I'm so stupid, really.

What kind of person is Barbara, am I still not sure?

Naturally active, full of curiosity, and at the same time, the blood of the superior is flowing in her bones, even if she is a powerful and hegemonic generation, it is difficult for her to surrender.

Coupled with her quirky elf personality, how could she sincerely ask Casillas for martial arts?

She did it just to join in the fun!

Sure enough, she walked through the mansion and came to the back of the scene. Barbara looked around and saw that there were no outsiders, so she put her hands on her hips and said proudly: "Who is Casillas, stand up for the old lady!"

This sentence surprised me at a loss.

Casillas, who was sitting in the middle of the main hall meditating and enlightening upon hearing the words, opened his eyes, and two dazzling sights shot over, fixed on our group, and finally stopped on the face of Barbara who was uttering crazy words.

While seeing Barbara clearly, he frowned, stood up with the knife, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"I'm Barbara. I heard that you are great, so I came over and took a look, hum, but it's just a bit bigger, and it's nothing great."

Barbara continued with akimbo and proudly said.

I think she is a bit arrogant.

In any case, the other party is an apostle. Which apostle have you ever seen is a bully?

Maybe there will be a big battle today.

"It's just to see how boring you are, so let's have a match."

After all, Casillas drew his knife out of its sheath, but he just pulled out a knife.

However, only the hunting and killing intent caused by a knife when it was taken out of the sheath still made Barbara's hair stand up and hideous. At the same time, her ten fingers and claws came out at the same time and entered a state of battle.

I have also said before that the proprietress never deliberately cultivated Barbara as an adventurer, but just let it happen. If she wanted to be an adventurer, she would be an adventurer, and if she didn’t want to be an adventurer, she would be a maid in a cafe.

But because the café receives adventurers all the year round, during the conversation, there will always be some adventure-related stories inadvertently, which also makes Barbara have a considerable understanding of the career of adventurers. In addition, the curious Barbara is also very good at brain supplementing. When many adventurers are drinking coffee and eating snacks, or holding parties in cafes to celebrate the completion of major tasks, they will more or less brag in chats. Fan.

Some adventurers brag about merits, some brag about combat experience, and others brag about various combat experiences.

In fact, they couldn't do the things they brag about, but Barbara, after listening to it, played a very good at brain supplement, and magically fabricated the combat skills and combat experience out of thin air, and integrated them!

In the meantime, I pestered me again and entered the dungeon with the team. After showing my skills, I was probably sure that even if this girl met Emily on a one-on-one basis, she would definitely not suffer-without him, too fast. .

As we all know, the cat’s reaction speed is seven times faster than that of a cat, and Barbara, after entering the dungeon and inexplicably awakening her talent, the reaction speed is even more horrifying, plus she is born with a beast like an orc With keen intuition, she rarely gets injured in battle.

With such characteristics, if she could live a cautious life, she would surely be able to live a long life for hundreds of years, but unfortunately, the blood of her superiors did not allow her to be low-key, and her public personality forced her to be domineering.

Ever since, the dojo soon staged a game of Barbara VS Casillas.

To be honest, I can stop Barbara, but I don’t want to do it, because it will make Barbara feel humiliated, and Casillas will also suffer dignity. It’s better to let them fight. When the outcome is equal, I will save Barbara again and make sure that she is all-tailed and has no psychological shadows.

Hey, as a fiance, I really broke my heart for Barbara, a messy girl.

The battle was about to start, and Casillas was the first to attack!

At this time, shouldn't the weaker take the first shot?

I was plunged into short-term doubts and contemplations, and when I came back to my senses, I suddenly realized that Casillas's first blow, which was so powerful, had been cut!

This can't help but surprise me. You know, Barbara hasn't even reached the tenth level. Her level can at best be the king and hegemony among the rookie adventurers in the Hefeng Continent...Well, I admit, Barbara's dodge ability is very strong, even Emily can't take her, but the problem is that the gap between Emily and Casillas is big. It can be said that Casillas wants to die Amy tenderly. Li, it takes more effort at most to do it.

Now, after a face-to-face, Casillas can't even hit Barbara. It's like watching a mythical drama. It's too illusory!

I said, Casillas, are you sure you are not acting?

However, just when I was puzzled and even thought Casillas was playing all of us, Casillas made a second cut with a twist of his wrist.

The landing point happened to be where Barbara was about to land.

Barbara, who is in mid-air, but has no landing spot, will definitely be hit by this knife, and once hit, it must be cut in half...I don't want to see my fiancee suffer such a tragic tragedy , Even if the wound can heal, life will not be hindered, but the moment of pain between life and death will definitely leave a lingering shadow of terror in her heart!

So I decided to save the field.

But just when I was about to draw a knife to save the field, I realized that my arm was being held by someone, and I turned my head in confusion. It was Phoenix.

Seeing Phoenix shook his head at me, there was no fear in his eyes, let alone worry.

Although Phoenix and Barbara have always been in the same situation, with Phoenix’s good-hearted nature, they will never watch Barbara suffer severely and die on the spot. Could it be that... there is a turning point?

Anyway, I boast that I can’t be able to move around in mid-air, unless I use killing intent as a springboard, but the problem is that Barbara hasn’t even reached level ten and doesn’t have the power to change at all. What does she rely on? Springboard to complete the turn of events?

Although my heart is urgent, since Phoenix persuaded me, she must have reason.

Immediately, I sighed in a restless mood, sighed and continued to watch the battle, but my body was always in a tight state. Once I saw Barbara was injured, I would rush out for rescue as soon as possible.

On the battlefield, Barbara didn’t seem to see the second knife from Casillas. Her delicate body was still falling. Just when Casillas’ blade was about to touch her, Barbara Did your body change halfway without warning?

Like a dead leaf blown by the wind, Barbara's soft body suddenly floated up, miraculously floating above Casillas' blade, only a few inches away from the blade.

As soon as the blade passed, Barbara's body floated down gently like fallen leaves, and then stood lightly on the dojo.

This magical scene stunned me.

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