I felt that the surging wild force in my crotch was eating away my senses a little bit, and a group of villains popped out of my mind, shouting in unison: bang bang, bang bang, bang bang, bang bang. .....

As my reason was hypnotized by the little man a little bit, my body began to show uncoordinated movements, first of all my fingers, and I began to try to hug Phoenix's body.

As soon as her hands were wrapped around her soft waist, Phoenix's body stiffened slightly, but she still sat motionless on my lap, pretending that nothing happened, but her little soft hands It was covered with sweat in a short time.

You ask how do I know?

Because she is holding my fingers with those wet hands.

And this action not only failed to stop my surging power, but on the contrary increased its raging even more, and my hands climbed towards the body of the phoenix uncontrollably.

The only pitiful reason left in my heart is still working hard to call me: Calm down, it is called Yiqing to do this after marriage.

However, more voices resounded throughout my body: Come on, come on, just a little bit, just a little bit, you can complete the transformation from a virgin to a mature man!

When I heard the sound behind, my throat became thirsty, as if it was about to breathe fire, and my whole person was abnormal.

However, at this dangerous and dangerous moment, Kagali suddenly pulled the Phoenix up, and coldly snorted: "Fortunately, you are not allowed to hook up with Xiao Yi at will before marriage. You are going to commit a foul!"

Barbara also reacted at this moment and echoed: "The Cowgirl is right, you and Xiaoyi are not allowed to make small moves!"

While talking, she also tried to secretly stick it up, but was picked up by Kagali.

"Ah, don't talk, Cowgirl, the clothes will break!" Barbara kept dancing and roaring.

"Hmph, I have tried the material of the clothes. It's strong like a battle suit. It's impossible to pull or get out of shape." Kagali snorted, "You are not allowed to hook Xiaoyi!"

But at this time, the evil fire in my heart finally calmed down, at least my eyes were no longer hot.

Phoenix's cheeks were blushing, and he didn't say a word. He just stared at me with those watery eyes, and saw that my heart was itching again. Fortunately, it was just itching, and I could still control it.

Controlling the ‘sneaking’ behavior of Phoenix and Barbara, Kagali turned around in front of me and said, “How is it, Xiao Yi, is it good-looking?”

"Good-looking!" I looked straight, and kept holding my thumbs, tut tut.

My eyes didn't live on the three women, and the inner heart that was easily suppressed by me had a rhythm out of control again.

At this moment, not far away, there was applause, which brought me out, who was almost immersed in desire again.

Looking at it, it was Zach. At this moment, he was holding the cup in one hand with a silly look, looking straight ahead.

Following her gaze, Florence smiled at him not far away.


I let out a meaningful interjection, and my eyes were full of jokes.

Zach didn't notice my playful gaze at all, and still looked foolishly, his saliva almost dripping out.

That’s right. Although we’ve been together for so long and have done everything that should be done, Zach belongs to the kind of honest person who can’t cheat, but he has nothing to do with romance. What about Florence? The diligent and thrifty housekeeper can be seen from the fact that there are no more than five clothes in her closet.

This time, I suddenly changed into the fashion frontier, even far beyond the concept of master-level charm costumes, and instantly there was a feeling of a beautiful little yellow duck transforming into a colorful peacock.

Kagali whispered beside me, "This is the first time I have seen sister Florence wear such good clothes. She is so beautiful."

When she said this, Kagali's eyes were full of tears, perhaps moved or happy, in short, she was happy.

Thinking about it carefully, Kagali was right. Florence was originally a beauty. After she married Zac, she withdrew from the battle sequence and focused on housework and logistics. There were only a few women’s most beautiful times. In 2011, she dedicated almost everything to the guild. Such a woman is selfless and hardworking. No one thinks she is not beautiful, and no one dares to think she is not beautiful. Any word other than beauty is for her. Profanity.

Zach suddenly took a few steps forward, hugged Florence, and said, "You are so beautiful, so beautiful."

Florence's cheeks turned red in an instant. She struggled a bit and said, "Don't make trouble, everyone is watching."

At this moment, Billy came out of the kitchen with a cup in her hand. Seeing this scene, she was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted: "Kiss, kiss, kiss!"

In an instant, everyone in the yard cheered: "Kiss, kiss, kiss..."

Zac's face turned red, and Florence was even more ashamed to bury her head on Zac's chest.

In the end, under the enthusiasm of everyone, Zac still kissed Florence heavily, and the kiss of Florence had big eyes watery.

Then everyone started booing again, rushing forward, pushed Florence and Zac into the room, and just closed the door.

Zach said: "Let us come out!"

I said hehe: "Second children are popular now, you and your sister-in-law make a second child, we will let you out."

Everyone smirked, and then there was no sound in the room.

We left quietly, of course, the female compatriots should change clothes, the catwalks should be the catwalks, the male compatriots sneaked into the kitchen and drank watermelon juice while laughing and talking about Zac and Florence's meaty jokes, but All of these pieces of meat are very connotative, not at all dirty.

I asked Billy, "How do you feel when you see those beauties?"

Billy hey said, "Not bad, all pretty."

As soon as I said this, my sympathy for him rose in an instant: this guy hasn't reacted to a woman now, he must have been bent, and he was bent to the point where he could no longer bend!

Moreover, when he finished speaking with me, he turned his head and smiled at Godot.

Lying in a big trough...

I just felt that the scene pierced my eyes. I had to drink up the watermelon juice in the cup and fled to the yard.

The three Phoenix women had changed their fifth outfits, and they were looking at each other. Seeing me coming, they rushed up and began to inquire about my opinion.

Naturally, I can only answer two words: beautiful!

Don't underestimate these two words. In fact, what you want to say is to satisfy the other party. You must also grasp the expression, movement, expression, and tone of voice. It can neither make the other party feel perfunctory nor make the other party feel contrived. Fortunately, they felt the sincerity and excitement in my word.

In short, in a word, life is like a play, it all depends on acting!

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