Pulling out the letter paper, unfolding, there are only a few numbers on it: tonight, in the casino, there is a change.

In the dead of night, I jumped out of the courtyard wall and went straight to the casino.

This time was the same as the last time, still fully armed, and searched all corners within one hundred and five to fifty meters.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, I continued to pretend to be completely fine and swaggered into the casino door.

At the door, the sturdy man who was still sensible acted as the door greeter. He saw me from a distance, greeted me directly and enthusiastically, and escorted me into the house.

Stepping into the casino, besides the neat rows of gambling machines and tables dedicated to gambling, only Shan Yong was greeted.

It may be a bit awkward to say that, but in fact, he is wearing a brand-new, straight uniform, standing facing the door with a serious face, like a lifelike statue, I can't help but think of him as one with the surrounding furnishings.

Facing Shan Yong who looked like this, I didn't know how to speak, but in order to avoid the embarrassing quiet scene, I had to suffocate, and then clear my throat: ah!

This voice directly attracted Shan Yong's attention. I saw his body trembled slightly, and then his eyes had a look. After seeing that the person was me, I hurriedly stepped forward and came to me, saying: "You came?"

"Yeah" I nodded, looked up and down Shan Yong Yitong, and said, "You are..."

In fact, this is a questioning knowingly. I just want to create an illusion for Shan Yong that I don't even know what happened.

Shan Yong said indifferently: "I have been promoted to the captain of the Eri City Guard Team."

"Yeah, it's so sudden, it's just a matter of admiration for three days." I hurriedly pretended to be respectful, bowed slightly, and said, "His sir, Captain."

Shan Yong's face was stunned, and he suddenly said, "Don't mess with me with those hypocritical things. I know, you don't care about the big captain or the big captain at all, and I don't take this as an honor!"

I laughed and looked at him.

Shan Yong paused, his face a little slow, and said: "I can be favored by the second young master and be promoted to my current position because I did something that satisfied him."

"Well, I guessed it, but I don't know what you did."

"I took all the members of the guild and rushed to the second young master's residence to show allegiance and helped him get rid of the two small guilds that were always disobedient.

That's it...

I nodded secretly: Not only took the initiative to loyalty, but also put it into action, especially these two things were done in the shadow of the loss of kidnapping the dwarf princess, no wonder he would be appreciated by the second master.

"Well, you did a good job" I said: "But what do you mean by the changes you wrote on the note?"

"It's like this." Shan Yong took out a small notebook from his arms, handed it to me, and said, "Look at the things written on this first."

After taking the book, I turned a few pages, and it recorded rough information about all current guilds in Ai Ruicheng. Some guilds had crosses next to them, and some were circled.

I turned page by page, and finally, on the last few pages, I found the name of the Fearless Guild, but there was a fork drawn on it, and the fork was wrapped in a not very round circle.

"What do these crosses and circles represent?" I asked.

"The circled is the guild that has been converted, and the crossed is the guild that has not been converted."

"Then drew a circle, what does a cross mean?"

"That's why I am looking for you today." Shan Yong frowned slightly, and said: "The circle on the outside of the fork means that it is a guild with no value. The second young master ordered me. In a short period of time, these guilds will be one by one. Weed out and scraped all the wealth in it for later use."

Oh, I really didn't expect that this second young master had such a plan, and he was a little bit petty.

As I was thinking, Shan Yong said again: "So I am eager to find you, just to let you know that your guild is now on the verge of danger."

I nodded: "How did you plan?"

Shan Yong's brows furrowed very tightly. After a while, he shook his head vigorously: "I won't fight you, but if you don't do anything, the second young master will definitely be suspicious, so I am very conflicted now."

"Well, you don't have to be too contradictory." I smiled and said: "What is recorded in this book is just a form. You can remove my guild from this at any time."

"However, there is a guild record in the adventurer base..."

"You don't need to worry about this" I smiled and said, "If you can't even do this, why should I promise to help you bring down the second master and regain your freedom?"

Shan Yong's eyes lit up, and he said with joy, "I understand."

"So, is there anything else I need to solve?" I asked.

He shook his head: "No, I will take care of everything else."

"Russ can be taught." I nodded and said, "However, we have to do another scene."

"What play?" Shan Yong asked puzzled.

I smiled and shook my head: "It's not the time yet. When the time comes, I will naturally tell you."

"Right." I looked around. "Where is Renne?"

"I don't know." Shan Yong shook his head: "While I was waiting for you, Renn went out silently. I asked him what he was going to do, but he ignored me. Are you looking for something to do with him?"

"It's okay, it just feels a little awkward to see that he isn't there." I waved my hand and said, "It's too early, and I should go back to rest."

"Not sent" Shan Yong bowed slightly and said lightly.

"Heh" I smiled and left the door directly.

This Shan Yong, ever since he joined me, has never treated me with a good face, but he is very neat and reliable.

Doesn't he know the boss who pleases him?

While thinking, I walked towards home.

The street was still bustling with hustle and bustle, passing by the door of the custom shop, from a distance, I saw a somewhat familiar figure.

Stand still, take a closer look, oh, I really have a fate, that is the little bit of a big man before, what is the little red fish.

When I saw him at the time, I didn't feel like an ordinary person, but now I see it, it is really extraordinary-it is a pervert!

Wearing a black bunny costume, with red lips, he kept tugging a passing wretched old man with a smile.

The other concubine Yang Gui smiled back to Bai Meisheng, but he was fine, and she seemed to feel nauseous when she kept smiling.

In order to ensure the safety of my life, I decided to leave the minefield quickly.

After walking away quickly, I exhaled, as if relieved, my whole person was much lighter, and before I knew it, sleepiness came up.

Think about it after I haven't had a good rest for a few days, then stopped thinking about it, hurried back home, entered the room, and fell asleep without taking off my clothes.

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