It may be because we gained a great advantage in the last war. The offensive of the invaders returned to the past in the next war by sending only cat monsters, human monsters, and wild boar monsters.

The war that returned once again gave countless people a familiar feeling, and so did I.

Standing on the battlements and looking down, I couldn't help feeling: "This scene seems to happen again after a long time."

"That's because you returned to the Hefeng Continent during this period of time." Ozma stared at the battlefield blankly, complaining.

"I said, in the future, you don't have to violently attack for no reason." I said with a lingering fear: "The last war was so overwhelming, I was injured."

"I didn't see it." Ozma turned to me, with a faint smile on his face: "But I can see that you are very resistant to beatings, and I can see the power of the goblin. The two monsters flanked back and forth, and they couldn't even take you. How, I was beaten by you so hard to fight back."

"Yes, the power of the fairies is quite powerful" I replied: "But no matter how powerful it is, there are limits."

"Limit?" Ozma chuckled: "I didn't see it, I only know that you now have surpassed the strength of my apostles and become the most powerful existence in the Demon Realm."

"Are you teasing me or killing me?" I glared at him, and I asked, "The most powerful existence, have you forgotten the first apostle?"

"Of course I didn't forget," Ozma said with a smile: "But the first apostle is just a decoration, and his role is not even as good as you, an outsider."

"Don't talk nonsense, Ozma!" Pray couldn't listen anymore, and said solemnly: "It is precisely because of the presence of the first apostle that invaders dare not invade various towns unscrupulously, if only like you Only talking cool words, and provoking discord, the Demon Realm has already fallen."

"Ah, what a hurtful words" Ozma pretended to be sad, and said: "I have fought my own life for the future of the Demon World. Think about the war yesterday. I was the leader and brave. Posture, that's a sign of my determination!"

Everyone was speechless.

You say Ozma is brave and fearless?

As he said, the performance of the last war was indeed very brave and fearless.

But the problem is that the last war obviously didn't happen, but it finally happened because of his unreasonable troubles.

Even if you are brave and fearless, you can't cover up, let alone take off the **** pot on your head.

So, after Ozma finished speaking, everyone was silent, and at the same time, they stared at Ozma with similar weird eyes.

"Don't look at me like this" Ozma pretended to be shy and said, "I'm shy."



Casillas glanced at Ozma expressionlessly, and then: "Oh..."

Only Held glanced at Ozma with a cold eye, and then continued to observe the battlefield. She had no right to hear all the conversations between us.

The war was fought very smoothly, and the ratio of deaths between adventurers and invaders in the devil world reached an astonishing three to seven. That is, when three adventurers were killed in battle, seven invaders were killed.

"The war has been fought to such an extent, it can be said that the adventurers have worked very hard" I exclaimed: "This way, I can also rest assured."

"Why are you going?" Herder, who had not spoken, turned his head abruptly and asked.

"What else can I do, of course I am going back to the Hefeng Continent" I said: "Anyway, you will be in the Demon Realm, so there will be no accidents."

"Have you ever thought that your departure is likely to cause those monsters to counterattack" Herder asked blankly.

"If you get a counterattack, you can contact me via your mobile phone." During the conversation, I took the mobile phone out of my arms, raised it up, and said, "If you don't have my number, please report your number. I'll just call you. ."

Herder stared at me for a long while, and saw that I was looking at her unwaveringly. In desperation, he had to take out his mobile phone and reported the number.

Then came Ozma and Michel, but Pray and Casillas did not report their numbers. I was puzzled, so I asked Pray, do you have a mobile phone?

Prei said that he really doesn't have a mobile phone because he doesn't use it at all.

Then he said that he is the overlord of the sky, the overlord of the sky, you can go wherever you want, and do whatever you want. Objects such as mobile phones are just the shackles of imprisonment.

I thought about it, and that's right, the mobile phone really has the possibility of imprisoning thoughts and behavior.

Although let’s just say that the mobile phone of the Demon World is not like the blue planet, which can play all kinds of games or watch a variety of videos, the mobile phone of the Demon World is far from talking, voice and signal. Far beyond the blue planet mobile technology.

It seems that if humans want to talk to an astronaut on the moon, there will be intermittent, unclear sound effects, or delayed conversations. However, the mobile phones of the demon world are different. Even if one is in the demon world and the other is in the zephyr continent, the call It is still clear, coherent, no noise, no delay, and even video conversation, and the video here is still a three-dimensional version of the video, you can see the whole body image.

These functions are useful to humans, or most people who are keen on strategy, but they are cumbersome for Pray who yearns for freedom.

He can't always answer the phone while soaring in the sky, especially when he is hunting flying monsters that invade the demon world, it is even more impossible to answer the phone, he doesn't want to be distracted by this stuff.

As for Casillas, I understand that this guy is purely a martial idiot, and Wu idiots disdain to bring a mobile phone. He doesn't need anyone to know his whereabouts, and he will only be aware of the whereabouts of the strong. Interested, as for the weak, and other guys who will delay his fight and become stronger, let's go together!

The next day after I exchanged my mobile phone numbers, I opened the portal and left the demon world.

This time, Casillas did not walk with me, instead, it was Seren who returned to the Zephyr continent with me.

After relocating, I once again met the patrol team of Fort Witch.

The people in the patrol team naturally know me, and they also know Salem. They trot to me, saluted me, and said: "Please come back, please."

"You're welcome, you're welcome" I waved my hand again and again, and said, "It's all my own brothers, so don't be so dismissive."

Hearing this, the members of the patrol were flattered.

Seren lifted his injured leg, indicating that you are hospitable, can you pay attention to the disabled around you?

I'm injured, very serious!

Seeing that Seren's reaction was so fierce, I didn't chat with the people of the patrol too much, just a few casual greetings, and sent Seren into Fort Witch.

I went home first, and the old man happened to be sitting on the sofa drinking wine, so he asked him to see the situation of Salen.

The old man stared for a while, felt a little, and suddenly hey.

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