Every wall of the magical barrier space created by the wave of hands is much stronger and thicker than the magical barrier created by Ozma.

Is Ozma not serious?

Or is the power gap really so big?

Astonished, the battle between Casillas and Ironbeard began.

There is no need to say more about Casillas' knife skills, almost every knife out of the sheath has the power to cut through the wind and waves.

The iron beard swordsmanship that he was fighting against seemed very ordinary. It was so ordinary that there was no brilliance, but every sword just blocked the way of the sword.

It's as if the two are acting.

If it weren't for Casillas' knives and knives with a strong intent to fight and kill, I really thought they were acting.

"This number of battles... why is it such a coincidence?"

I asked the two people around me blankly.

The man chuckled, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "You haven't reached that level yet. When you reach the level, you will naturally understand their path."

The woman also smiled and said: "Xiao Yi, there are little guys with this kind of strength at your age, but there are not many. You are honing and training, and it won't be long before you can reach their level. "

"Is that really the case?" I doubt it deeply.

Just when I was suspicious, Casillas took the lead in launching the ultimate move-Juhezan.

Casillas's Iai Slash is very strong. It is said that it can cut a whole piece of land when all the strength bursts out instantly.

Seeing his indomitable aura when he swings the knife, isn't it about breaking Fort Witch?

In consternation, Ironbeard turned the blade upside down, using the arc between the blade of the giant sword and the blade as a buffer, and magically resolved Juhezhan's fatal blow.

"What a beautiful way of parrying!" I exclaimed: "If you change to me, you can only resolve this blow by head-to-head."

"Don't rush to praise" the woman smiled and said: "After reading all the moves, keep it in my heart, and wait until all of them are digested, then consider whether to praise, and to what extent."

"Good, good."

Feeling a little embarrassed, I responded and continued to watch the battle.

In terms of moves alone, Casillas is undoubtedly far more than iron whiskers, at least in terms of the situation I have seen with my own eyes, but for some reason, the seemingly featureless iron whiskers can be resolved again and again. The opponent's sharp moves, even the expression on his face is not solemn, still as calm as water.

Just when I was puzzled, Odachi's voice sounded in my mind: "The strength of this iron whisker is a bit unpredictable."

"Isn't it Casillas?" I wondered: "At present, Casillas is the main attacker, and Ironbeard has always been in a passive defense state, right?"

"Your sword skills are still very shallow, you can't understand the meaning of this battle at all," Ota said, "I ask you, is Tetsushi's best at attack or defense?"

"I don't know, but it looks like an attack. After all, I haven't heard of any sword-based defense in Fort Witch."

"In this case, you can take over all of Casillas's aggressive moves with a defensive momentum that is not good at. If offense and defense are reversed, how many rounds do you think Casillas can hold?"

"How can I know this?"

"Huh, that's why your sword skills are shallow" Dadachi said, "If you want me, he can last less than ten rounds at most."

"Is the iron beard so strong?" I asked in surprise.

"Not strong, but very strong," Odachi emphasized: "As far as I have seen adventurers with swords and swords, he can rank in the top three."

"The first is your former master?" I teased in a slightly teasing tone.

"To be precise, it was abandoning my previous master" Dadata said: "But he abandoned me. Once the adventurer abandons his weapons, it means that he will not be able to continue to make progress in this field. Today, he, The sword technique may have fallen behind the second place in my cognition."

"The second place in your cognition, who is that?" I wondered.

"I don't know him, I haven't even seen him" Dadachi said.

"If you haven't even seen it, you dare to say you are ranked second?"

"Of course" Data said: "Because I felt the sword intent, that kind of sword intent that detaches everything from everything and is infinitely close to the ultimate."

I heard Odachi say about it. Although I don't know how strong the sword intent is, it seems very difficult.

On the battlefield, the battle between Casillas and Ironbeard continued.

So far, the two have passed nearly a hundred moves, but they have not distinguished themselves, and there is not even a trace of fierce fighting.

Just a constant attack, a constant defense, looks very monotonous.

Just when I was about to be confused by the offensive and defensive battle in front of me, the giant sword of the iron beard changed its direction, lightly blocked, and opened the attack from the slashing.

Subsequently, he was restrained, like a static sculpture.

However, his opponent, Casillas, had a dignified look, raised his swords and crossed them in front of him.

In the next instant, the iron beard appeared in front of Casillas as if teleporting, swinging the sword diagonally.

This sword moved from bottom to top, and if it was not blocked, the belly would be cut in half.

Casillas was slightly startled, his right hand flicked, blocking the giant sword of the iron beard, but suddenly discovered that the power of this sword could not be blocked by him alone.

Ever since, he turned his left hand, and while the right hand resisted strongly, his left hand also added to it.

The two swords used force at the same time, and only a low voice from Casillas, the place where the two swords were in contact with the giant sword suddenly burst out with a huge force.

The power is like a flood, rushing out all around.

When colliding with my body, I couldn't help taking a step back.

This is a collision of power at the apostle level, and even the peak of the power of two strong men.

The power that bursts out in an instant is simply not something a fake apostle-level adventurer like me can resist.

The moment I just got my foothold, the strength of the iron beard burst out again, and the astonishing power poured out again.

Only this time, it was not me who was hurt first, but Casillas.

He was fighting with Tiesu with all his strength and was overwhelmed by the sudden increase in strength. He wanted to work harder, but found that it was too late.

So it was only a stalemate for less than a second, and Casillas was rushed out, and his body slammed into the inner wall of the magic barrier.

Casillas, who slid down against the inner wall of the magic barrier, stood up slowly while holding the knife, his eyes were full of enthusiasm: "Mighty adventurer, please tell me your name."

"Iron Beard" he slowly retracted the sword into its sheath, and said softly.

"If you can, I hope to find some time to discuss with you."

"If it's in Fort Witch."

"You choose the location at will" Casillas said loudly: "I just want to compete with you again."

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