What kind of person is Casillas?

This is a long story, we have to start from the source.

Casillas was born on the planet Aiken with a low status and a slave to the ghost clan.

When he was a child, Casillas had a master, oh, this statement is not accurate, to be precise, it is the young master.

It is a child of the ghost noble named Yassin.

Yashin was talented and intelligent since he was a child, and quickly mastered a hundred secret arts. He was the best child among the nobles, and was even called the closest to **** among the ghosts.

When Yassin was standing at the highest point, Casillas came forward.

He was not trying to challenge authority, nor was he trying to subvert status, nor was he just trying to embarrass his young master.

He just wanted to try, the gap between his own strength and the strength of the young master.

Only after that battle, Yassin disappeared, and Casillas chose to leave Aiken not long after.

After leaving, Casillas stepped on every planet that could be reached, constantly challenging the strong on the planet, and then defeating them one by one.

It is true that there are strong people on almost every planet, but there are not many that can match Casillas' excellent combat talent.

This also directly led to the loss of shelter of the strongest on tens of thousands of planets.

Indirectly, part of the planet was invaded by the invaders, and the stars were destroyed.

But Casillas is not interested in these, he just wants to challenge the strong, because this is the only purpose of his life.

Unlike the evil God of Fire Cloud, who is obsessed with fighting and eager to be killed in certain movies and TV series, when he loses his opponent, he is different from the evil **** of fire cloud. Casillas’ challenge does not contain any cunning color, but It is a simple challenge, and will not play any conspiracy and tricks, and finally defeat the opponent on the front battlefield.

Go straight and never sloppy.

Perhaps because of this, the speed at which Casillas became stronger was as straight as his fighting will to go straight.

Until, he encountered fate, the first strong man who stopped him-the first apostle of the Devil Kahn.

The king of the demon world, the guardian of the demon world, is said to be so powerful that it will not be destroyed by any material or means!

Just don't know if it can be destroyed by the power of the elves and the power of the elves?

However, his strength is beyond doubt, because Casillas personally admitted that in the face of Kahn, the countless combat skills and combat experience he accumulated are all ineffective. At the same time, in terms of strength and physical strength, he is also completely unable to compete with Kahn. compared to.

It is like candlelight compared to starlight.

Casillas gave up.

At least until he becomes stronger, he will not challenge Kahn again.

After this, a little bit came to Casillas.

Xiao Budian is a female, petite and exquisite, and cute. At first glance, it looks like a naive little loli, but don’t think that little loli must be a young guy. The reason why she is petite, It is purely due to geographical factors-the place where she lives is the birthplace of the most famous magician in the devil world, and it is also the place where the most prolific little loli colony.

She is the founder of the well-known Spin Demon Society in the Demon World, and is known as the elf envoy Katie of the Queen of the Moon.

The reason why she was called the elf messenger is said to be because she had formed a friendship with a young elf who strayed into the demon world by chance.

The innocent baby elf signed a contract with innocent her, and then Katie developed.

As one of the two ancient races of the Hefeng Continent, the elves were born with no other natural enemies besides the hollow-bone fish. This made Katie not encounter anything that could threaten the elves when she only fought with elves, but The elves can catch enemies and beat them fiercely.

In addition, the elves are born with an outrageously high magic power value. This outrageousness is not outrageous in cognition, but in the true sense.

In terms of magic power, even the ancient elves are inferior to the ancient elves.

In particular, the magic value of the ancient elves after they have grown up is even more inexhaustible, and because the magic value is always inexhaustible, the hollow bone fish that was originally a natural enemy has lost the threat to the elves. .

In other words, they are the only ones who can threaten the two ancient races in adulthood.

Generally speaking, the descendants of the two ancient races will have to return to their clan lands because they have the power to distort the world.

But the little elf who had a good relationship with Katie stayed with Katie because of their friendship, which also made Katie indirectly possess the power to distort the world.

This can also directly explain why the number of members of the Spinning Demon Society is obviously not large, and the initial strength is also very average, but the Kai Xiu faction did not dare to attack the organization even once until Katie disappeared.

It’s not that the Kaixiu faction doesn’t want to take action. The spinners will occupy towns with fertile land and a large population, but they dare not take action. The strength of the elves is too strong, and the power is too weird, even The originator of the magic of the devil, the most destructive magic of Weeping Eye Herder, could not cause any damage to Katie who was protected by the elves.

In addition, there were demon people who did not know whether to live or die, jumping repeatedly on the road to death, and finally annoyed Katie, and even the elves who signed a contract with Katie, and then the town where the demon man was located. , In a short period of time, it becomes nothingness.

The entire town, as well as all human beings, including those who do not know how to live or die, were all turned into nothingness.

Don’t say that innocent people are involved, because most elves are innocent by nature, and they don’t know much about good and evil. Innocent people think that what is close to themselves is good. Anything that hurts close to themselves The guys are all evil, and they will be eradicated. As for whether they will involve innocent people in it, they have never had such a concept from beginning to end.

It is easy to destroy a town, even the most ordinary Flame Devourer Anthun and Rogue Silok can do it easily.

But if you want to erase a town silently in a short period of time, this is not something that any apostle can do. Even people in the devil world suspect that the great will may not be able to do this.

After all, after destroying the ancient civilization of the Demon Realm and ‘perishes with Beyana’, there are still countless ancient ruins in the land of the Demon Realm, and it is not even the ancient ruins that are relatively intact.

It seems that the water of life in the hands of the second apostle Herder was obtained from an ancient ruin.

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