Ozma’s words sound very reasonable, but I know more clearly that he is trying to induce everyone present, or that he is trying to induce me, let me abandon all the shackles from my thoughts to my heart, and liberate my nature. , Follow nature.

But the question is, does it have to be right to follow nature?

Hate, do you have to kill it?

Does love have to be possessed?

Do you have to shrink back if you are afraid?

The nature is straightforward and simple, it does not have any twists and turns.

The final result of obedience to one's nature is either to become a reckless man who behaves badly, or to conceal his heart in order to be able to show his nature more freely and force himself into the path of a pretender.

I am not a pretender, nor do I want to be a pretender, let alone a lawless brat.

I have partners worthy of life, trustworthy friends, lovers who love each other, and tens of thousands of supporters who regard me as the most respected person.

I may have been betrayed before, but now, my family, my friends, and my supporters, they all trust me unconditionally and firmly.

I can't let them down to liberate my heart.

As long as it exists in the world, it is always bound by rules, even if it liberates more of the original mind, it will still be the same.

Even the creator of the pretender and the biggest boss, Ozma, the **** of chaos, couldn't get rid of the constraints of the rules. What qualifications did he have to induce others to do the same?

Having figured this out, when I looked at Ozma again, there was a hint of joking in my eyes.

Ozma didn't seem to notice the change in my eyes, and continued to argue with Michelle.

But Michelle noticed the change in my eyes, and his solemn expression was slightly relieved.

While Ozma and Michelle were arguing endlessly, I followed the other apostles, left the city and returned to their respective residences to rest.

In the evening, when I was strolling down the street, I was blocked by a tall figure.

He has a lavender skin, a strong figure, a very tall man, and an amazing power.

He is the Conqueror Casillas.

"I remember that at this time, you should be practicing knife in the mansion."

Casillas stared at me, and asked, "I heard that there are many strong men in Hefeng Continent, is that right?"

"Yes" I said: "But as far as I know, no one-on-one can beat you."

"You don't know, it doesn't mean there is no." Casillas said blankly: "Take me to the Hefeng Continent."

"If you won't mess around."

"As long as you can fight the strong, nothing is a problem."

Casillas's words are quite reliable, so I nodded and agreed.

Bought dinner and went home to eat with Salem.

Seeing that he was in good spirits, I told him about today's plan.

After hearing this, Seren was slightly silent, but immediately agreed to my plan and said that he would collect information during this period.

Due to the collection of information, I couldn't take Seren back, so I asked him if he wanted me to take him back.

Salen said, give Xiao Xiang more bones, because he owed it before he left.

I gave Salen a white look, indicating that you will do it yourself.

After all, it's not a farewell to life and death. When I pick you up from the devil next time, you can find a way to repay Xiaozhi.

Then I said that by that time, maybe one fleshy bone will not be able to repay the debts owed cleanly, so I have to get a few more.

Seren showed a distressed expression.

The next morning, outside the city, I waited for Casillas, but to my surprise, neither Ozma nor Michel came. Did they both give up returning to the Hefeng Continent?

But since they didn't come, I didn't wait anymore, and directly casted teleportation magic to teleport me and Casillas back to the Hefeng Continent.

Due to the setting of the teleportation point, we did not land immediately, but went straight back to Fort Witch, and happened to ran into the moat team on duty.

"Yo~" waved his hand and said hello.

"His Royal Highness!"

Someone in the defensive team exclaimed.

Afterwards, they ran towards me in disorderly steps, saluted me one by one, saying hello, ignoring Casillas standing by.

Casillas didn't care about it either, holding the knife in one hand, and naturally hanging down the other, looking around.

The scenery of Fort Witch is far less than Moonlight City, but it is much better than Devildom.

Looking around for a moment, Casillas took a deep breath and said slowly: "It's a nice place."

"His Majesty, did you just come back?" The guards still ignored Casillas, but instead focused their eyes on my face and asked excitedly: "Master Dewey and the two majesty miss you very much, especially Master Dewey, I'm talking about you almost every day."

"I see." Smiling at them, I said, "How are the foster father and the two uncles?"

"Master Dewey and the two majesty are very good. Recently they are studying the subject together with the maker Luke."

"What subject do they need to study together?" I was surprised.

"It is said to reproduce the technology of the Celestial Clan," the captain said.

"That's really hard for them." I smiled and said: "The technology has been lost for hundreds of millions of years."

"But it's much easier than reproducing the science and technology left by the two ancient races," the captain said: "I heard from my uncle that even Master Dewey could not reproduce the science and technology of the two ancient races. One."

"It's hard to imagine how high the technological level of the two ancient races has been?"

The captain of the fortress said with eyes full of longing.

"Anyway, don't worry about this, come, I will introduce you to..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt an indescribable pressure coming from his side. He turned his head abruptly and saw that Casillas was holding the handle of the knife in his forehand, looking dignified into the distance.

Looking along his line of sight, I saw a familiar figure.

It's him!

It turned out to be him!

His name is Tiexu, he is not too tall, and his slightly thin body makes him look unremarkable.

But the huge sword that accompanies him has given everyone an unforgettable impression.

He had tried my tricks when I just broke through the tenth level, and he had discussed with me, and he had taught me a bit of knife skills.

Not all adventurers who use knives have the honor to teach me, but he is an exception.

He is a member of the guard group sent by Master Dewey to the two majesty's sides, and a warrior who is used to great swords.

Few people in Fort Witch knew him, but any adventurer who knew him had only one name for him-Juggernaut.

"Your Highness."

Dragging the iron beard of the great sword, slowly came to me, bowed.

"Hurry up, please" I hurriedly lifted the iron beard, and asked curiously: "Why are you here?"

"I noticed a strong breath coming to Fort Witchie. I was worried about enemies, so I came out to check it out."

As he spoke, he raised his head, looked at Casillas calmly, and said lightly: "Is this your friend?"

"Yes" I nodded and said, "His name is Casillas, an apostle."

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