The night is full and the cool breeze blows.

As I walked side by side with Heroes on the street, I looked at the slightly deserted gambling houses and custom shops, as well as the pubs and restaurants where the business was more popular than in the past. I remembered that a few days ago, the dragon warrior was broken. Most of the scenes where human adventurers are celebrating because of the small loss, can't help but show coldness in their eyes.

"In fact, I still have a good impression of Xilan, at least in terms of life, Xilan is very good."

"Why mention him?" Heloise was a little displeased: "The mediocre mediocre who only knows about drinking, drinking, and drinking all the time, who does not seek to be motivated, is there anything worthy of your favor for him? And what is it worth? Do you praise?"

"It's his habit to drink alcohol. This is sometimes good and bad. I don't comment, but he cherishes his friend this point, but he can win my favor."

After a pause, I said again: "It is not ruled out that he is suspected of drinking alcohol, but at the memorial service held in a small area of ​​the dragon people warrior, Xilan attended in his own name, and I heard that he was The expression is solemn, and the eyes are slightly sad."

"The eyes are the window of the soul. If you want to conceal something, some people may show false expressions, but the eyes cannot be concealed. Moreover, the dragon people have keen insight and can detect the most visible expression in their eyes. Real feelings, besides, Xilan is not a qualified acting school, so I don’t think he is acting."

"Since he is not acting, it means that he is really sad, saddened by the passing of his companion."

"What you see is only the scene of Xilan's usual excessive drinking, but he hasn't noticed what he has hidden in his heart, his feelings for his companions and his comrades in arms."

"He... he is just addicted to alcohol..."

Heloise wanted to refute, but suddenly realized that she had nothing to say.

Perhaps she really didn't know much about Xilan, especially about his emotional issues, and her understanding was very limited.

"Xilan may not be a good leader, but he is a good companion and comrade-in-arm who deserves to be entrusted to him."

Heroes lowered her head, pondered for a long time, then raised her head and nodded slowly.

"Compared with Xilan, because the number of human damages is very small, this group of people celebrated with each other day and night. They went to gambling shops and custom shops. They stayed for a whole night, but they never noticed the dragon people who silently paid for them. Warrior adventurers, even if they are all killed in battle, I will not have even a little regret."

"People who don't move and cherish the fruits of other people's labor are not worthy of being rare.

Finally, I said this summary coldly.

"But they are human after all, the same race as you."

"Sorry" Tan Tanshou, I said: "I am a human from the Hefeng Continent, not a human from the Demon Realm, and this group of guys who don't know how to cherish their companions, in our place, generally don't call them humans, but scumbags. "

Heroes' complexion was complex, and she wanted to stop talking. After a while, she resolutely changed the direction of the topic: "When will the next batch of dragon reinforcements arrive?"

"I don't know the exact time," I said: "It looks like I have to wait a while."

"Can't it be faster?" Heloise complained. Then, she looked at me with expectation in her eyes: "I heard that you have a very close relationship with the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar. Can you please do it for me? Master Tyrannosaurus Bakar?"

"Also urge?" I said with a faint smile: "Do you regard me as the lord of the dragon clan?"

"If I really have that ability, I still need to stand on the wall all day, holding on to the battlements and watching these adventurers fight on the battlefield?" Hehe smiled, I said: "Stop making trouble, OK?"

"I just said that." Heloise was a little wronged, and said: "After all, this is related to human safety."

"I know that you care about humans, and Bakar also cares about the dragons. If you compare it, in fact, your concern and Bakar's care are not on the same level. Although you care about humans, you care more about the members of the Oath Guardian organization. But Bakar is different. He is the real dragon master. The dragons he cares about are all dragons."

"Especially after learning the news that the dragon army was annihilated, he had to be more cautious. He couldn't always sacrifice his family members endlessly for the sake of mere humanity. No one can agree to this matter. what."

Heloise looked at me aggrievedly, lowered her head and meditated for a moment, and then asked: "I heard that you have a good position in the Hefeng Continent."

"My position has been deprived" with a sigh, and I said: "Just before coming to the Demon World, I was kidnapped by a very powerful organization by morality, and I had to retire from all positions."

"But you have a very good relationship with the dragon clan, and there are also giant dragons living with you, there are giant dragons, I don’t believe you will have no actual status with you" Heloise said seriously: "If you In the same situation, if you switch from your planet to the Demon Realm, the six major organizations will definitely compete for you."

"The six major organizations of the Demon Realm may indeed be like this." I nodded, agreed, and then retorted: "But unlike the Wind Continent, after all, the actual control of each town in the Demon Realm belongs to the six major organizations, and my planet Different, the actual control there belongs to the major royal families, nobles, and an organization called National Power."

"National power?" Heloise said: "This name is very powerful when you hear it. Shouldn't they really have power comparable to a country?"

"Although it is a little misnomer, I have to admit that national power controls the most powerful group of adventurers in a country. Even in certain countries, the strength of national power organizations means the strongest power under imperial power."

"Under the imperial power?" Heloise's eyes lit up slightly, and said: "What about the imperial power?"

"That's the power of nature, this part of ordinary humans can't reach it."

"That is to say, imperial power is the most powerful force among the forces that humans can touch, right?"

"Yes" I said.

After hearing this, Heloise was a little regretful: "If you can mobilize the strong from you, remember it."

"Don't think about it," I bluntly refused: "This is impossible. Even if the people around me agree, I won't agree."

"Why?" Heloise was stunned, and her complicated eyes were full of weirdness, as if I would definitely agree to her idea.

"Think about it is impossible," I said: "That is the adventurer of the Hefeng Continent. It is my trump card. Especially when the Hefeng Continent is in a national war, any disturbance may cause a country to suffer. Seriously, I will not be able to transfer my people."

"What about the demon world?" Heloise asked eagerly.

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