Perhaps because of the long-term depressive feeling of war, the guard that Heroes has always maintained began to loosen because of being too numb, or perhaps because of the inexplicable sense of ease late at night, which can make people open their hearts. , In short, Herois actually touched the scene and told a story that had happened.

Once the proud girl of the heavens and the princess organized by the oath guard, she was immediately rejected by the family after she was told that she was only awakened by the auxiliary talent.

Although she was not expelled from the house because of her blood relationship and the constraints of the family rules, she still lost all family resources after falling out of favor, leaving only the right to stay in the family.

On the second day of her awakening talent, there was a heavy snowfall of goose feathers, and it was precisely on this day that Heroes felt the evil that originated from the human heart.

Honor, status, rights, and self-righteousness, these all precede family affection.

The young Heroes' distinction between good and evil began on that day.

It was also because that day, she also had a dislike for Xue.

Snow is innocent, it is only implicated by the Heroes family.

Hate House and Wu.

I have not made any comments on Heroes' experience and emotions.

In other words, no one can make any evaluation of another person's emotions and experiences, because they are not qualified because of different situations.

All I can do is comfort.

But comfort is obviously ineffective.

Heloise still hates Snow, just as she hates her family.

"So, when do you plan to take back the power of the Oathguard Organization?" I asked casually.

"I haven't figured it out yet" Heloise said: "But it shouldn't be too long."

Seeing her squinted eyes, I asked softly: "Do you plan to use this war to directly weaken the overall strength of the Oathguard Organization?"

Heloise glanced at me, smiled suddenly, and said, "You guessed it."

I shook my head: "This has nothing to do with guessing. It is the case. War is the fastest way to update personnel. The more intense the battle, the greater the number of update personnel and the faster the frequency of personnel updates."

"Is it like your national war?" Heloise asked rhetorically.

"Yes" I said: "Just like our national war, until I came, the Hefeng Continent had killed hundreds of thousands of adventurers."

Heloise was a little surprised, because the number of adventurers killed in the Demon World for so long has only been tens of thousands, and this has already shaken the strength structure of the six major organizations, then the Hefeng Continent, which has killed hundreds of thousands of adventurers one after another , What will happen?

With such thoughts in mind, Heloise asked: "Will so many adventurers die, will it affect the overall strength of the country?"

"No," I said without hesitation: "Hundreds of thousands of adventurers are only one-tenth of the total number of adventurers in a medium-sized town. Medium-sized towns like this are numerous among the countries of the Japanese style continent."

"Wow!" Heloise exclaimed: "How magnificent and prosperous Hefeng Continent is!"

"As far as I know, the Hefeng Continent is probably the most prosperous planet," I thought for a while, and added: "If you don't count the Demon World before it was destroyed."

There was envy in her eyes.

"If I follow you to the Hefeng Continent, will there be a better living environment and treatment than now?"

"If it was before, I can tell you for sure, it will, but now..."

"What's wrong now?" Heloise asked hurriedly.

"Didn't I say that the Hefeng Continent is in a national war. If you go to the Hefeng Continent, no one will pay attention to a foreigner like you. The most is to grant you a place in the Adventurer's Guild so you can seek development by yourself. "

"Huh?" Heloise frowned, "Isn't that the same as the current situation?"

"Almost." I said: "The difference is that I can provide you with a capital chain, but you can only rely on your own team. Whether you can grow the lintel in the future, and to what extent, depends on your own."

Heloise stopped talking. After a long time of contemplation, she sighed and said: "Without power and status, only money, how can I recruit powerful adventurers!"

"This depends on your own personal charm" I said: "Friendly reminder, don't bring Xilan back, because once you do this, you will most likely end up in Hefeng Continent."

"Why!" Heloise asked puzzledly: "Is Xilan so annoying?"

"It's not a question of whether or not I hate it" I explained: "It's because of Xilan's ex-girlfriend."

"Xi Lan's ex-girlfriend?" Heloise asked puzzledly: "Is she great?"

"It's not only very powerful" I said: "Her strength is comparable to intermediate national power. Oh, yes, you don't know the level of national power. Let me explain it to you. The level of primary national power is equivalent to the apostle. The level of strength of the elite guards around me, and the level of intermediate national power is slightly higher than that of the Apostle Guards."

"Elite Guard!" Heloise exclaimed, "That's the second-highest combat force in the Demon Realm. Once the army is armed, the six major guilds can only meet the enemy with their talents, and the outcome is still unknown."

"In this way, you will probably understand the strength level of the country's strength, and you will probably understand the strength level of Xilan's ex-girlfriend. Let me tell you this. If she is really determined to kill you, you will even have nowhere. Can escape."

When Heloise heard the words, her face was horrified, and she looked at me baffledly and said: "If you are in your territory, you will protect me, right?"

"Unless you don't go anywhere and stay at home with peace of mind" I said: "But you definitely can't do this, am I right?"

Heloise nodded helplessly: "Look, since you can't do this, there is no way to protect you. After all, the strength of Xilan's ex-girlfriend is not for nothing, she is the biggest folk in Hefeng Continent. The actual controller of Talakuta, one of the organizations, is the leader, according to you."

"Naturally, in my house, they dare not commit crimes, but when they leave my house, they will look for opportunities to do it. Although they are definitely afraid to do anything to you, you can never guarantee that they will only stay open and honest. A place, after all, Hefeng Mainland has countless colorful and fresh things. If you don’t try it, it will be a waste of this opportunity to come to Hefeng Mainland. So I dare to guarantee a ticket, a girl who likes to play like you. My son, I can’t help but experience those entertainment projects I’ve never tried before, and at this time, it’s just for Xilan’s ex-girlfriend to kill you."

"Hey--" Heloise struck a sharp spirit, and kept rubbing her arms, as if she could expel the shock she had just received.

After a while, Heroes swallowed and said, "Forget it, I think the Demon Realm is also pretty good, and anyway, I have already established a base here, so I can't be a little frustrated. Give up with the little temptation."

Hey, Heroes, she persuaded.

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