
"Just now, what happened?" I asked the Phoenix beside me stiffly with a dull face and question marks on my head.

"The idiot cat avoided the attack just now."

"Stupid cat?" I felt strange and confused about this new name that I had never heard of.

"It's Barbara," Phoenix said.

Looking at her toss and turns, who is more agile than a real cat, I fell into silence "Is she...stupid?"

"It's stupid," Phoenix pouted: "Even the simplest puppet can't be carved well."


I am even more confused: "What sculpted doll, why don't I know?"

"It's all violent cow ideas."

"Violent cow?" I scratched my head: "Kagali?"

"Yeah" Phoenix said, "She was the first to call, the First Puppet Sculpture Competition of the Fearless Guild."

"That's it." I nodded: "What are you carving? The things around you? Or yourself?"

"Neither" Phoenix said, "We are carving you."

After hearing this, I was stunned, and pointed to the tip of my nose: "Me?"

"Yeah" Phoenix said: "We are more vivid than anyone who has carved it."

"So, whose carved mouth is so lifelike?" I asked curiously.

Phoenix tilted his head for a moment, and said, "Duanmuyu won the most lifelike award."

"Oh Huo?" I said in amazement: "I didn't expect that she should have such an ability. After returning home, we must praise her."

"By the way, what kind of award did you get?"

"Best Abstract Award."

Phoenix pursed his lips, and said displeased: "I obviously wanted to say..."

Good guy, the best abstract award, the co-author is the female version of Picasso?

"What about Barbara?" I asked again.

"Lastly like my award."

Come on, no need to ask, I probably understand what the sculpture Barbara gave me looks like.

In the middle of the dojo, Casillas kept swinging his sword at Barbara. Every one of his swords had the momentum to divide the target in two. Even though I was watching the battle, I couldn’t help but stand on my back. Tricky.

However, Barbara, who was confronting him, unceasingly dismissed a series of attacks lightly, and in the process of dissolving, every movement was like a falling leaf, light and dreamy.

I fell into a daze again. After a while, I swallowed and asked Phoenix: "When did Barbara become so powerful?"

"Is it amazing?" Phoenix asked with a question mark on his face: "She was just a little faster, but it was all her own reasons. Who told her she always got into trouble and made everyone angry, so she wanted to teach her, but she ran away. So fast, there is no way, I can only keep chasing and intercepting her. At the beginning, she can still be blocked, but she seems to run faster and faster, and her movements are getting more and more agile. Later, we can't catch her anymore. I'm too lazy to catch her again, but if we provoke us again, we will definitely have to deal with her, so we have to change a plan..."

The Phoenix's muttering voice became smaller and smaller, but I probably understood the reason why Barbara became stronger-being chased and intercepted by a group of people in the villa, and able to escape successfully, she was really a strong man who was forced out!

"The old man also has a headache for this kind of thing?" I asked Phoenix curiously.

"Grandpa?" Phoenix thought for a while and said, "He is helpless."

"Yes..." I answered with a wry smile.

The fact that Barbara was chased and intercepted must be very annoying for the quiet old man Taylor.

"Originally, he followed and arrested Barbara. The first few times were fine, but then he couldn't catch the stupid cat anymore."

"What?" I was shocked: "Even the old man was involved in the arrest of Barbara? Did she do anything irritating?"

"That's not true," Phoenix said, "She just added all kinds of strange condiments to Grandpa's wine, but she didn't do anything strange."


Isn't it called nothing strange?

Do you know what the old man's attitude towards wine is?

Didn't kill Barbara on the spot, that was already treating her as a granddaughter, OK?

Even if I didn't dare to do anything with the old man's wine, she would dare...Should she be said to be courageous, or is she really just like Phoenix said, a simple fool?

Looking at Barbara's agile skills and flowing movements, I fell into contemplation.

This battle lasted more than half an hour. During this period, Casillas swung nearly a thousand knives, but failed to hit Barbara with a single knife. In the end, Barbara was tired and crooked. Jumping to my side, this wonderful evasion battle ended.

Casillas seemed to have the heart to fight again, but seeing Barbara's sticky look beside me, and guessing her identity, he stopped chasing, but still unwillingly take a deep breath, heavy Spit it out to relieve depression in the heart.

Afterwards, Phoenix stepped forward, came to Casillas, stood still, and first introduced: "My name is Phoenix, and I am Xiaoyi's fiancée."

Casillas glanced at her, frowned unnoticeably, and said reluctantly, "What's the matter with you?"

"I want to compete with you."

After that, she rolled up her sleeves and showed her delicate and slender arms.

Casillas was a little confused.

First, an incredible catwoman who looked weak but quick-acting, launched a single challenge to herself, and then came a young girl who looked weak and weak, but she was very energetic, launched to Casillas The challenge of strength, is it because all the people related to An Xiaoyi are abnormal, or is this Hefeng continent abnormal?

Casillas at this moment is about to collapse.

But he can't refuse it.

Although it is an apostle, it is very prestigious, but that refers to the time in the Demon Realm, in this peaceful continent, the apostle seems to represent something bad, such as disasters.

People here do not fear him just because he is an apostle, on the contrary, they will constantly challenge him or ask for advice because he is an apostle.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Hefeng Continent has no real fear of the apostle.

"If you want, so be it."

I asked the waiter to move a stone pier and put it in the center of the dojo. Phoenix and Casillas lined up on the left and right sides, and began to compete with each other.

With a sound, Casillas, who had a cold expression on his face, showed a look of surprise.

His powerful right hand, which wields Taishou all the year round, was completely unable to cause any trouble to the tender right arm of the delicate girl in front of him, even hindering it!

He was slapped by the phoenix and pressed against the stone pier.

Then there were a few soft clicks, and the stone pier was broken into scum.

Casillas was shocked.

The little girl in front could at least fight him for more than half an hour, but the little girl in the back defeated him in an instant.

Casillas, who was dumbfounded, first mechanically looked at Barbara with an arrogant face, and then mechanically at a Phoenix with a calm face.

The whole person is in autism.

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