Just like what I said when chatting with Heroes, the next war that followed directly caused the army of the Demon Adventurer to be hit hard.

Fortunately, it is not fatal.

But the dragon army was wiped out.

Yes, I heard that right, the dragon people army, thousands of dragon people warriors, the whole army, is annihilated.

Each of them tried their best to fight, like a huge and deterrent giant human monster like a mobile fortress, to give adventurers in the devil world a chance to survive and fight back.

According to the words of Seren after the war, they completed the task of your majesty, and they are honorable.

Looking at the densely packed, dead dragon human remains, I was full of regret for not having another drink with the dragon human commander, but I could not feel any regret or sadness.

Because I know that they who died in the devil world will be resurrected in the land of the dragon clan.

Drinking with the Dragon Clan commander can only be put on the day when the Dragon Clan Ju clan moves to the Hefeng Continent.

The destruction of the dragon army not only left a great visual impact, a great psychological impact, but also a great panic for the adventurers of the devil world.

Because in the second half of the war, they lost the protection of the dragon army. The collision of human beings facing giant human monsters is almost like facing a stone egg.

Some people might say that there was a precedent for human adventurers against giants on the previous battlefield?

Why did the result of this collision still end tragically?

Is it possible that human adventurers are bigger and weaker?

No, not so.

Due to the joining of the mainstays of various organizations in the Demon Realm, the strength of this invader crusade army is far greater than that of the original crusade army that does not submit to discipline.

As for why the battle was so tragic and the results so tragic?

It is because the number of giant human monsters participating in the battle has gradually changed from a few to an entire army of giant human monsters.

The sudden increase in numbers has greatly increased the difficulty of confrontation.

This is why the dragon army has clearly increased several times, but it will still be wiped out in successive wars.

That night, the hustle and bustle of the town was still there, but the hustle and bustle was a bit weaker.

I was very satisfied and walked side by side with Heroes on the night avenue. While chatting, I looked around to observe the business situation of the custom shop and the casino.

The demise of the dragon warriors made many adventurers repent, and realized that the reason why they were able to win beautiful battles at a small cost was entirely due to the strong shield of the dragon army.

Now, the shield is broken, and they don't know when the next batch of dragon army will come, and they don't even know if there will be another batch of dragon army.

The dignified atmosphere slowly descended, descending among many adventurers, but it still did not affect the relaxed mood of those adventurers who wandered around the gambling houses and custom shops.

Perhaps these adventurers have completely given up, or this group of adventurers simply think that this decompression method is very good and effective.

In short, they still indulged in this life of drunken life and death until three days later.

On the battlefield, the two armies confronted each other, missing some familiar figures.

The dragon warriors, or the dragon army, did not stand among them.

Until then, a part of the adventurers who were always in a state of drunkenness and dreams suddenly woke up, and asked around, even loudly asking, where is the dragon warrior?

At least half of the adventurers chose to be silent, and only a few adventurers told them that the dragon warriors had been wiped out in the last war.

In shock, a small group of adventurers retreated.

However, under the threat of the inspector team's butcher knife, he had to hold on to his weapon, bite the bullet, and continue to challenge.

"These stupid ants are still quite interesting." Ozma held on to the wall, smiling brightly and coldly: "I only discovered the fact that the dragon army was wiped out. I thought they had discovered it long ago."

"Not every adventurer has the qualifications to become an adventurer," Michelle said solemnly.

"Forgetting comrades in arms is tantamount to betrayal."

Casillas said coldly.

While speaking, the hand holding the handle of the knife trembled slightly, as if in the next second, the knife would go out of its sheath and cut off the heads of adventurers who didn't care about their teammates.

"The weak are equally eligible to be remembered, but stupid ants will only be erased by time."

Prey also said coldly.

Only Herder did not speak.

Maybe she also feels guilty for the behavior that has cheated her partner...

Maybe she is really just observing the battle...

Maybe she is still planning something unknown...

I can only see that her gaze at the moment is very deep.

The battle is about to start.

Many adventurers who were full of confidence a moment ago collapsed as soon as the two sides first came into contact.

Having lost the protection of the dragon people, facing the menacing giant human monsters, most adventurers can only evade attacks by dodge, while creating sneak attacks and causing damage to the giant monsters.

But the problem is that this is a battlefield. There are not only giant monsters. You can avoid the giant monsters' attacks. The reason is that although the giant monsters' attacks are heavy, they seem a little clumsy, but they can’t avoid the quick cats. Type monsters, as well as agile humanoid monsters.

The death of a group of adventurers made it clear to other adventurers on the battlefield that the dragon army is no longer there, and it is themselves who will face this group of terrifying giant monsters and the huge army of invaders!

In desperation, they fought back and fought desperately, finally reluctantly pulling the battle back to a state that seemed barely a tie.

When the war was over and the number was counted, the adventurers who counted the number of dead were silent.

The number of adventurers killed in this battle has reached a quarter of the total number of adventurers, which is a huge loss.

That night, the custom shops and gambling shops were deserted, while the pubs and a series of places where you can use alcohol to dissipate their sorrows were very hot. However, the store managers and waiters in these places were very careful, for fear of making mistakes. In a word, it caused the adventurers' displeasure, and then smashed their shop.

Still walking side by side with Heroes on the street, I indifferently watched some of the adventurers who were lonely and drunk in the tavern secretly in the tavern who went in and out of custom shops and gambling houses on weekdays indifferently, and did not hold them. Any sympathy.

"Today's battle killed many adventurers."

Finally, Heloise spoke first, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yes" I said, "It is true that many adventurers were killed, but this was not unexpected, did it?"

Heloise looked at me in surprise, blinked, and said in doubt: "Today you seem to be extremely cold-blooded."

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