There are fifteen sets of clothes for each person, and the three women wear forty-five kinds of appearances, and each appearance is full of elegance, and I can't help but feast my eyes.

The advantages of having three fiancées at the same time are undoubtedly obvious at this time.

As the Phoenix three women kept changing their clothes and posing for me, all kinds of dog abuse slammed on the head of the only single dog left in the guild.

Some people may wonder why there are so many men in the guild, why there is only one single dog?


I couldn't help but let out a weird and hideous smile: Zach has Florence, I have three Phoenix daughters, Rocky has Lily, Billy has Godot, Taylor has long lost interest in that.

Therefore, there is only one single dog left by Jackson, who is still in unrequited love, watching our various shows of affection, and helplessly eat handfuls of dog food.

When the women finally finished drying their clothes, they went back to their rooms and began to pack up their clothes.

Only then did I realize the problem: Lily and Lizi seemed to have never come out since the beginning!

I hurried forward, came to Loki who was still looking forward to it, and said, "Where is Lily?"

Rocky shook his head anxiously: "She never came out!"

"So long?" I frowned and said, "Follow me."

"What are we going to do, boss?"

"Knock on the door" I said: "Look at Lily and the others if they have any problems?"

Before we came to the room, Loki and I had another problem: Who should knock on the door?

As usual, Lily called me Xiaoyi brother, I can knock on the door as my brother, but I always find it weird.

In terms of relationship, the relationship between Loki and Lily is much closer than the relationship between Lily and me. However, when I kept using my eyes to beckon Rocky to knock on the door, this funny comparison turned back, not only the rejection, Even the cat got behind me, no matter how I turned, he always had the ability to escape behind me and hide in advance, which really made me distressed.

Seeing the female compatriots coming out of the room one after another, I reluctantly reached out and knocked on the door.

Soon, a timid voice came from the room: "Who, who?"

It's Lizi.

I said: "Have you changed your clothes?"

Lizi ‘ah’ didn’t say anything for a long time, and Lily’s voice came out again: "Change..."

"Oh" I nodded and said, "Then quickly, let us see if we change it."

"Oh, good, good."

After a while, the girls had changed their daily clothes and started their daily work. The door to Lily and Lizi's room slowly opened.

At this moment, Loki swishes in front of me like a monkey, saying: "Sorry, boss, I want to be the first to see Lily."

This is a funny comparison.

I smiled bitterly, took two steps back, and gave him the first ‘place’ to watch.

Soon, the door was fully opened, and Lily and Lizi appeared at the same time.

At that moment, we were amazed again!

The two daughters are already very loli, and they are soft and cute. Even Lizi is more immature than Lili. With that shy expression, they are simply beautiful princesses who are out of the palace for the first time!

If I didn’t know they were human, I would treat them as Barbie dolls, so... so cute!

Loki's eyes were always straight, and his saliva dripped.

Lily pointed at Loki and said anxiously: "Brother Xiaoyi, what should I do, Loki, he has become a fool!"

I grinned and said: "Don't worry, he is a fool, he will be fine later."

As I was talking, I suddenly saw Lizi's eyes were slightly swollen and red, so I stepped forward and asked Lily, "Why are you in the room for so long?"

Lily made a childish remark, and directly stated the reason: "Because Lizi cried, she was crying miserably, no matter how I persuade it!"

Lizi crying?

I turned my head and asked Lizi, "Why are you crying? Is there anything that makes you uncomfortable?"

Lizi shook her head desperately, muttering: "No, no, no."

"Then what are you crying for?"

"Because, because I am happy" Lizi flattened her mouth and said, "Since, no one has ever bought or bought clothes for me. This is the first time."

With that, she grinned and started crying again.

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore" I stretched out my hand, stroked her little head, and said, "It won't look good if you cry again."

Lizi nodded her head, tried to hold back a few times, and finally recovered her crying, but she still sucked.

Just at this moment, the three girls also came out of the room. Seeing Lizi's appearance, she knew that she was crying. She walked quickly between me and her and glared at me. Barbara said, "Xiaoyi, Why are you bullying even the little girl! If you want to bully, you can find the three of us, whatever you want!"

As she said, she pressed her chest, and two large waves stuck to my body.

I am very innocent, I really didn't do it!

But I know that the explanation is invalid. At this time, someone who is right and never lies comes out to refute the rumors for me.

And this candidate must be Lily.

Sure enough, Lily pulled Barbara's sleeve very nervously, and said: "Sister Barbara, it's not Brother Xiaoyi's fault. Brother Xiaoyi didn't bully Lizi. Lizi was too happy to cry. "

"So happy?"

The three girls murmured, and they reacted quickly. Lizi is a child no matter how much she suffers so much. When happiness suddenly falls on her head, she doesn't control her for a while, and it is natural to cry.

Seeing the three women's expressions were slightly stagnant, I knew they had figured it out, so I smiled.

The three women suddenly snorted together, and Kagali said, "Actually, I knew you weren't such a person a long time ago, but I wanted to see your ability to adapt to changes!"

Barbara nodded in agreement with a proud face, and reached out and patted my chest, and said: "This lady is very satisfied!"

First, Phoenix nodded with a serious expression, then vomited, and rubbed beside me like a little rabbit. The pair of waves on his chest also pressed on my arms at the same time.


I am cool.

By coincidence, Florence rushed out of the room at this time, and as soon as she came out, she kept saying: "Oh, I haven't cooked yet, I have to cook faster!"

She said, buttoning her clothes.

Seeing this, I laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, don't be busy. Today we are going to the restaurant and I will treat you."

"Xiaoyi treats!"

Maggie cheered and said: "I want to eat black hair steak!"

"I also want!"

Susan smiled, she tugged at Belle, who also nodded shyly.

At this moment, Zach also walked out of the room. He tied the collar button and smiled and said, "Xiaoyi treats you."

"Of course," I laughed: "Just to make up for Zach, hehehe."

The faces of Zac and Florence flushed instantly.

"I suggest" Jackson suddenly said loudly: "Go to the cafe to eat!"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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