"Oh, good."

As I said, I walked out.

The door was closed, I had to wait outside to tell the truth, this aristocratic appraisal was quite different from our ordinary appraisal, and even the appraisal method had to close the gate quietly.

I wandered in the corridor for a long time, but couldn't find a chair. I simply sat cross-legged on the floor, leaned against the wall, and started to doze off.

After a while, when I heard a sound from the door, I immediately opened my eyes, grunted, got up from the ground, patted the folds of the clothes, and looked towards the door.

The supervisor came out first. She smiled at me, turned her head and said to the room: "Come out quickly, let Mr. An Xiaoyi see your changes."

However, Lizi just hid in the room and never saw her showing up.

I waited quietly for her debut.

The supervisor smiled and beckoned, but Lizi still didn't come out. The kind atmosphere started to be a little embarrassing, and I smiled helplessly at the same helpless supervisor.

Hanging my head, I sighed, this little girl is too shy, it would be nice if she could open her heart more.

Thinking so in my mind, I curled my lips.

At this moment, a little head came out quietly at the door of the room.

Lizi looks like a little fairy, looking at me quietly, her big eyes flashing with water, and the long ears that can't be covered even if she wants to hide it!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I said in surprise: "Lizi, you turned out to be... an elf?"

The supervisor gently pulled out Lizi, who was poking her head, and smiled and corrected me: "It's not a fairy, Mr. An Xiaoyi, this young lady is a fairy clan, no, to be precise, a half fairy."

"Half fairy..."

I stepped forward, squatted down, looked at Lizi up and down, and savored the changes that took place after her identification.

The figure is still so petite, cute and soft, and the position of her chest, as usual, does not have any protrusions or ups and downs, but her eyes were a little dry and lacklustre before, and now they have become full of cute charm, which makes people want to pity. .

And her pair of ears, which were originally petite and exquisite, have also become cones with a pointed top and a round bottom.

The pale little face was also a little more charming and bloody.

"Little, brother Xiaoyi..."

Lizi spoke, her voice remained the same as before, and her tone of voice was the same as before. Her twisted expression deepened her pitiful expression.

"Yeah" I squatted down, patted her on the head, and said, "Liz has become a little beauty. How is it? Are you still getting used to it? Is there any discomfort?"

Her cheeks were red, and it took a while before she said timidly: "No, no."

"I don't have any. Congratulations, you have also become an adventurer."

Her head dropped again.

The supervisor handed over a piece of paper and said, "This is Miss Lizi's ability value."

Take it over and start watching:

Name: Lizi

Gender: Female

Age: 11 years old

Grade: One

Occupation: singer

Talent: Sound of Nature (In the singing state, a positive state can be randomly applied to teammates)

Talent level: F

Strength: F

Speed: F

Physical strength: F

Agility: F

Magic: F

Magic value: 300

Magic Skill: Sound of Nature

Physical skills: None

What the hell......

Although I have heard about it before and know that most of the fairies are pure auxiliary races, it is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes.

And, is this "Sound of Nature" a bit too... interesting?

Randomly impose positive status on teammates... The focus is not on the back, but the word ‘random’ in front.

These two words contain a deeply intriguing taste. If you can apply a multi-strike state to a fighter, or apply a quick magic recovery state to a wizard, or apply a flesh shield to a half damage state, it would be considered God skills.

However, it is random, that is to say, it is very likely to randomly apply quick magic recovery to fighters, double blows to mages, and double magic attacks to flesh shields.

That's pretty funny.

I continued to look down. When I saw the magic power value, I was stunned again. I remember that Lily’s magic power value was always astonishingly high. When I first encountered it, it was also 300, but it was achieved at magic level E. And Lizi actually reached this value when her magic level was F!

In other words, her magical power development is twice that of Lily.


I couldn't help letting out a few dry laughs, and said in my heart: Why are all the strange things that I have encountered!

Lily's magic power is comparable to the royal family, while Lizi completely overturned the gap between the royal family and ordinary people.

Of course, they are not the only ones who are weird.

Loki has a ridiculously high agility value, Godot is inexplicably amnesia added, Taylor is my lifesaver many years ago, can force my murderous intent to return to an unlocated existence, Phoenix is ​​a cute qigong master, but for As far as Qigong is concerned, she is more specialized in physical exercises. Kagali, I don’t know where her knowledge has been developed. In short, there is almost nothing she doesn’t know, Barbara, although it’s just an ordinary Human, the agility value is also ridiculously high, even a lot higher than the agility value of the average adventurer...

Wait, wait, I won't list them one by one. Until this moment, I vaguely discovered that there are so many... ghosts in my guild!

The reason they are called ghosts is that their specialties are almost as outstanding as their shortcomings, which are beyond ordinary human beings.

I touched my head and couldn't help feeling: Hey, as an ordinary person, walking with a group of weird flowers is really not easy!

I didn't meet with Master Hall. First of all, I didn't want to disturb him. Secondly, even if I did, I didn't know what to say. At most, it was just a few words of greeting.

Walking home with Lizi, she quickly attracted the attention of many people. Some people even pointed at me secretly, talking a lot, but their eyes were full of jealousy.

To me, this is normal.

Among human beings, there are many other races that intermarry with the human race, including the main members of various orcs, various dwarves, and various goblin races.

There are also cases of intermarriage between the elves and the humans, but this situation is relatively rare. About one thousand elves will choose to intermarry with the humans.

As for the fairies, this situation is even rarer. In people's cognitive memory, the number of pairs of fairies and humans intermarried is even less than one hundred.

This is clearly mentioned in all records since ancient times.

Someone once said this: Fairies are a very wonderful human being. They are very simple, but they can distinguish between good and evil. Once they feel the malice emanating from other humans, they will immediately hide away. Open, this also makes this race stay away from the human race.

This sentence can also be understood like this: For the fairies who can distinguish between good and evil, most human races are evil.

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