecessor's posture: "It is nothing compared to the blood flowing in the river of charcoal."

"Is this something comparable?" I asked, "It's like loyalty and friendship. Can it really be measured by value?"

"No, I must not" I said: "Ozma's madness has evolved from a tragedy of one person to a tragedy of a group of people, but none of their tragedies are more expensive. The lifelong belief of a loyal person is the greatest tragedy, isn't it?"

"I think, in the face of this situation, you should not blame Ozma, but the fuse that led this to happen, the former emperor."

"The former emperor is dead, and his soul was swallowed by Ozma, and he will suffer forever. Isn't that enough?"

"I don't know" I shook my head and said, "Personally, I think this is just for forgiveness. As for whether the degree of forgiveness is enough, it depends on what Ozma said. He thinks it is enough, and it is enough."

Michelle pondered for a moment, and murmured: "I can't say whether your words are correct or not, I can only say, I will consider, my child, whether Ozma's actions are correct, wrong, or just, It's selfish. I will see with my own eyes and judge with my own heart."

"I hope so" I nodded: "By the way, there is one more question, who won the war?"

Michelle smiled bitterly, and said: "On the surface, I won, because the legion of pretenders was completely destroyed by us, leaving only some residual forces that could not overcome the waves, scattered everywhere."

"So actually?" I asked.

"Actually, it was Ozma who won. That war directly damaged the vitality of the Perus Empire, and could no longer afford a national-level battle."

"I don't know if this can be regarded as a revenge," I muttered: "But even if it is revenge, it is just another tragedy."

"That's it," Michel said: "If the Emperor of the Perus Empire hadn't done these stupid things from the beginning, Ozma would not turn into a ghost, nor would Kazan become a plague. The presence."

"But in this way, your priesthood will no longer be useful."

"I established the Order of the Priest to fight the Legion of Pretenders in Ozma. If the Legion of Pretenders had never existed, the Order of the Priests would naturally not exist, let alone useless. "

"But even if it was useful then, there is no clergy legion anymore." I said: "The final disaster in the ancient times directly caused countless species on the Hefeng Continent to be instantly wiped out, maybe even mine. Our ancestors did not escape bad luck either."

"Your ancestor?" Michelle pondered for a moment, and said: "You are a fairy, right?"


"Your ancestors shouldn't have any problems," Michelle said seriously: "The two ancient races shouldn't have any problems."

"Oh?" I wondered: "Why are you so sure?"

"The two ancient races are unknown existences that I can't touch." Michelle calmly said: "Even if I use the power of awakening and the power of the strongest light, I can't detect the existence."

"Could it be because you are too weak?" I asked back, and then, feeling that it was rude to ask, I quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"No" Michelle shook his head: "I don't think this is offensive. In fact, I am really weak... Putting it together with the two ancient races."

"However, my holy light is not my power" Michel continued: "It belongs to a great will and can perceive everything...except for the two ancient races."

"Even the power of the great will can't discern them. The disaster is just a disaster. It shouldn't be for them."

In the last sentence, Michelle is also very uncertain.

After all, he had never experienced the catastrophe, and he knew nothing about the two ancient races.

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