At the door, he met a familiar guard again, so he went unimpeded all the way and was directly crowded to the training ground.

Harold was in the middle of the field, brandishing a huge sword, and roaring incessantly, aggressively.

On the left side of the venue, a dozen chairs have been placed, and the chairs are full of people. Some are familiar and some are strange, but most of them are strange.

Among them, there are only four familiar ones, Monroe, Xu Tengbo, Jin Siqi, and Yula, who is in a formal suit and holding a pen and paper.

But unlike usual, except for Monroe, Xu Tengbo and Jin Siqi are standing on one side, and in front of them, there is a strange face sitting and talking in a low voice.

If I am not wrong, they should be Xu Tengbo and Jin Siqi's boss.

I watched Harold finish his last sword before I said hello.

Harold smiled and said, "You came early enough."

"It's not early, it's already..." I looked around, but couldn't find the watch, so I had to chuckle: "It's not early anyway."

He nodded and said, "Wait for a moment, I'll change my clothes and take a shower by the way."


After a short time, Harold walked out in a refreshing suit, and I had eaten up the second plate of pastries.

Some spectators not far away pointed me to my casual behavior of sitting cross-legged and eating cakes, but I didn't care.

Whether it's the Azure Planet or the Hefeng Continent, there is never a shortage of watching the excitement and meddling.

Harold smiled when he saw me eating, and couldn't help asking, "You haven't had breakfast yet?"

I patted my hands, patted my clothes again, stood up, and said, "No."

Harold was a little embarrassed and said, "Sorry, it seems that I am neglecting you."

"That's okay," I said as I walked to the place where the weapon was placed, picked up the Nauta sword, weighed it, and said, "Are you ready? Let's start when we are ready."

Harold took the great sword from the men on the side and cut it twice in the void.

That giant sword was often used in battles. The blade was very long and thick, and the blade was wide, and it looked full of weight. It was a good sword.

When he fought against the Ghost Face Spider, he used this great sword to chop off a waist-thin spider leg.

Seeing his strong fighting spirit, I gradually got into the state. I pulled out the Nauta sword from the scabbard, swiped the void, and made an illusory void sound.

Slowly stepped forward and confronted him, only four or five meters away.

I nodded at him.

In the next second, Harold was like a mad bear, rushing towards me with a rush of smoke!

I have seen this trick, and Harold also used it in the last duel.

Last time, when facing this move, I chose to avoid because I couldn't take it. But this time, I will try to carry it and see if I can take it.

Holding the knife with both hands, holding the handle with one hand, and holding the blade with the other, pouring the strength of both arms into it at the same time, forming an unbreakable shield, and setting my posture, I waited for the arrival of his sword.

The four words ‘power, force, and sink’ are not made up randomly. Since the ancients said that, it meant that they had their own unique opinions.

Harold's blow was worthy of a heavy blow. Only hearing the scream of metal collision, our weapons slammed together.

What followed was an uncontrollable collision. My body couldn't help but retreat several steps back and forth. After unloading half of my strength, my right foot landed on the ground and my feet exerted force, together with my legs, body, and arms. All efforts can be able to stop the retreat.

"A lot of strength!"

I can't help but exclaim: "It's more than twice as powerful as the last duel!"

I was amazed and exclaimed, but I was not afraid at all. When the retreat stopped, my legs were slightly bent, and I jumped into the air.

In mid-air, I saw the appearance of Harold and the entire ground shaking quickly, and then, seeing a good opportunity, I slammed the knife and slashed at his arm.

At just the right time, Harold's great sword was lifted up and collided with my straight sword. After that, with the help of force, I jumped to the ground on the other side.

At the beginning of the situation, I was beaten down, but soon, I will reverse it!

I secretly said in my heart, and then, both feet kicked on the ground and rushed forward. The sudden burst of speed and power made me feel that everything around me became blurred. This is the feeling of a cheetah running.

Just as I was thinking, I was close to Harold, and the tip of the straight sword in my hand rushed towards his right rib.

I don’t care about hurting him hard, and at the same time, I don’t care about being hit hard, because every guild has a huge team of pastors as backing. Recover within hours.

So, after I decided to warm up a few more times, I would use my full strength and try my best to fight Harold.

Looking at Harold's fanatical expression, I guess he might have the same idea as me.

Strength is Harold's advantage. Every attack will produce a huge impact. Once it hits, it will be seriously injured. There is no doubt.

Speed ​​is my advantage. I can fight for the most slashes in the shortest time. Although every blow is not fatal, it can continue to consume his physical strength and will. Once the opponent loses both Any one of them is a sign of my victory.

Harold's attack speed is not fast. I can completely avoid it if he dodges, but it still costs me a lot of strength to block, so I never choose to resist each of his attacks.

Of course, except for the first blow, it was my test of his power. Fortunately, this power was still within my acceptable range. Otherwise, I would have been koted.

Just when I swung the 76th sword and left a small wound on Harold's waist, his aura changed.

I felt that the white flowers flashed in front of me, and a roaring force was like a whole wall, hitting me and hitting my body instantly. Then, my whole person fell out like a leaf blown away. More than three meters away.

Fortunately, my body was still stable, and I turned my head in the air, and I landed firmly on the ground.

The impact was not caused by an attack, but something like a wave of air, just like the boldness of the tauren boss when he appeared on the field. I turned my head to look at Harold and saw him bright as day. The light shines brightly, and at first glance, it looks like a magical soldier descending into the world, and it is so awesome.

The air wave just now should be caused by his white light.

I have seen this white light. Every time he completes the transformation task, he will receive a gift from the God of Creation, and this gift seems to be white light.

It seems that he is finally going to do something real!

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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