"Hey hey" I don't know the so-called dry laugh three times, I always feel that the three girls look at me obediently: "What's wrong with you?"

Phoenix flattened his mouth, scratched his head, and said, "I have nothing to do. I just saw that the'washboard' and the'big breasted female man' all look at you like this, so I also followed them and looked at you together."

Barbara shook a pair of cats and said, "I have nothing to do. I just watched the cowgirls and the giant **** all look at you like this. I also have to look at you like this to set off the atmosphere."

So I turned my head to Kagali again.

After looking at me for a while, Kagali said, "I always think this is not easy."

"Huh?" I wondered: "That thing?"

"It's about visiting the tomb." She held her arms in her arms, pondered slightly for a while, and said: "On the way back that day, I have been thinking about a question. Why did the masked female elf choose to go to the tomb at the same time as the second young master of Ai Ruicheng The time to go down to the tomb is the same, and there are not many tombs of the city lord around Ai Rui City. Why did she have to choose the first generation lord, the tomb of the legendary hero, is there any reason for this?"

I nodded slightly: It makes sense, the timing is indeed too coincidental.

While thinking about it, Kagali continued: "I watched the woman's eyes while condensing the gold coins. It was obvious that she was looking for something everywhere, always erratic. I guessed the purpose of her trip. It’s definitely not those gold coins, but something else."

"Something else" I thought about it, and said, "What could it be?"

Kagali shook her head: "I don't know, just inference and guessing."

"By the way, I seem to remember something!" Barbara's ears suddenly stood up, and said: "The eyes of the woman before, always staring at the cowgirl's chest, shouldn't it be homosexual love... ..."

Speaking of this, Barbara shuddered, so scared~~~

"I don't know if it is same-sex love." I thought for a while, and said, "I think she was probably observing the necklace pendant I gave to Kagali."

Kagali suddenly widened her eyes, stood up from the bedside, and ran out of the room quickly. This series of actions shocked Barbara’s face inexplicably (Phoenix was always staring at me, completely ignoring what was happening around me. Everything).

I shook my head and smiled: "She is going to check the necklace."

After not much time, Kagali walked back again. This time, her expression was obviously lighter. She sat back in the position she had just now, sighed with relief, and said, "I was scared to death. I thought I was stolen. ."

"Amethyst necklace?" I asked.

"Um." She pulled the necklace out of her clothes and shook it.

"It's no wonder," I said: "After all, it is the equipment worn by the elven heroes and warriors, both in terms of meaning and value, are very amazing."

As I was talking, a knock on the door came into my ears, followed by Rocky's voice: "Boss, someone is looking for you, it's a woman."


I almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood three feet away, directly spraying Rocky with a funny expression.

Knowing that my three fiancees are all sitting by the bed, can't you ignore the last four words!

In an instant, the three pairs looked like searchlights on my innocent face.

I forced a smile and said in embarrassment: "Look, I have been in a coma for two consecutive days, and it is impossible to touch anyone, right, as for the woman who came to me, cough cough, I guess, it's probably a business... ...."

"Official business?" Barbara snorted, a pair of small hands suddenly moved to my waist, and then stopped on top of my most important clone. Although I was separated by the blanket, I could still feel the gloomy cold... .

She sneered: "If it's your black history, I will break yours!"

I was stunned, instantly, waterfall sweat...

"Okay, stop making trouble," Kagali said flatly: "I'll go out and have a look first. If it's as you said, it won't be too late to punish him."

With that said, her gaze also took a look at my... crotch...

Fortunately, Phoenix did not make any shocking actions to my important clone, but she pulled a cushion and knelt directly on my head, a delicate and cute face quietly came to my ear. , And whispered milk into my ears: "Xiao Yi, do you really have a dark history?"

"Ahem" I coughed twice and said, "How come, I only have three of you."

"That's it" she continued to cry and said, "If you dare to lie to me, I will bite your..."

Khan...Phoenix, you are such an innocent, cute, well-behaved and beautiful girl, who has taken you so dirty?

When I caught sight of Phoenix’s pink cheeks and Barbara’s honor as a queen, I seemed to understand something...

The café is a mixed place. There are awesome and domineering adventurers, a powerful ruler, aristocrats with noble status, traffickers, pawns, and drunkard gamblers.

Under the deterrence of the proprietress, these people are not forbidden to do anything except not molesting the clerk. Among them, there are dirty jokes.

Under the constant immersion of the meaty jokes, Barbara, who was originally clever and wise, quickly grasped the mystery. Coupled with some rumors and descriptions in the neighborhood, she has already learned a lot without a teacher. I feel a little bit. Surprised dirty thoughts.

You know, before crossing, I was an old driver for 28 years!

With a creak, the door opened, Kagali entered the room, and then there was a fairly familiar face...

No, it shouldn't be a face, but a pair of fairly familiar eyes.

She is a masked female elf.

"Why are you here?" I looked at her suspiciously, a little puzzled.

Barbara’s small hands quietly closed and moved to my chest naturally. A pair of big eyes looked at the masked female elf blinking and blinking, and Xiao Qiong sniffed gently: "Well, yes. This smell."

I am a little bit dumbfounded: She is not food, nor can she eat, what do you sniff her for?

Phoenix still lay on his stomach, but turned her little face to the masked female elf, and said with a voice, "So it's you."

Kagali sat back to her original position habitually, pointed to the chair next to her, and said, "Please sit down."

The masked female elf pulled the chair, sat down, looked at me, and said, "An Xiaoyi, this is..."

"I'm sick" Kagali said: "I have been feverish since I came back, until now."

"Oh..." The masked female elf lowered her head slightly, and after a few seconds, she raised her head again and said, "It seems that it is not convenient to talk today. I will come back another day."

"It's okay." With Phoenix's support, I leaned on the head of the bed. Although I was still dizzy, but if I didn't clarify a few problems in my heart, I would feel uncomfortable even if I got better.

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