According to Odachi, even if I personally visit, I will only get the right to stay with the strong. As for martial arts novels, if you just point it at random, it’s a great achievement. It is an unrealistic fantasy.

I believe Odachi’s remarks are from my sincerity, but I still want to try it. After all, worshiping the strong is human nature. The so-called doing everything and obeying the destiny, I only need to do what I should do, and whether the strong is willing to teach Me, it means.

If I am willing to teach, I am naturally grateful, and I refuse to teach, and there is nothing wrong with it. At most, I can make friends. If the other party refuses to make friends with me, it does not matter. I have the right to take it as a trip.

If the other party not only refuses to teach, refuses to hand over, but also has to fight with me, it is not bad, as it is an exciting trip to hunting monsters in a dangerous place.

Right now, the most important thing is that Odachi said that I don't trust my heart.

Since Odachi can say this, it is naturally not aimless. That is to say, I accidentally thought of some ideas that restrict my fighting will, and invisibly hit my own confidence.

So, what will affect my self-confidence?

Is it true, as Odachi said, because I admire the mastery of the Casillas sword?

Just when I was puzzled, Odachi's voice came into my mind again: "I don't understand the idea of ​​worshiping the strong, but I can be sure that it is definitely not for this reason."

Later, it continued to boast: "My former master also worshipped the strong for a long time. However, unlike you, he did not affect his will, but continued to grow stronger. You know what it is. The reason?"

Because Casillas's moves were so fierce, I was already overwhelmed, and I had no time to think anymore, so I asked casually: "What's the reason?"

"Because although he admires the strong, but the Taoist heart does not change, he still keeps moving forward," Taitadao said: "So, it is not to let you worship the strong, but to let you go on the basis of a strong Tao heart. Worship the strong."

"You said my heart is unstable?"

Troubled by this sentence, I couldn't help falling into a brief silence and self-doubt.

Involuntarily, my sword technique slowed down a lot again, and Casillas's fierce offensive also followed, leaving several wounds of different depths throughout my body.

Fortunately, my body is strong enough. Even Casillas’ blade can hardly cause substantial damage to me until it is not mixed with absolute killing intent or awakening power. Therefore, the slashing slashed. It just caused me serious skin injuries.

"Is that no good?" Casillas' dull voice sounded, with three-point teasing in his tone: "I thought you could hold on longer."

I sighed with a trace of embarrassment, and said, "Sorry, sorry, your attack was too gentle just now, I almost fell asleep."

"Tender?" Casillas grinned: "Huh, it seems to be, in that case, I should be more serious, so that your lazy mind will be sober."

After saying this, his momentum climbed again, his speed increased again, and his strength increased.

In the face of the dazzling attack, I couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat: I had a cat, I knew I would not be strong.

But what has been said, is there any reason to come back again?

He had to grit his teeth, a smirk from the corner of his mouth, brandishing a demon sword, and heading up.

The collision of Dao Gang and Dao Gang made a dull sound.

The collision of the blade and the blade blasted the sound of gold and iron.

Casillas was very satisfied with my reaction, but was dissatisfied with the state of my coping, so he opened his mouth wide and sneered: "Is it so good to speak, but I only have this ability? I am disappointed."

"Hey, hey, the swordsman that I know is not a scorn," I sneered: "Or, you didn't cultivate the sword from the beginning, but nag?"

Casillas heard the words and continued to grin: "See how long you can hold on!"

After speaking, once again speed up the knife speed and strength.

I finally couldn't help it, but at the same time, I also found the words that questioned my Dao Xin mentioned by Odachi-Casillas is probably the limit that ordinary human swords can reach.

Yes, that's it.

According to Odachi's words, the sword path is endless, and there is no limit at all.

All the guys who proposed the limit of the knife path are looking for excuses for not seeking for themselves.

The world is so miraculous, one word can kill people, and one word can save people.

After listening to Odachi's words, I felt like a divine enlightenment, and instantly realized a lot of things in my mind. As for how to understand all those things, it was trivial.

Because of enlightenment, the so-called Dao Xin Dao Intent has been stabilized again.

I stabilized Dao Xin's sword intent, and my sword technique became sharp and decisive again.

Facing the fierce sword technique that blessed the killing intent and the power of the goblin, Casillas smiled, still grinning, but this time the grinning looked less pervasive.

Because he was enjoying the joy of fighting that I brought him.

Speaking of it, my knife skills are not inferior to Casillas, on the one hand because of my own knife skills, and on the other hand, because of the knife skills Xi Lan taught me.

In fact, Xilan's sword technique is very subtle. The reason why he is not Casillas's opponent is just because his hard power is not enough.

If Xi Lan can possess the blood of the apostle, or the blood of the Mori fairy, with his learning ability and talent knowledge, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses Casillas.

The collision of the knife and the knife, the sparks and sounds that burst out constantly, seemed to be playing a small symphony ball.

There are only two protagonists in the party, Casillas and I. The swift speed is our dance step, the sharp knife is our dance posture, the wounds added from time to time and the bleeding blood is the gorgeous neon color of the stage. light.

With the continuous collision of the swords and guns, the dance party has gradually become better and more frenzy.

The aura and killing intent that we both erupted constantly swept the ground outside the city. The ground that was almost bald because of the collision aura, this time directly turned into a pit more than half a meter deep.

And along with the aura that erupted during our fight, this already sunken ground gradually began to crack.

Seams spread one after another, like glass shattered by bullets.

However, the terrible conditions on the ground did not affect our fighting state. On the contrary, because of the constant collision of aura and killing intent, we gradually fell into an excited fighting state.

My heart was surging, and my eyes were indescribably excited, and Casillas’ eyes met with Casillas because I enjoyed the battle so much that I was obsessed with the battle, and my mind was instantly understood.

So one pulled away, and we each stepped back a few meters.

Not far away, Ozma's applause and cheers sounded: "Wonderful, really wonderful battle, I..."

However, the words are not finished, and the mutation regenerates.

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