Ironbeard raised his head and looked at Casilla quietly, his body was not a bit dignified, but Casillas's expression became more solemn.

After a long while, Casillas smiled grimly, and pulled out the knife with both hands at the same time.

The sound of the blade rubbing against the scabbard is like a sharp blade, constantly cutting our nerves.

When I heard this voice, even I felt a little frightened, not to mention those members of the guard team who were not as strong as me.

But what surprised Casillas was that when he heard the sound of the sharp blade being unsheathed, the devil’s reaction was panic, panic, helplessness, and complete loss of the will to fight. However, unlike the adventurers of the wind continent, they are the same. Feeling horrified, they clenched their weapons one by one, ready to fight back at any time.

"Excellent fighting spirit!" Casillas praised.

"Please don't intimidate my younger generations" Tetsugou came to my side with a few steps, and together with me blocked the strong fighting and killing intent from Casillas, and gave the adventurers behind him a respite.

Then, he turned to me and asked respectfully: "His Royal Highness, please let your friends converge a bit. It is difficult for my juniors to resist his hostility."

I nodded, turned to the master, and said, "Casillas, please curb your killing intent. This is not a demon world. It is easy to make enemies."

"Make enemies? I am not afraid of the strong, and naturally I am not afraid of more enemies!" Casillas said proudly.

"What's going on? Ironbeard?" A rough voice sounded from a distance, looking up, he was a man with five short stature but quite magnificent. Although I don't know the name, he is the same as Ironbeard. Master Dewey dispatched to two powerful men who acted as bodyguards.

The man came to the front, first knelt on one knee, saluted me, and said: "Your Highness."

I hurriedly helped him up, and the man said: "I just felt two unusually powerful auras, one of which is still very familiar, so I came out on purpose. If I come out this time, I will meet your Highness. Up!"

He patted me on the back happily and asked, "When did you come back, Your Highness?"

Then he turned to Casillas and asked: "Also, who is that person, so good-for-nothing?"

"His name is Casillas. He is an apostle from the devil world and my friend."

"Apostle?" The man scratched his head and said with interest: "Is it the same as Luke?"


"But the aura seems to be a lot stronger than Luke, you deserve to be His Royal Highness, every friend has something extraordinary."


As soon as the voice fell, another female voice sounded. Although it sounded quite gentle, there were also layers of magic waves that accompanied the voice.

"Is it Xiaoyi? The return was really sudden, and I didn't take the lead in informing Master Dewey and the two sires. Those three were very worried."

Along with the transmission of the sound, the waves of magic seemed to be real, and Casillas' forehead was shocked by cold sweat.

The visitor was not someone else, it was the only dwarf magician sent by Master Dewey to protect the two majesty, and one of the strongest magicians in the Hefeng Continent.

As mentioned in the rumors, dwarves rarely show magicians, but as long as magicians appear, their magic talents must be scary.

At the same time, this woman, who possesses both the power of the dwarf bloodline and the unparalleled magic talent, can be described as one of the ultimate representatives of the dual cultivation of material and law in the Hefeng Continent.

In addition to the horrifying magic, she also mastered a warhammer attack, and this warhammer attack is still a family secret bestowed by the president of the steel hammer.

Don't think that the strength of President Steel Hammer is only an intermediate level of national strength, and his family heirloom method is equally impractical.

In fact, the ancestor of President Steelhammer was one of the strongest dwarf families who had held several dwarven guild president positions, and led the dwarven guild to participate in several national wars, and carried forward the dwarf guild's sordid reputation.

The father of Simmons Locke, the lord of York City, was nearly killed by the hammer of the father of President Steel Hammer.

You know, the monarch of York Seoul has always been the strong choice, Simmons Locke himself is a strong national power level, not to mention his father who is stronger than him.

And the situation at that time was like this: in the midst of tens of thousands of troops, and there were more than a dozen former monarchs of York Seoul who were known as the strongest adventurers in York and Seoul, they were intercepted by the dwarf guild on the road to crusade against Darcy. .

The former president of the Dwarven Guild, who led hundreds of elite adventurers of the Dwarf Guild, commanded hundreds of elite dwarves, like a sharp knife, and cut tens of thousands of army in half in one charge. , Directly stab the former monarch of York Seoul.

The direct result was that the York Seoul army was defeated. A dozen or so called York Seoul’s strongest adventurers suffered heavy losses. Fewer than five escaped alive. The former monarch of York Seoul was almost beaten to death by the former president of the Dwarf Guild.

After the former monarch, who had nearly escaped, fled back to York City, he fell ill and healed a long time later.

This war directly affected York Seoul’s follow-up battle plan, and raised the evaluation of the combat effectiveness of the Dwarf Guild and Fort Witch, which has the Dwarf Guild, to a very high level.

The former president of the Dwarf Guild used his own force to beat all the strong men in York and Seoul to most of the casualties, not because these strong men did not live up to their names, but because of their different training systems and the warhammer skills of the President of the Hammer family. To.

According to rumors, the hammering method of the president of the steel hammer was derived from a fragmented hammering method, and this fragmented hammering method seems to be inherited from two ancient races.

Closer to home.

When the woman's sturdy figure appeared in front of us, Casillas swallowed subconsciously.

I smiled and greeted the woman, then turned my head again and looked at Casillas: "What did you just say?"

"I... eager to fight the strong."

I scratched my head and said in doubt: "You just mentioned something like ‘making enemies’..."

"No, no," Casillas slowly shook his head, and then clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, and said fiercely: "Please enlighten me, three of you."

"Are we three together?" the man said curiously with a loud voice.

"Or... come one by one."

"I'll do it," the woman said calmly.

"He should be a physical attack type adventurer," the man said: "It is unfair to give it to you."

"I'll do it," Tiesu said, "I am an adventurer of the Ghost Swordsman profession. If I am not defeated, I will be replaced by you."

The man shrugged: "I don't care."

The woman pondered for a long time, smiled slightly, and said, "Well, in that case—"

With a wave of his arm, a space that was hundreds of meters long, wide and high, surrounded by magical barriers emerged out of thin air.

"Just fight here, don't affect the normal life of the residents."

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