After listening to the complete history of the blood and tears of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar in the Hefeng Continent, I have a lot of feelings, the most is the sympathy for Bakar.

As for regrets, there is not.

Even if he was only one step short of fulfilling his former ambition, he created a technological weapon that could fight against the crying eye Herder, but this did not mean that his road of resistance was over.

This is because the Dragon Race has acquired an island in the Hefeng Continent that is larger than the former Arad Continent as their settlement.

Moreover, although the level of scientific and technological knowledge is inferior to that of the dragons, there are no taboos on the scientific knowledge that can be learned, and even the goblins who are eager to acquire more scientific knowledge can be their students and assistants. In this environment Next, there is no need to worry that Geboga cannot be manufactured.

But can the manufactured Geboga really defeat Herder?

This is a problem.

The reason for this question is mainly because Herder is not only the originator of the magician of the demon world, but also the real scientific boss of the demon world. As for whether he is the chief boss of the demon science world, I don’t I know, after all, I don’t know who has the higher scientific knowledge between her and the maker Luke, but it is certain that Herder’s scientific knowledge must be much better than Bakar.

After all, Bakar has not been able to create puppets that are highly similar to humans, but Herder, hundreds of millions of years ago, had already created puppets that are almost the same as humans like Alice. Not only gave her complete emotions, but also gave her the ability to resist.

And in some ways, Alice is superior to humans.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Alice is the future direction of human evolution.

Correspondingly, although Luke did not create a puppet that is very similar to humans, he has given life to the entire castle he lives in and all the mechanical bodies inside the castle. This life endows the life of a magician scholar. Endows the difference, the latter is to give life through the creation of soul, while the former is to allow the mechanical body to give birth to consciousness on its own.

Although the two ways of giving life are different, the process of giving is the same mysterious and extraordinary.

Here, I have to mention that although the Magic Scholar is able to create souls and give life to objects, the reason for being able to do all this to the extreme is because of the bloodline of the fairy fairy.

It is impossible for those top magical scholars who do not have the blood of the Mori fairy to create a soul that is close to perfect.

At best, they can create soul bodies that are close to human souls, but they cannot achieve the level of complete independent thinking and freedom of thinking.

However, these top-level magical scholars have a much better grasp of scientific knowledge than Bakar, but they are not as good as Helder. From this point of view, even if Geboga is manufactured and used on Helder , Shouldn't cause fatal damage to her.

After all, when a weapon acts on a person who knows it well, the effect it can produce is probably minimal.

Closer to home.

That night, I first sent someone to ask Salon if he would also come to the resident for dinner. After being rejected, I sent someone to send Salon some money to solve the dinner problem by himself. After that, I looked at the dragon people. The busy figure of the chef.

The draconic chefs are very good at knives, which may be closely related to the fact that they are all draconic warriors, but when they put the ingredients, the draconic chefs are not so skilled.

In other words, the dragon people have a different understanding of food than humans.

When the dragon chefs cook, they put a lot of ingredients. It can be said that they are used as ingredients for cooking.

I'm very curious, are the dishes with so many spices really delicious?

So he asked the dragon human commander for answers.

The commander said that the dragons have strong tastes. Salt and oil are the norm in the diet. If the ingredients are not enough, they will drink water and eat raw vegetables.

The dragon clan can bear it, but I don't know if I can also bear it. After all, humans have a very sensitive sense of taste...the same is probably true of the ancient fairy clan.

Sure enough, as I expected, the taste of dinner was too strong for me to swallow.

But the dragon people warriors eat very fragrantly. In order not to discourage them, I resisted the heavy flavor of the seasoning, and ate a whole bowl of food, and then the commander sitting aside was very considerate and ordered to subordinate. Give me a bowl full.

I am helpless.

After eating and drinking, strolling on the street, enjoying the night...not quiet.

Yes, the town tonight is not peaceful.

The adventurers are still indulging and reveling.

I don't know, I thought that they had completely contributed to the base camp of the invaders, or they had expelled all the invaders.

Those who know will understand that these adventurers are all venting the pressure brought about by the war.

But in fact, there are many solutions to catharsis of pressure, but many adventurers have chosen to vent pressure by venting their inner desires.

This is not to say that this method is not good, but that we are still in the war, and we really shouldn’t vent our energies in places that have nothing to do with the war.

Nourish your energy and reserve more energy, is the kingly way.

While strolling around without incident, the shoulder was slapped abruptly, and he turned his head to see that it was Heroes.

Heloise patted me on the shoulder and said, "I thought you would eat in a restaurant. I haven't seen you for a long time. Did you stay at home and drink with Seren?"

No wonder she always meets me during dinner. It was not a coincidence, but she was looking for me on purpose.

"Drank some wine, but not with Seren, but with the dragon warriors."

Heroes' complexion changed slightly and solemnly said: "Are they... okay?"

"Not good" I said: "Only one-fifth of the dragon warriors still have complete combat effectiveness."

"The next war, it's time for the adventurers to carry it on their own." Heloise sighed and said, "This group of stupid guys, not only don't know that they are determined to forge ahead, but they do it every day." I don’t want to be motivated, and I am stuck in custom shops and gambling shops."

"Everyone has their own ambitions" I comforted her: "I can't ask all adventurers to be strict with themselves."

"But when the next war is over, they will probably fall into unprecedented dignity and silence again," I guessed.

"Do you still need to think about it?" Heloise sneered: "But it's okay, so that they know that in the face of war, there is no fluke. Only if you have a firm heart and keep moving forward can you be qualified to survive."

"It's a bit too strict," I laughed: "I always think you are very suitable to be an instructor, you can correct the thinking of your members and guide them in a positive direction."

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