When Casillas found Casillas, Katie's elves were underage, but the bonus to Katie's magic power was several times that of the apostles.

Casillas, who habitually judges the strength of the opponent according to the total amount of magic power and the frequency of magic fluctuations, feels that the opponent is a guy who can play with him in all aspects, so he is very vigilant in asking Katie's purpose.

And Katie's purpose is very simple. She first talked about the characteristics of the Summoner class, and then hoped that Casillas could sign a contract with herself so that she and her descendants could summon him to fight.

A transaction without profit acquisition is unfair. Even if the other party can play with himself, Casillas will not agree to this unfair request, unless he can also meet a certain demand.

Afterwards, Katie successfully defeated Casillas’ non-cooperation with one sentence, and made him obediently sign a contract with herself—"Don’t you like to fight? When facing a powerful opponent, we can call you or Your clone can satisfy your requirements to the greatest extent."

Occupied Casillas chose to sign a contract.

Except for Katie, who has absolutely powerful strength, can summon Casillas' body anytime and anywhere, other summoners can only summon Casillas' clone.

The reason why there is such a big difference is not because the contract signed by Katie is different from the contract signed by other summoners, nor because Katie is the first to sign the contract, but because she is strong enough.

Since then, Casillas has continuously passed the clones out to fight for the summoners.

During this period, Katie continued to shuttle between various planets, passing on the contract about Casillas, striving to satisfy Casillas' fighting desire to the greatest extent, which can be regarded as an indirect fulfillment of her promise.

But in the process of passing on the contract, Katie lost contact.

At first, the adventurer of Spinning Demon Society only regarded Katie as another long-distance trip, but after thousands of years passed, Katie still did not come back, and the unique communication facilities could not contact her.

For a while, the entire Spin Demon Society panicked.

Katie's disappearance not only means that Spinning Demon Society has lost its leader, but also that Spinning Demon Society's position in the demon world.

There is Katie's Spin Demon Society, it is no problem to win the first or maintain the second.

Without Katie's Spin Demon Society, it would not be easy to maintain the status of the six major organizations in the Demon Realm.

In order to be able to contact Katie as soon as possible, everyone in the Twirl Demon Society has exhausted ways, and there is still no effect. In the end, they helplessly find Casillas, hoping to contact Katie through the special relationship of the contract.

But Casillas and Katie are just a contract form of summoning and being summoned. At best, it can be confirmed that Katie is still alive. Apart from this, there is no other information, and of course there is no way to transmit any information.

However, the news that Katie was still alive still gave the Spinner Society a great encouragement and calmness, and after hearing the news that Katie was still alive, other organizations also resisted the restless heart and stopped one after another.

During this period, the spinner will begin to accumulate power secretly, and vigorously cultivate a powerful summoner.

Because they felt it, other organizations wanted to annex the ambition of Spin Demon Society.

Finally, driven by ambition, the Haxiu faction took the lead against the Xuan Demon Society.

However, what Had Xiu faction never expected was that the strength that Spin Demon would burst out in an instant was far beyond Ha Xiu faction's imagination.

This group of summoners can not only summon powerful monsters to help fight, but also summon Casillas clones as the main combat force.

This scared the adventurer of the Shah Xiu faction out of his mind—what did I see? An army of Casillas?

The prestige of the apostles is obvious to all in the demon world. Even most people in the demon world regard the apostles as gods. Suddenly seeing an army of gods, they can stand instead of kneeling on the spot, which is enough to prove their courage. Vulgar.

As a result, the Haxiu faction's army collapsed directly, dead and fleeing, and ended as soon as the fighting started. It was the biggest stain in the countless civil wars that Haxiu faction had experienced.

But with the increase in the number of wars, adventurers also know that the strongmen of the Spinning Demon Society summoned the clone of Casillas. Although this clone also possesses the moves of Casillas, its comprehensive strength But it is one heaven and one underground.

In order to save face, the Shah Xiu faction has fought a war for nearly ten thousand years with the Spin Demon Society. In the end, the strength of the two guilds was greatly damaged, especially the strength of the Shah Xiu faction was more obvious.

After all, Swirling Demon Society is a group of guys who rely on summoned objects to fight, and the adventurers of Swirling Demon Society are all relying on flesh and blood, and this group of summoned objects with real swords and guns, the proportion of deaths is naturally not Better than.

After discovering the crux of the problem, the Shaxiu faction was finally willing to give up the endless war with Xuan Mohui.

Although the originator of this war was the Shaxiu faction, the Spin Demon would occupy a town with a large population and huge resources. As long as it develops steadily, it can always climb back to the top three of the six major organizations of the Demon World.

The Spin Demon Society, who figured this out, signed a long truce with other organizations.

But this is very unfriendly to Casillas, because he is eager for war, especially eager to fight the strong.

Casillas, who had lost a series of fighter meetings, was very dissatisfied with the decision of the Spinner Society, but there was nothing to do. After all, the Spinner Society belonged to Katie, not his.

Even if Katie leaves, she should be succeeded by the acting chief, and Casillas will not have the turn to speak.

The tragic Casillas can only be used as a tool.

The dissatisfied Casillas did not make any extraordinary moves. He continued to look for the strong every day to fight, and occasionally he would be called out as a clone to solve the strong enemy for the summoner.

It can be said that in order to be able to continue to enjoy the fun of fighting, Casillas is unswervingly firm in his conviction to become stronger and has been working hard for it.

It can be said that Casillas is a simple person, so simple that as long as he can fight him, he is not afraid even if he is living and sleeping.

At the same time, Casillas is still a picky person, he only fights the strong, if the opponent is the weak, he will only kill the opponent with a single knife, simple and neat.

Perhaps because the minds of most adventurers of the dwarf race are simple, Casillas's integration into Fort Witchcraft is faster than imagined.

And because of his good drinking capacity, he is also popular with many dwarven adventurers.

However, Master Dewey and the Goblin King didn't like Casillas very much. The reason is simple. Casillas is a reckless man.

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