There is no way to unravel the powerful secret, and Flame Dragon Breath Seren doesn't really care about it.

I can see from his indifferent expression that he is just bored and wants to find someone to chat and relieve his boredom.

In fact, chatting with Seren is quite interesting, at least we can ridicule and joke unscrupulously without worrying about each other's feelings.

But when the dragon warriors came in, our conversation had to gradually move closer to the serious direction.

All things have an interesting habit, that is, when talking about something that is not serious, there are a lot of topics to talk about, and when talking about serious things, there are only a few sentences to talk about.

I also only talked a few dozen sentences with Salen, and ended the small chat.

Afterwards, I left the dragon residence and returned to the hotel, lying down and slept.

When the night fell, I opened my eyes, touched my hungry stomach, got out of bed, went out, and came to the restaurant.

Heloise happened to be here, feasting on the hot pizza.

Seeing me coming in, Heloise's eating action immediately eased, becoming very ladylike and very dignified.

Me: ( ̄ェ ̄;)

"Why did you eat such a high-calorie food today?" I asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

"It won't" Heroes said: "Anyway, I am also an adventurer."

"Adventurers who eat too much and too high calories will become fat" I smirked, "It's not that adventurers can avoid the fear of being dominated by obesity."

"Um..." Heroes' eyes gradually became dangerous.

“Actually, it doesn’t matter if adventurers eat a high-calorie meal occasionally.” I smiled and used words to resolve her sharp gaze: “Take my fiancée as an example. They eat a lot of high-calorie food every day, but their bodies It's all kept well..."

Having said that, I had to shut my mouth forcibly, because Heroes' eyes were no longer purely sharp, but full of danger.

I really didn't mean to mock your figure!

I said silently in my heart.

Fortunately, Heroes didn't really get angry under the crowd, but gave me a **** look, then lowered her head and continued to work hard to deal with the warm pizza.

The scent of cheese is very attractive, but I don't have much appetite, mainly because I don't like eating food covered with cheese.

Although the soft and tender feeling that melts in the mouth is very addictive, but the subsequent aftertaste is not endless happiness, just simple greasy and mellow.

That is the challenge of cream condensate to taste buds.

If the taste buds win, the flavor of the thick pizza will deteriorate. If the cream condensate wins, the taste buds will be completely overwhelmed. Although it will not become dull from now on, the taste of the delicious taste will become numb.

This, like those heavy-tasting foods, is the initiator of the challenge to the taste buds.

Seeing I have been staring at the pizza, Heloise generously picked up a piece of pizza and handed it over: "Want to eat it?"

"I don't want to eat" I shook my head, and then greeted the waiter to come over. After ordering some food and vegetables, and two large glasses of juice, I pressed my chin with one hand and knocked on the table with the other, and continued to stare at the pizza.

"Why do you always order some ordinary meals?" Heloise asked curiously.

"Because ordinary meals are very balanced in nutrition."

"But how monotonous the taste is," Heloise said: "I am different from you. I like food that tastes pungent."

"But what I usually see you eat is also very mild-tasting food."

"That's what I showed to other people," Herois said: "It is said that people who like to match the taste of food have a very calm personality."

"Really?" I asked in surprise.

"Fake" Heroes said, "But who made the Demon World have such a legend? Over time, everyone believed it."

"So you want to show that you are calm?" I asked rhetorically.

"Yes," Herois said: "A leader with a calm personality tends to gain the trust of more people."

I thought about it for a moment. The character of the guild leaders in Hefeng Continent felt that there was nothing wrong with what Heloise had said, so she nodded and said, "There is some truth."

"Hey, let me ask you." Heloise asked with a probe: "In Hefeng Continent, is there a leader who has a violent personality, but is very respected and popular?"

"We are not called the leader" I said: "We have a unified name. The leader of the civil organization is called the president, and the leader of the adventurer's guild is also called the president."

"President?" Heloise curled her lips: "It doesn't feel domineering at all."

"It's true that it's not domineering" I nodded and said, "But I don't know who was the first to mention this title, but yelling, I'm familiar with it, and I don't feel abrupt."

"Um... well, your statement is not wrong, I reluctantly agree with your point of view."

Seeing Heroes's smile, I spread my hands, picked up my chopsticks, and ate.

After eating for several days, the food in the restaurant is familiar and it feels good.

While eating slowly, Heloise suddenly moved closer, stretched out her chopsticks, and took a large piece of grilled steak from the dish.

I was dumbfounded, and for a long while, I said, "Do you like grilled steak?"

Heroes nodded as she ate.

"Just order a plate if you like," I said.

She shook her head: "It's more delicious to eat."

Well, what you said makes sense.

I was speechless and continued to eat.

However, I put the steak to the end, mainly to allow time for Heroes to continue to eat steak from my plate without embarrassment.

Sure enough, as I expected, Heloise saw that I didn't move the steak, so she continued to eat my steak in a grand manner.

She didn't start to eat her own pizza again until the last piece was cleaned, but at this time, the pizza was already a bit cold.

The cold pizza is not unpalatable, but it is very greasy, but looking at the look of Heroes, I eat with relish.

After breakfast, Heloise and I strolled down the street.

The streets at night are as noisy as usual, but the cool breeze that blows from time to time makes me feel slightly cold.

He raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky, and said in his heart: "It's cold."

"When will it snow in the north?" I turned my head and asked Heroes.

"Maybe November or February" Heloise said: "What do you ask this for?"

Looking at her expression, I asked back: "You don't like snow?"

She shook her head: "I don't like it, it's cold, and it's hard to walk."

"I like snow." There was no silence, nor did I follow her words, I murmured: "Although it is cold, it makes the road difficult to walk, but the creaking sound when stepping on it, and when lying on it, But there will be an inexplicable sense of belonging."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal. Please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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