After coming to the Hefeng Continent, I have been looked at with curious eyes only twice: the first time, I was carrying a black knife as long as a flagpole; the second time, now.

Lizi hugged my arm tightly, hiding in the arc of my arm timidly, with a nervous and scared look.

She was originally a shy girl who was easy to get nervous, and when she was looked at by the elders on the street with wolf-like greedy eyes, she was still nervous to death if she changed herself.

As usual, my expression was indifferent and natural, except that my unconstrained right hand had a hilt that brushed the Naodaka sword.

This is a habit, but also a warning: don't come near me.

It happened to be at the entrance of an equipment store. I looked inside and suddenly realized that Lizi did not have a decent combat uniform, so I stepped forward.

I walked back and forth several times, but didn't see a favorite. I was about to leave. The clerk said, "Hello sir, what style do you want?"

I pointed to Lizi and said, "She wears it."

"Excuse me, what kind of occupation is she?" the clerk continued: "We also recommend different styles for adventurers of different occupations."

"Uh..." I thought about it and said, "Singer, have you heard of this profession?"

The clerk looked blank, obviously she hadn't heard of it, so she showed a professional smile and said: "Sir, please wait a moment, I will call the store manager over immediately."

I nodded and took Lizi to look around in a small area.

Not long after, the store manager hurried over, met me, smiled and said: "Hello sir, I am the store manager, I heard that you are looking for the professional clothes of a singer, right?"

"Ah, yeah."

I replied.

"This shop happens to supply clothing for this profession, but the quantity is relatively small. Please come and choose together with me."

His voice was very polite, I didn't refuse, and nodded.

Just about to take a step, Lizi grabbed my arm forcefully and lowered her head. I saw fear in her eyes.


Lifting his head again, I saw that the store manager still had a smile, very kind.

I lowered my head and asked Lizi again, she still had a horrified expression.

I remember that someone said that the fairies can distinguish between good and evil in people's hearts. Although it is not clear whether the half fairies also have this kind of talent, I prefer to believe in Lizi because she is her own.

Thinking of this, I turned around and left.

"Sir, you are..."

The manager's surprised voice came from behind.

"I suddenly lost my mood and I want to go back" I said without looking back.


The voices of the manager and clerk rang at the same time, but I still kept moving forward.

Out of the store, I asked Lizi: "Why, is there something bad?"

Lizi nodded.

"Well, then go back first" I said, "I borrow Lily's battle uniform tomorrow, OK?"

She nodded repeatedly.

So I took her, speeded up, and walked towards home.

On the way, I vaguely felt that someone was following me not far or near. As soon as I turned my head, I could see a shadow of a person entering the wall not far away.


I sneered. It seemed that there was going to be fun in the evening.

I didn't make any moves anymore, but directly pulled Lizi and strode into the yard. In the peripheral part of the light, the figure dodges after a few seconds of fixation.

I snorted, expressing disdain.

After Lizi's appraisal was completed and I appeared in front of me, I had a prank plan to take Lizi home quietly and see what other people would do.

However, the results obtained only prove one thing: if you don't die, you won't die.

Lizi's figure was originally petite and exquisite. She hugged my arm tightly, hiding her whole body behind me, showing only a cute little head.

That cute little head, except for her hair color and hair length unchanged, even her face has undergone a subtle change-it has become more refined.

However, the most prominent ones are the ears and eyes. One becomes a cone with a blunt top and a blunt bottom, and the other becomes more watery and more energetic.

Originally, as long as she was standing here and recognizing from the appearance, she should still be able to roughly recognize Lizi herself. However, at this moment, she just hides her body and reveals all the most changed parts. After seeing everyone in the room, tragedy was born.

After seeing Lizi's intimacy with me, the three Phoenix girls went straight away.

Anyway, I also forgot who made the first punch. In short, I was stunned by this punch. Then, I was pushed to the ground by force majeure. Then, it was a series of punches and kicks, and it was painful. It hurts even more than when those **** beat me in groups.

I wanted to struggle to explain it, but when I caught sight of the rainy face of Phoenix Pear Flower, I gave up this move. Forget it, just hit it. Anyway, it's all my women. Hit to death.

Sure enough, the key part of the three women's blows is my most fleshy butt, which is really worthy of my love for them in my daily life, hehehe.

This violent beating lasted for about ten seconds, and was stopped by Lizi's crying voice.

The three girls looked at Lizi, who was also raining with pear flowers, and fell into extreme shock.

In fact, not only them, but even the other people watching the excitement, are all in a daze.

Only Lily stood beside Lizi, stretched out her hand and pulled her arm, and said, "Are you Lizi?"

"I said, are you finished?" I asked slyly, and then stood up under the expressions of the three women who were dumbfounded, patted the dust on my body, and said: "Introduction, this one is our new player. ——Lizi!"

"Fuck, it's Lizi!" Billy exclaimed from the side.

"Lizi, it turned out to be... an elf?" Susan asked in surprise.

"Not very much like..." Belle corrected: "I have seen elves. They are all tall and slender. She is too..."

"Too petite, isn't it?" I chuckled, "Actually, Lizi is really not an elf, she is-a fairy race, to be precise, a half fairy race."

"Oh, Lizi turned out to belong to the fairy clan!"

"It's great, our guild actually has members of the fairy clan!"


A group of people jumped for joy.

It's no wonder that the Fairy Clan is an elusive race for humans, and it's rarely seen. It's normal to make so many exclamations.

I curled my lips at the embarrassed three women, showing an okay smile, opened my arms and bend my fingers.

The three girls came over shyly, hugged me, and Kagali groaned: "Why didn't you make it clear early in the morning?"

"Yes" Barbara snorted and said, "It made me think you had an affair!"

Phoenix rubbed her face on my chest, but she just broke her heart and cried. Look, this crystal clear nose was blown on my clothes... and it was still a small pile. ......

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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