Want to return to thinking, in the absence of solid evidence, everything is just a vain delusion.

I am not at all interested in such things as the coup, I just want to protect my family and friends.

If you want to protect, you must first be qualified to protect. This qualification comes from your own strength. Strength comes from level. The level comes from mobs. In the final analysis, we still have to continue mobs.

But for now, the most important thing is not to consider this, but tomorrow's duel with Harold.

If you want a good duel, you must go to bed early.

I walked home while humming my own songs.

No one was found in the yard of Benghui. It is estimated that Taylor and Godot should have noticed it, but because they were acquaintances, they didn't bother to take care of them, so they continued to lie down.

Back to the room, I glanced at Jackson, who was sleeping. This guy was already smashing his mouth, muttering three words of the boss’s wife, holding a far-reaching photo of the boss’s wife in his hand, and the wretched expression on his face indicated that he must What fragrant wretched dreams are you doing.

I wanted to kick him up with a kick, and then quickly ran back to the bed to pretend to sleep, but because the risk was too great, I had to give up.

Nothing happened overnight.

Early the next morning, I got up from the bed, prepared the Naodachi and Odachi at the same time, and went to the yard to practice the sword.

The knife technique was created by me. I don't have a name. The moves are weird. Most people are unpredictable, just like they can't figure out some of my strange behaviors.

And this is exactly my purpose. As long as you can't figure out my sword skills, you have to work hard to resist my attack, and there is no time to think about how to defeat me. Then, I basically have the chance to win. Up.

The weird moves, coupled with the weight of the Naoda sword, are violent in the yard, but this sound alone is not enough to disturb other people's sleep.

Facts have proved that even with the thunder of the early morning, it is difficult to wake up the group of guys in the guild, and what can really wake them up is either an enemy attack or a killing intent.

In this way, all of them are good fighters.

After playing the knife several times, I stretched my waist, shook my arms and legs, put the knife away, put it next to the tree, and went straight to the bathroom to take a bath.

For me, this is the best way to relax your mind. When your mind is relaxed, your spirit will naturally relax, which can relieve the tension before the fight to the greatest extent.

After everything was taken care of, it happened to be half past five.

Florence waited for a few girls to sway out of the room and towards the kitchen. This is their daily habit, except of course when I treat them to dinner.

At this time, Zach also came out holding his bedwetting child. The child is very well-behaved and seldom cries, but from time to time he would come to soak in the Jinshan Mountain, and occasionally he would climb into other people’s rooms to get a soak. , This makes us speechless, but helpless.

However, it has been much better recently. Their child finally learned to go to the toilet to urinate, but he still can't climb the toilet, so he can only solve it anywhere in the toilet.

We are not dissatisfied with this. They all said that the children can go to the toilet, which means it is already great, but Zac and Florence will still express their apologies. Fortunately, everyone respects them and loves their children. .

Seeing Zac coming out, I greeted him with a smile, not thinking about it, but Zac’s expression was very surprised: "You got up so early today?"

I was stunned, and then reacted. Usually at this time, I always sit on the bed and wipe the knife, or I am paid to buy things. I rarely meet him who is out selling at this time. This surprise is also normal. .

So I smiled and nodded: "Yes, I can't sleep today."

The child in Zac's arms kept waving his arms, grabbing at me, with a crystal of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth.

This child seems to have a better relationship with me. As long as he sees me, he will definitely wave his arms at me and scream in excitement.

Zach once said to me: Children like you because you are kind.

I was very happy to hear it.

Often this time, Billy would come out to give me a merciless blow: He is not liked because of his kindness, but because he looks more like a toy.

Often at this time, I would calm down, smile on my face, and keep hinting in my heart that a harmonious society saved him, and a harmonious society saved him.

I was very pleased to be welcomed by the child. I waved my hand at little Zach. Yes, you heard it right. The child’s name is little Zach, which is similar to his father’s name. But the word "small" was added in front.

Little Zach waved his hand at me too, but his small black eyes were always staring at the straight sword in my hand.

I shook subconsciously, and he also shook it subconsciously.

"This kid really likes knives."

I smiled at Zach and said, "It looks like, in the future, it will be a big battle for our Fearless Guild."

Zach smiled comfortedly: "I hope so too. The child is so happy as soon as he sees the weapon. I am thinking about whether to send him to the Adventurer Academy when he is a little older. Go and learn."

"I think it's pretty good." I raised my eyebrows and said, "Going to a regular college can always learn something that you can't learn elsewhere, and we can also teach him fighting skills in his spare time."

"That couldn't be better" he chuckled, "I really hope that this child can grow up soon."

As he said, he turned his head to me and said, "When are you and the president and others going to get married? I still want to be your witness."

"This..." I thought for a while, and said, "It might be next year, er, next year at the earliest. You have to talk about it after I have met Kagali's parents."

"Well, you're right." Zach thought for a while, suddenly he laughed, and said, "Do you want me to teach you the skills of meeting your father-in-law?"

"Hehe, that's a lot of work, but I'll talk about it when I see you soon" I changed the subject: "By the way, have you decided which school to choose for little Zach?"

Zach curled his lips and shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet. It's best to be closer to home and I can take care of it."

I thought for a while, and said, "It's better to choose a better quality school. After all, it is related to the future of your child. You don't need to consider money. Everything is paid by the guild. Don't worry, what I have is money."

As he said, he patted his chest with a loud pop.

Originally, when he heard about the money, Zach's expression was obviously rejected, but after I patted my chest confidently, he nodded and thanked me.

After all, it's a friend, a teammate, and if this little thing can't be solved, then build a **** guild.

Soon, the meal was ready, and everyone got up one after another.

After the meal, everyone was preparing to go to the dungeon, but I quietly went out and went straight to the Heroic Guild.

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