Early the next morning, I rushed to the adventurer base to find Master Hall.

When I met me, Master Hall was having breakfast, a bowl of porridge, an egg, a glass of milk and several plates of delicate-looking dishes.

He beckoned me to sit down and ordered someone to fetch another bowl, a pair of chopsticks, and a spoon. The bowl was filled with hot porridge.

I'm also welcome. I picked up the spoon and took a sip of the porridge. After a few clicks, I found that the porridge didn't taste at all, not only a little disappointed.

In my impression, such a high-ranking person, even if he eats porridge and steamed buns, he always has some unique tricks.

"What's wrong?" Master Hall looked at me: "Is this porridge good?"

I shook my head: "It doesn't taste good, there is no taste at all."

"This is not tasteless, this is called light" Master Hall bit a piece of vegetable and chewed carefully: "This is the best way to maintain health and the longest life. Young people like you usually like to eat big fish and meat. It's salty and oily, and it will burden the body."

"You always teach" I look like a student.

Master Hall laughed, and continued to chew slowly.

I followed his way, counting the grains of rice and eating.

This meal took me more than 20 meals. Master Hall took up a napkin and wiped his mouth, and dispersed the waiter. When only me and him were left in the room, he said: "Let's talk, what's the matter when you come to see me this time?"

"What can I do?" I said hehe: "Isn't this missing your old man~"

"Greasy mouth and slippery tongue" Master Hall laughed and said, "I knew from the beginning that your kid is not honest, but now you see, your kid is more honest than when we first met. I'm just a bad old man. What's worth thinking about? Don't circle me there, just talk, what the **** is going on?"

Seeing Master Hall asking like this, I no longer greeted each other any more, so I had to explain all my intentions this time.

Master Hall heard this and nodded: "You said that you want to freeze the name of the guild temporarily and make the illusion that the guild is destroyed, right?"

I nodded: "Look, this..."

"No problem." He patted his not broad chest, and said: "This little thing is still easy, but I don't understand, why are you doing this?"

I looked around, suddenly leaned down, and whispered in his ear: "Master, are you keeping this room secret?"

Master Hall was silent for a while and shook his head: "This is hard to say. Although this is my office, I can't guarantee that every waiter is completely loyal to me."

"Then let's go to a confidential place to talk," I said.

He nodded: "Okay."

After that, he took me away in a hurry.

Out of the door of the adventurer base, Master Hall took me along the way.

I asked: "Where are we going?"

Master Hall said: "Go to my house. There is a basement in my house. There is only me who has the key. It is absolutely confidential."

"Oh, go to your house" I replied and looked around, but as I walked, I was a little puzzled: "Master, isn't your house in the noble area?"

"Well, it's in the noble area" Master Hall continued: "However, there is also a house belonging to me in the civilian area, which I purchased privately at my own expense, specifically for gatherings of friends."

"With Master Dewey?" I asked.

"With Master Dewey" Master Hall affirmed.

The house that Master Hall bought in a civilian area was inconspicuous in terms of appearance and location.

Opened the door and walked in. The furnishings of the room are simple and spotless.

Master Hall said: "There is nothing decent in this house. Does it feel a bit too simple?"

I shook my head repeatedly: "It's okay, but it's really clean, enough to be spotless!"

"Yeah, if I'm okay, I will come here to clean it again, and I will treat it as a small entertainment after work."

With that said, Master Hall took me to a corner and opened a floor. Awesomely, an iron door was exposed.

Take out the key, insert it into the keyhole, twist it a few times, and only hear a click, the lock is unlocked.

Under the instruction of Master Hall, I grabbed the handrail and pulled up the iron door.

The iron gate that I thought weighed more than a hundred catties was actually opened by me effortlessly, which made me feel very surprised: "How can it be so light?"

"Of course, do you think I will use all steel to cast a door that I can't even pull myself up?" Master Hall laughed: "This is just a wooden door wrapped in a mithril shell."

"Mithril?" I exclaimed: "That thing is a precious material, used to make the door shell... Isn't it too extravagant? Moreover, the door shell looks more like A layer of rusty ironwork."

"Hmph, you don't understand, young man" Master Hall explained: "This is a fake paint I applied on it, just to give others a heavy illusion."

After listening, I was puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "Uh...what did you work so hard to create this feeling for?"

Master Hall smiled mysteriously: "Hey hey, don't talk, don't talk."

After entering the basement, after signaling absolute safety, I explained the ins and outs of the matter one by one.

Master Hall pinched the beard on his chin and said, "Well, the second young master you are talking about is Carter Scott, the second son of the current city lord, right?"

"Well, it's him."

"This Carter Scott, I have a bit of an impression. I have heard rumors about him from his subordinates. He is a very gloomy and temperamental young man. Such young people generally have strong ambitions. And you are extremely conceited, you are correct to temporarily freeze the name of the guild."

"What I am more worried about now is whether he will be blinded by his huge ambitions, which will eventually lead to the entire city of Ai Ruicheng in a predicament of continuous war."

Master Hall thought for a while: "If it's Carter Scott alone, then don't worry at all. He doesn't have that ability. At least, the goblins and dwarves living in Ere City will not obey him. But if according to what you said before, if all the forces gather together, it will indeed form a more troublesome force."

"So, the most urgent task is to find a way to disintegrate and disperse some other branches of forces. Only in this way can the ultimate loss be reduced."

"Well, there is some truth to what you said" Master Hall nodded, and said: "After the disintegration, how can you ensure that no new riot forces will breed?"

"This cannot be guaranteed." I shook my head and said: "As long as the ambition and desire are not extinguished for a moment, the coup will still happen. The only difference is the frequency and number of times it occurs."

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