It separates at the touch of a touch, living on both sides, not a sign of a truce between me and Casillas, but a sign of our two going all out.

I was angry and excited. I didn't do what he wanted, and directly released all the power of the fairy that can be mobilized in my body.

In an instant, the gusty wind was blowing and the whistling ceaselessly, with me as the center, within a radius of more than ten meters, the earth cracked, and the rubble collapsed.

At the same time, a few meters away from me, Casillas also released the power of awakening from time to time.

The power of his awakening is far less effective than the power of the goblin. After all, one is a power that only acts on individuals, while the other is a power that can move the world.

Even if it didn't arouse the vision of heaven and earth, the oppressive feeling he released from the power of awakening was hard to describe in words.

When the two auras collided again, I seemed to hear the ground crying and the city wall exclaiming.

Yu Guang glanced at it, the originally towering, solid and golden city wall, in an instant, there were cracks-it was that Ozma's enchantment was shattered and shattered at the moment of collision.

But I didn't care about the city wall at all. There was only one thought in my heart, which is exactly what I said: "Come on, let's have a good fight!"

"This is exactly what I want to say!" Casillas's eyes were excited to the extreme: "Come on, fight, let me be happy!"

The second battle broke out immediately.

At the moment I rushed towards each other, I did not hesitate to draw out the Odachi, stand side by side with both swords, and slashed straight at Casillas.

Casillas is also unambiguous, and the other knife on his waist is also directly out of the sheath, turning into a streamer, facing the big sword that came from the chopping.

When the two knives collided, they made a sharp sound, and at the same time, they also burst out numerous broken knives.

The blades are as sharp as the blade, but more terrifying than the blade. They are invisible flying knives, wherever they go, the vegetation is broken, and the sand is broken.

At the first collision, I heard Ozma's exclamation not far away.

But I was not in the mood to pay attention to him, because fighting was happening.

Similarly, Casillas turned a deaf ear to Ozma's exclamation.

He also fought against me with a feverish look, and he didn't even have time to say ridicules to stimulate the battle.

At this moment, he just wanted to enjoy the joy of fighting.

The two of us who were immersed in the joy of fighting, forgot the world, forgot to take the time, and forgot everything, until-"Enough, you two stop me!"

A figure forced into the battlefield.

However, I, who was immersed in the joy of fighting, didn't recognize the person who came. I only felt that the other party was too rude, so I waved a knife and used the back of the knife as a blade to slash the person.

Opposite, Casillas reacted the same as me, but his sword went faster and more ferocious.

The two swords hit the target at the same time, only hearing a muffled sound, and the person in the middle was knocked out without any resistance.

Subsequently, Casillas and I were in a fierce battle again.

The knife and the knife just collided several times, and suddenly, a transparent magical barrier rose out of thin air and stopped between us.

Without thinking about it, he slashed with a knife, and blasted the barrier to pieces with one blow.

Then he fought again.

Just as we both struggled to fight a stalemate, two existences with extremely strong auras came straight to Casillas and me at an extremely fast speed.

In the next second, I felt a strong force, pressing directly on my arm.

At the same time, a familiar voice rang in his ear: "Enough, stop!"

This voice, and this force, made my mind a little clearer, and when I looked sideways, it turned out to be Saint Michel.

At the same time, there was a person who landed beside Casillas. That person had a bird-headed body and a very powerful aura. It was Tianjiao Pule.

"Is there enough trouble?" A cold voice came from not far away.

Turning his head and looking at it, it was Helder with his arms in his arms and a cold expression on his face.

At the same time, my gaze habitually crossed Herder and looked behind her. Then, to my horror, I discovered that even a small town with the city walls was turned into ruins!

Fortunately, it is not a residential area, otherwise the damage will definitely be heavy.

I couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, and my eyes drifted towards the empty space on the other side.

"It's really disappointing" Casillas said in a slightly hoarse voice: "It's rare that a hearty battle was interrupted."

"If you don't interrupt, this town will be the first to be turned into ruins." Ozma's weird tone came from not far away, and when he looked up, he found that his clothes had many more holes, which seemed to be broken. Simple outside.

"You are an apostle, you should understand the meaning of the demon world" Herder first said to Casillas: "You have to remember that only here can all your wishes be satisfied."

"Humph" Casillas snorted disdainfully.

Then Herder turned to me again, but didn't say much, just squinted, then stopped talking, turned and left.

"From the battle to stop Isis, I can see that you, like Casillas, are fighting freaks. I only blamed me for ignoring this."

Prey said with guilt and self-blame.

"It has nothing to do with you" I first spoke out and persuaded: "It's just ordinary adventurers in the demon world who fight to live and die, but we can only stand on the tower and watch. It is really torturing me and the fighting madness, so we have today. This battle."

Prey sighed slightly, and then he looked at me again and said, "But it seems that your strength has been greatly improved. Are you able to compete with Casillas evenly?"

"No, not yet" I shook my head, and said: "Casillas is worthy of being the number one swordsman in the Demon Realm. The distance between me and him is still far away. The reason why I was able to act like evenly matched this time, It's purely because of my tricks."

"Take a trick?" Prey was taken aback, then smiled and shook his head, and said: "It doesn't matter whether it is tricked or hard power. In short, being able to fight evenly matched is enough to prove that your strength has reached the level of an apostle, congratulations.

After that, I shook hands with Prey, and shook hands with Michelle who was joining in the fun.

As for Casillas and Ozma, they didn't shake hands with me.

One turned back to the town, the other took the bamboo tube, poured his saliva, and strode towards the town.

When Ozma left, the eyes of Casillas and I were very dissatisfied, and even faintly resentful.

When Casillas left, he did not show any dissatisfaction with anyone, but only a deep regret.

He regretted that this hearty battle could not be finished.

And I am looking forward to the next hearty battle that I don't know when.

So when he strode back to the city, he wiped the lower blade and glanced at my shadow reflected on the blade by the reflection of light.

His eyes were full of war spirits.

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