Celestial rebels rose up all over the heavens, and a frenzy of resistance swept across the heavens instantly.

The goal of the rebels is clear, and the offensive line is also very straightforward-they will go straight to Huanglong, enter the palace, kill the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, expel the dragon clan, end the tyranny, and return sovereignty to the heavenly people.

Their thoughts are positive, their actions are swift, and their purpose is clear. The slogans they chant also hold the general trend, but they do not take the goal into consideration.

Yes, they only did not take into account the strength of Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

Perhaps in their opinion, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar is just a somewhat hard-powered dragon. As long as everyone unites and works together, this evil dragon can be brought down from the throne, and maybe he can be directly Kill.

With this unrealistic and naive idea, they stormed into the palace like a broken bamboo... However, until the end of the war, they could not see the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar take action, because this elite army, in The front gate of the palace was broken and sanded.

They have not even beaten the three dragons guarding the gate of the palace.

In this way, the defeated Celestial Clan fell into a downturn for a while.

They are like walking dead, repeating their mechanical lives.

During this period, the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar did not live high on the throne, enjoying the comfortable and luxurious life brought by the heavenly people.

On the contrary, in order to maintain the territorial integrity of the heavens, he constantly fights invaders who want to conquer the heavens.

Among these invaders, there are countries living in the Arad continent, small countries living in the surrounding Arad continent, and some tribal groups that seem to be very barbaric.

The reason why they attacked the heavens was mainly to detect that a group of people with cutting-edge technological power descended to the heavens and imparted the knowledge of technological power to the heavenly people.

Think about the originally weak and unworthy Celestial people, suddenly transformed into a powerful race with knowledge and advanced technology, these monarchs living in small neighboring countries feel anxious.

In order to gain this power, or in other words, to conquer the dragons who suddenly descended on the heavens, they continued to conquer the heavens. Although the number of conquests was not many, each time it was a heavyweight.

At first, the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar was able to send the dragons to fight, but when he was fighting, Bakar noticed something wrong. Because most of the dragon soldiers were not monitored, the Celestials were either easy to work, rape, slip, or whisper. Talk about topics related to rebelling against dragon rule.

This makes Bakar very distressed.

You know, right now, there is an invasion by foreign enemies. If there is a rebellion from the inside, it will be caused by internal and external troubles. The heavens are afraid that they cannot be taken.

It was so easy to find a suitable place, and the initial construction was about to be completed. Suddenly, because of internal and external troubles, he had to abandon it, and Bakar was really unwilling.

Therefore, he commanded the Dragon Clan soldiers to continue to monitor the lives of the Celestial Clan people, and he led the Dragon Clan elite against the invaders.

Although the strength of these invaders is quite strong, but fortunately none of them is so powerful that it is outrageous that this allowed Bakar to win the anti-invasion wars time and time again.

The victory of the anti-invasion war gave Bakar great confidence. He believes that as long as he fights steadily, defends the heavens, and develops his own grand vision, there is no problem.

But from the beginning to the end, Bakar never thought of holding a victory posture and counterattacking other countries, because he knew very well that even if he wanted to conquer the Arad continent, relying only on the group of dragons under his command, it was an extremely For difficult things, I have to worry about it. After the capture of other countries, will it arouse the vigilance of other countries outside the Arad continent, especially those countries that are extremely powerful. For example, those countries are more The hostility and coveting of the larger powers on the Arad continent.

Tyrannosaurus King Bakar doesn’t know the background of these great powers. Even through the penetration of spies, he can’t get a clear picture of their true colors, but he can rule such a vast territory and he does not worry about being coveted by other countries. , It is enough to prove that these great powers are strong and profound.

Coupled with a group of powerful adventurers who even felt troublesome after the encounter with Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, Bakar thought to himself that once any one of these countries was annoyed, it would be a disaster.

So Bakar's creed of dragon life when he was in the heavens was just one word-Gou.

Yes, it is Gou, in addition to resisting foreign invasion, he only blindly seeks development.

This creed was later transformed into his policy, that is, the people of the heavens are not allowed to initiate wars on their own initiative. Anyone who dares to initiate wars will be sentenced to capital punishment.

The order came down, but those with good things didn't believe in this evil, so they had to step on this line, and then they were killed by Bakar.

In the beginning, whoever stepped on the line killed who, but as the people who did not believe in evil also loved more, and the family members of those who did not believe in evil, because they were dissatisfied with Bakar’s orders, stirred up trouble everywhere, lowering Bakar’s reputation and status in the heavens. , The act of discrediting Bakar, which made the Tyrannosaurus King very angry.

As a result, the order was changed, and the offender and his family were equally guilty.

This time it was lively.

Not only were the offenders sentenced to capital punishment, but even their family members could not escape.

Finally, these unbelievers are all honest.

However, this behavior increased the contradiction between the Celestial Clan and Bakar.

What followed were riots over and under the covers. Although these riots were not fierce, they were very annoying and annoying for Bakar.

Fortunately, at this time, the invader stopped continuing to invade, which gave Bakar a chance to breathe and free to clean up the internal disturbances.

It can be said that the history of Bakar's rule over the heavens is entirely the history of anti-aggression and suppression of internal rebellions by the Dragons to aid the heavens.

Until the last decisive battle, Bakar had not forgotten to write a book of the key parts of making Gaboga, and handed it to the mechanical **** of war with whom he reached an agreement, and told him in a threatening tone that he must complete the cover. Bojia’s production, otherwise he will return to the heaven one day, maybe at that time, he will be angry because he did not complete the agreement, and then ruin the whole heaven.

What happened after that was very clear. The Celestial people used the incomplete Geboga and injured Bakar. Before he left, Bakar wanted to teach the Celestial people a lesson and let the anger out of his chest, but he did a little bit. It was too much, a dragon's breath went down, directly exploding the heavens to pieces, the sky city also collapsed and fell into the sea, while the heavens fell to the Hefeng continent.

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