"It's from the soul" Datadao said, "I can feel it."

"But, is it really worth it?" I frowned, "For a scepter, you can do anything at all..."

Otaichi paused and said, "Maybe the value of this scepter is more important to the fairy patriarch than the entire Hefeng Continent."

"Well, what you said is very reasonable" I said: "However, I didn't see what is special about this scepter. Will its symbolic meaning be far greater than its own value?"

"You mean the scepter is mainly embodied in its symbolic meaning?" Odachi asked, "It's like the crown on the head of the king and the staff in the hands of the pope?"

"That's it."

"If you understand it this way, then it shouldn't be sealed in a metal box and covered with a black magic shield that even I can't cut open." Taita said: "From my many years of experience. , The power contained in this scepter is absolutely amazing. The reason why Ophelia sealed it is definitely not wanting future generations to get lost in its terrible power."

"Then she gave me the scepter so easily?" I wondered.

"That's just her image," Dadachi said: "It only has some intelligence. Maybe she wanted to give the scepter to her descendants in this way, or let the scepter disappear completely."


Odachi explained: "Generally speaking, if the descendants of the elves who enter the tomb are informed, they will definitely choose the scepter in the box, but if they are unwitting tomb thieves, they will definitely choose the treasures all over the floor. After all, they sneak in. The tomb is only for money, but no one expected that he would be able to meet you such an insatiable and very curious thing. In order to figure out the contents of the box, he tirelessly raised the floor tiles of the tomb. It's really a kind of fate, but for Ophelia, it's more appropriate to use'evil fate'."

"I am not a professional tomb thief, I am an adventurer, someone who was born specifically for adventure!"

When I said this, I felt that I became tall and tall in an instant, and even in the quiet room, a majestic BGM sounded vaguely.

But how can this BGM become more and more real and clearer?

I raised my ears and felt it, huh? This doesn't seem to be my illusion, but there is music!

"Go out and have a look" Datadao said, "Look at what's going on."

I thought about it, too, anyway, the sleepiness is gone, so it's better to go out and watch the excitement.

Pushing the door open, I walked out of the room slowly, followed the source of the sound and looked over, instantly stunned.

Less than a hundred meters away from my room, a dense crowd of fairy clans gathered together. They all bowed to a high platform. On the high platform, the fairy patriarch held a scepter with a sacred and solemn face. She was surrounded by white light. There was also a lot of golden streamer mingled with it, streamer constantly wandering around her, setting off her even more deified.

"You can see it," Ota said: "This scepter must contain unimaginable power, otherwise such a miracle would not come."

"It's not yet possible to conclude the coffin" I said: "Who knows how much power in this is due to the fairy patriarch herself, maybe most of this miracle was created by herself, and the moonlight scepter only acts as a medium in it. Role."

"At this time, you are still stricken" Taitadao said: "Well, wait for the miracle to pass, you can ask her personally."

As I spoke, the fairy patriarch's whole body was more radiant, like a small sun, which made me have to close my eyes, but even if I closed my eyes, I could still feel the strong light coming through my eyelids.

"How did those singing and music come from?" I asked Odachi, "I can't open my eyes, and I can't tell my ears. Please help me see."

"It was those people who sang by themselves," Taita said: "Their singing is very neat and beautiful, and they can even produce music by themselves. No wonder your ears can’t tell it. If I don’t feel it with my soul, I can’t tell it. ."

"There is no music when Remy sings," I said.

Dadachi thought for a while: "Maybe she hasn't grown up to that time."

"That's right, she's still a little loli right now, she might be fine." I listened to the sounds of nature around me, and said with emotion: "I wish I could hear Remy's own music earlier. Song."

While I was intoxicated, a warm feeling instantly wrapped my body and expelled the fatigue in my body.

I can't help being surprised: "This is..."

"This is the effect of the miracle caused by the fairy patriarch and the scepter," Otato said: "These lights are scattered like pollen, filling the entire space."

"I feel warm all over," I said, "I'm not even tired and sleepy."

"This is natural" Taitadao said: "This thing is more effective than healing magic. If it doesn't work, it can be broken and regenerated."

"So amazing?" I asked in surprise.

"Don't take it seriously" Taitadao said: "This is just a metaphor."

I really want to see with my own eyes the sight of light particles floating in the entire space. It must be a fairyland-like beauty, intoxicating and lingering, but I dare not open my eyes because I can still feel through my eyelids To the dazzling glare.

No way, I had to ask Odachi to act as my on-site commentary, and let it describe all the scenery before me in words.

As the light particles became brighter and brighter around, the singing voices of the fairies became more and more lofty. The gentle singing voice, the crisp whisper, and the beauty of the circulation made me more intoxicated and difficult to extricate myself.

Odachi, who was explaining, couldn't help but stop talking, and could not talk to himself for a long time.

Finally, the singing voice weakened until it disappeared, but I still couldn't extricate myself. The singing voice was like a seed, rooted in my brain, reverberating all the time, intoxicating my heart and comforting my soul.

Just when I was intoxicated, I suddenly felt something strange in my left arm. I lowered my head, endured the glare, opened my eyes suddenly, and looked at my left arm. I saw the guard of the left arm floating unexpectedly. Dense black and red runes, these runes are constantly changing and recombining to form new runes one after another. Not only that, they seem to be constantly capturing the golden light particles floating around. Every time they catch one, they will Will instantly integrate light particles into one's body, and then continue to capture new light particles.

As more light particles are captured, the black and red bodies of these runes gradually grow golden, like black and red rune modules tied with gold threads.

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