One is still wanting to compete, the other is to give up resistance altogether, and the two are compared, and the judgement is reached.

This has increased my curiosity about the catastrophe that ended the ancient times.

You know, the apostle is said to have fought against the great will, that is, Beyana, the **** of creation, the soul trustee after the death.

To be more precise, it is a collection of will and strength inherited from Beyana.

In terms of strength, they may be inferior to Beyana, but in terms of will, they are worthy of Beyana.

Take Tyrannosaurus King Bakar as an example. When facing the first apostle who could almost kill himself in seconds, between life and death, and after escaping because of the protection of the rules, his will was always indomitable and resisting. It is precisely because of this that Bakar believes that he can compete with the first apostle.

In the face of the elders of the fairy clan, this unyielding and tenacious will actually compromised and confessed...I don’t think this is a performance of Bakar’s fear of a powerful enemy, because after that, Bakar He also kept making requests for alliances between the two ancient races, and hoped that the two races could send their subordinates to the Sky City.

This is not the kind of psychology that a counselor should have. It can only be said that Bakar’s will determines that the elders of the goblin clan are not in the same dimension as himself, but Bakar’s unyielding makes him find ways to get along with the two ancient races. Even if in the end, only the Fairy Clan sent two juniors to settle in the Sky City, which is also a kind of spiritual comfort to Bakar.

But the solace is nothing more than that. If he wants to fight for a further alliance, Bakar should also know that this is not a fight for rights, but an inch.

However, such a group of strong men disappeared collectively after the disaster.

I don't know how many people among them lost their lives because of the disaster, but I know that there must be people alive.

After all, if the two ancient races were dead, how did I get born? How was Lizi born?

But why, after giving birth to us, we abandon us?

Is there a difficulty in speechlessness? Or did it deliberately? Or what other reason?

Does it have anything to do with the catastrophe that nearly destroyed all living creatures in the world?

A series of doubts formed in my mind.

"Saron, did you really feel nothing when the disaster came?"

"What disaster?" Salen looked confused.

"It's the catastrophe that ended the ancient times."

"I don't know" Sairen said: "It doesn't feel at all. I said you were stupid? When that catastrophe happened, I had followed the entire sky city and fell into the deep sea."

"Fell into the deep sea...Yes, if not, how can you avoid the catastrophe?"

"How unbearable do you describe me?" Salon barked his teeth in dissatisfaction, but did not continue to refute.

How could a mere pterosaur be able to withstand the catastrophe that caused the collective disappearance of the two ancient races?

After that, our topic stopped here and started other topics that were not nutritious.

A day later, the war started again.

There are still cat-shaped monsters, human-shaped monsters, giant monsters and boar monsters, but the number is several times higher than before.

"It's another hard fight," I murmured.

"This is war" Prey responded calmly: "Testing, contesting and killing are the most common elements in war."

"I don't know how long this state will last."

"For a long time" Herder put his slender hands on the battlements and said slowly: "As long as they haven't tested each other's bottom line, similar contests will not stop."

"That's really bad," I said, then after thinking about it, I said again: "Since I can't tell the difference in a short time, then I will go back first."

"Go back?" Prey said puzzledly: "Where to go back?"

"Hefeng continent."

He pondered a little, and nodded: "Also, if necessary, I hope you can come as soon as possible."

"This is natural" I said: "After all, everyone has a common enemy, right?"

"When are you going to leave?" Michelle asked aside.

"Tomorrow" I said: "Do you want to go back to Hefeng Mainland to see?"

"No." Michelle shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness."

"The priesthood church no longer exists. Why should he go back? Rebuild the priesthood church?"

On the side, Ozma sneered. Then he looked at me and said, "But I really want to go back to the Hefeng Continent to take a look. I believe there will be my followers there."

"Sorry, I don't want to take you back."

With an expressionless face, I rejected him in a calm tone.

"You are discrimination" Ozma said with an angry face: "It is a great insult to me!"

"Come on, Ozma" Michelle directly broke his disguise: "If you really would get angry because of this little thing, you would have no place in the demon world."

"Cut" Ozma's true appearance was exposed, with a mocking expression on his face, and said: "Is it really interesting to break the disguise of others? Because of this, you have so few believers in the demon world."

"I don't need any believers" Michelle said: "I just want to uphold justice and believe in the Holy Light."

"What can I believe in the Holy Light?" Ozma sneered: "That's just a little reward of great will. Do you really take this seriously?"

"You are too absurd, Ozma" Michelle righteously said: "Holy light is the Lord's blessing to equal sentient beings. It is our consistent faith and mission, and it is an unquestionable truth!"

"Alright, alright" Ozma waved his hand disdainfully, and said, "Don't continue your useless sermons here. Everyone is not weak, and there is no loss of soul, and no spiritual flavoring is needed."

"Ozma, you are blaspheming the great will!"

"I didn't blaspheme a great will, and what if I blasphemed him?" Ozma disdainfully said, "He never shows up when I need it. If he really has great power, why believe in him? Those who are always the weak without hope and the nobles whose desires are hard to fill, but never the strong with real great power?"

"That's because the weak need him to increase the power of belief. As for the nobles, as you said, they are really hard to fill, but for this reason, the great will has an even more irrepressible attraction to them, but- —" Michelle solemnly said: "The existence of the Holy Light is not just to fill the ditch of desire, but to guide the confused human beings..."

"That's why I hate you!" Ozma said: "Why can you be the light that guides the way and guide the way for mankind? The direction of mankind has never been guided by anyone, nor the so-called holy light. Human beings have their own thoughts, wills, and emotions, so why must they follow the guidance of the Holy Light and abandon negative, angry, and vengeful emotions?"

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