The masked female soldier was silent, her eyes were struggling, and it seemed to her that telling the truth was a very painful and tangled thing.

Seeing her embarrassed appearance, I lost the curiosity. Anyway, the three daughters were safe and sound, and also harvested a lot of jewelry gold and silver. It's a pity that my straight sword has been used for so long. For feelings, I don’t know if there are any similar materials in Old Paqi’s shop.

"Forget it" I waved to the masked female elf: "Don't say if you are embarrassed, I'm tired too, it's time to go back, bye."

After that, walked towards Ai Rui City with the three daughters.

At this time, the sky, just at dusk, and the cold wind was constantly drilling around my body. I was free from the frenzy of fighting. I was still naked and my upper body, and finally felt the biting chill. , Sneezed a big sneeze, and nasal mucus dripped from his nostrils.

Just when I was thinking about whether I should run home as soon as possible, a group of warmth squeezed into my arms and it was Phoenix.

I couldn't help but sigh: Phoenix still knows to love me!

Immediately afterwards, another mass of warmth squeezed into the other side of my body, Barbara.

Although Barbara has no talent for caring about others, she is very good at imitating.

Only Kagali didn't react, but stared at the ground with her eyes dazzlingly, as if she was thinking about something.

Just at this moment, there was a sudden rumbling of collapse behind me. I turned my head hurriedly and saw the towering hero's mausoleum, which in an instant, turned into ruins.

"Collapse, collapse?" Barbara exclaimed.

"Well, it collapsed" I said.

"There..." Phoenix stretched out his tender white index finger and pointed to a little white light in the distance.

I know, that is where Achilles is.

When I got home, ignoring other people's gazes, I took a bath, drank a few cups of hot water, and finally ran back to the room, hugged the blanket and started to fall asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, the bed was full of people, and the three women were closest to me.

I coughed twice, feeling the scorching heat in my throat, Rocky was very sensible and handed over a glass of water, and I slurped it out.

After moisturizing my throat, the heat in my throat is still unabated, and I barely make a voice and ask: "How long have I slept?"

"Two days" Kagali said: "As soon as you come back, you start to have a fever, and you won't wake up no matter how you hold it."

"Oh..." I nodded.

It turns out that I haven't drunk water for two consecutive days. No wonder I'm so thirsty.

"Xiaoyi, we have all heard that you took the president and the others to the hero's tomb" Ma Qi complained: "Really, I don't know how to take us to such a fun place, huh!"

"And I heard that there have been many exciting battles!" Billy gritted his teeth and said uncomfortably, "You didn't bring me, are you afraid that I will surpass you!"

"Old man Taylor checked your body during your drowsiness, and found that you had several more hidden injuries. Although it has begun to heal, you can still analyze the severity of your injury. Xiaoyi, have you encountered a strong enemy? "Susan squeezed over and said seriously.

"A strong enemy..."

I murmured, Achilles appeared in my mind.

A little bit, I sighed and said: "Yes, I did encounter a strong enemy. His strength is something I have never met before, and it is so powerful."

After that, I told Loki to take out the hilt of the straight sword from my bag and show it to everyone, saying, "He shattered my sword with just one blow, and severely damaged my body."

Everyone's eyes were shocked, and they didn't say a word. They seemed to reshape the scene at that moment in their own way.

"Although you are weak, you still have a bit of strength. If you say that one blow can smash your knife and also severely inflict your body at the same time, I think there are no more than five in Ai Rui City." Taylor Holding the wine bottle, he casually said, "Could it be that you have been attacked by the top experts of the five guilds?"

I shook my head: "Not them."

"Then... I just can't think of it." He took a sip and frowned, "Or, recently another strong man has emerged in Eri City?"

"I'm not a person from Ai Ruicheng" as soon as I said this, I felt that the expression was a little unclear, so I changed my words: "It should be said that I used to be a person from Ai Ruicheng."

"What do you mean..." Taylor said: "He left Eri City before, and is now back?"

"Hey, that's not what it meant."

"Then you can make it clear" Taylor shook his head and said, "Could it be that your brain is burned?"

I curled my lips, did not refute him, and continued: "He is called Achilles and he claims to be a heroic servant."

"Achilles? Have you heard of it?"

"No, who is that?"

"do not know."

Everyone started talking, but Taylor frowned.

"Old man, what do you think?" I asked.

Taylor uttered an'um', and said: "This Achilles has been recorded in the past. It is indeed an attendant of the legendary hero Carter Adams. However, after Adams disappeared, there was no news about him. This The name was only mentioned in a small part of history books. I didn't expect that he would enter the mausoleum and have lived until now."

"How strong is this Achilles?" Billy asked Taylor, "Xiao Yi could be defeated by one move."

"Even if you kill the **** with one move, I'm not surprised." Tyler took a sip and said: "He is a legendary heroic attendant. Even if he is not as strong as a hero, he is similar. Such a guy can not be strong. ?"

Jackson, who had always been silent, suddenly asked: "Since you had a fight with Achilles and you ran out alive, have you beaten him?"

"Beat him?" I laughed mockingly: "I can't even touch his skin, so how can I beat him."

"then you......"

"It's his subordinates who are merciful," I said: "He promised that as long as I hurt him a single point, he will let me go. Although I didn't understand where he hurt him until the end, he seemed to admit me. He hurt him, so let me go."

"This one named Achilles is too arrogant, but he can't beat him. Is it so confident that he can't even hurt him?" Billy sneered, "Now let's slap him."

Tyler shook his head and said, "Billy, you are so young and naive. As a strong man like a hero, you won't speak rashly. If you dare to say so, it means he Have absolute self-confidence in oneself, and the **** can hurt him mostly out of luck."

"It's right to say that he is lucky. It's not wrong to say that he deliberately wanted to let me go." I sighed, "Anyway, it's almost alive."

After that, I felt itchy in my throat and started coughing again.

When everyone saw this, they felt that the most important thing was to let me have a good rest, and they left.

In the room, only the third daughter of Phoenix was sitting by the bed, watching me.

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