Seeing Father Taylor's face was wrong, I hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

At the same time, Seren's expression was also ugly. He felt that things were not as simple as he thought.

After a long while, the old man said: "The wound is deep, but it can be healed easily, but near the wound, there is a strange force that is constantly offsetting my strength."

"Have you encountered this power before?" I asked again.

"No." The old man shook his head: "I have never met such a violent and chaotic force before."

"If this is the case, you might as well take Salon to several other pastors, and let them observe and judge, have you ever seen similar powers?"

"Hey, hey! I'm not a guinea pig!" Sairen protested.

However, the protest was invalid.

We just do what we say, we take Salen, and through layers of guards, we walk quickly to the highest-level office of the National Power Organization.

In the office, a group of veteran adventurers sit around the round table, holding a teacup and drinking tea. The cozy look is like an old man enjoying the warm sun in the afternoon, instead of holding a heavy weight. A group of powerhouses who have to be overwhelmed.

After Father Taylor explained the situation, the elders got up one after another, as if watching animals in a zoo, and forced to watch Salon.

Suddenly being watched by such a group of bigwigs, Seren trembling.

His perception is still very keen, and he can clearly perceive this group of big men, whether it is breath or magical fluctuations, they are not comparable to his Majesty Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

After a crowd of bigwigs watched, Seren finally let go of his heart, and while exhaling, he realized that the beads of sweat had wet the ground.

He turned his head in embarrassment and glanced at me. The expression in his eyes was clearly saying: Why didn't you say that there would be such a large group of terrible bosses?

I spread my hands, pretended to be innocent, and responded to him with my eyes: What's the use of saying it earlier? Do you dare to refuse the invitation? Believe it or not, it made the old man anxious, so he just carried you on the hind legs and slipped you here? At that time, don't talk about face, and lose everything.

Salon was full of anger, but had nowhere to vent.

At this time, the leader of the national power organization sitting in the center said: "Everyone is talking about it, your own understanding."

The first to speak was a kind-looking grandfather. When he was young, he was hailed as the strongest fighter since the legendary hero period: "I think this power is very familiar. A disaster."

The priest's grandmother nodded slowly and said, "Agree, I think so too."

Another grandmother who seemed to be full of energy said again: "I agree with this statement. At the same time, I think that this power is quite close to the power of the ghost and **** Kazan who is walking on the mainland, pure and crazy."

"It's somewhat similar to the power of Kazan, but I think it should be two different powers." Another grandfather, stroked his beard and said: "The power of Kazan is closer to the catalyst and stimulates the most primitive instinct of the parasite. But this force is very aggressive, so I think that it may be of the same origin as Kazan’s force, but they are of a different type."

The remaining few elderly people also made statements. Although they all have their own opinions, the main point of view still agrees that this power and the power of Kazan originate from the same source.

Seeing everyone had finished their speeches, the leader of the organization looked at me and said with a smile: "Xiao Yi also talk about it, what do you think of this power?"

"I only think this power is pure, and I don't know anything else."

"Well—" the leader of the organization nodded and said: "The summary is in place. That's right, this force is very pure, very pure, and very aggressive. Just like you said, this force is compatible with Kazan. The power of "should belong to the same source, and I have a feeling, or rather, a kind of conjecture, this power and the power of Kazan may not be their own power, but an existence unknown to us For them."

"Grant strength?" The fighter grandfather slowly said: "How can this kind of thing happen? If strength can be granted, why should we practice hard?"

"The words can't be so absolute" said the pastor's grandmother: "Giving power is a real thing, but it is more restrictive. Generally speaking, the instillation of power is instilled from a high level to a low level, or it is High life forms are instilled into low life forms, but this kind of instillation is extremely risky. If you don't pay attention, the indoctrinated party will explode and die due to factors such as low life forms or not strong enough."

"Theoretically, those who can successfully instill energy into low-life forms are bound to have a good grasp of both the state of destruction and creation."

"Well, in other words, only God can do this?" the fighter grandfather asked.

"Yes," the pastor's grandmother continued: "Theoretically, there is indeed and only God can do this."

"As far as I know, there is only one god, that is, the God of Creation who created this world," the fighter grandfather said solemnly: "But the power of the God of Creation is related to creation, and has nothing to do with chaos and destruction."

"There is not only one deity," the pastor's grandmother explained: "There have been too many deities in Hefeng Continent, but they are not recorded. Even in some special periods, the existence of these deities was buried."

"Special period?" the elderly collectively asked curiously.

"The Twilight of the Gods" said the grandmother of the pastor: "In ancient times, the Twilight of the Gods appeared in the Hefeng Continent, but that record was buried."

"Since it was buried, how did you know?" an old grandma asked curiously.

"That's because my ancestors served as a troubadour in ancient times."

"The bard or the position?" Another old grandfather asked with a smile, obviously, he didn't agree with this statement.

"It's a position," the pastor's grandmother explained: "The troubadour is a position that was granted the right to record history by the two major races in ancient times. His position is not restricted by any country, nor threatened by any group. Record history objectively."

"The troubadour is such a special identity?" a certain grandfather asked in surprise.

"These things are all recorded in the secret room. When Master Dewey mentioned it, you didn't take it seriously, but now you show an expression of ignorance, questioning my words, don't feel ashamed. ?"

For a while, there was silence in the room, and the next second, all kinds of weird voices sounded, and the old people were doing their best to cover up their embarrassment.

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