"These runes that seem to be palpitating have flew out of your left arm?" Odachi was surprised: "Could something bad happen?"

"Should not..." I replied hesitantly.

To be honest, I have no confidence in this matter at all, although I have always believed that as long as the rune on my arm is covered by something and I am not in a state of extreme anger, it will not be activated.

But now this situation is completely beyond my expectation!

The rune is floating in the air. This is indeed a sign of the mysterious power of the left arm, but when a sign occurs, I always feel a strange feeling. This strange feeling cannot be expressed in words, but it is real.

At this moment, I didn't feel any strangeness.

Is the precursor to its outbreak changed? Or is it just coming out to take in the golden light particles in the space?

There are two possibilities, and I hope it is the latter.

I sat cross-legged cautiously, not daring to have the slightest mood swing. In the current situation, I am a destructive weapon that may explode at any time... Once the power of my left arm bursts, this Space is afraid that it will no longer exist.

No, it may not only be in this space, even the space where the goblin squad is located next to it, and even the Fairy Forest outside the enchantment will be affected.

Every time I think of the horror scene after it broke out, I feel heart palpitations.

Odachi asked me: "Aren't you going to leave here? The power in your left arm can't even be figured out by me. Once it breaks out, I'm afraid the fairy clan will really become a legendary race, um, It's not complete. In the end, there may be a little loli of the fairy clan, and it is estimated that only her pure blood will be left. It feels sad to think about it."

I smiled bitterly, lowered my head and asked it: "Aren't you afraid that you will be destroyed by me?"

"Don't be afraid," Data said: "Although your power is terrible, it is hard to say whether it can truly destroy me. Even if it can completely destroy me, how about it? I was forged from the beginning. I'm ready to be destroyed, but occasionally, whenever I think about seeing the beauty or novelty of this world more, I will be reluctant to die again."

"This is really a difficult option to choose."

"Yeah" Otadao said: "However, I don't think the two of us are suitable for such a heavy topic for the time being. Although the runes on your arm are floating, it does not mean that they will definitely explode, I It seems that their current state is very stable, and some runes will automatically float back into your handguards after taking in enough light particles, so I guess, these runes of yours may just be pure thinking. Come out to take in light particles, and there is no tendency to explode."

Looking down at the runes floating on the arm, the number is indeed a lot less than just now. I was a little relieved: "Perhaps you are right, they really want to ingest light particles."

"I said, brat" Taitadao said: "I wanted to say this to you when I knew that there was a problem with your arm from the beginning."


"You are always so concealed, when is the end?" it said: "Why don't you remove the handguard so that it can see more sunshine, look at this beautiful scenery and brilliance, and feel more about what it means The beauties are slim..."

"Stop it! The more you talk, the more ridiculous!"

Odachi was completely unafraid of my harsh words, and continued to babble.

As a master, having such a big sword that doesn't understand the rules and doesn't obey orders is really a headache.

Just when I was arguing with Odachi, the stray light in the sky suddenly converged, and the entire space was darkened in an instant.

"What's the matter?" I raised my head, looked at the sky, and then at my side, and found that countless light particles were also disappearing at the same time, and the rune on my arm was also gone, probably flying back. It's on the arm.

Standing up, looking towards the fairy patriarch, he saw the fairy patriarch holding a scepter, his whole body exuding a sacred white light, pale hair and gorgeous clothes moving calmly, instantly setting off her sacred majesty.

At this moment, she showed her true qualities as a queen.

This scene is so familiar, but for a while, I can't remember where I've seen it before. Odachi reminded me: "The carvings in the tomb."

Oh, by the way, the engraving of the tomb room also looks like Empress Ophelia.

The ceremony lasted about two hours before it ended. At the end, the fairy patriarch turned his head and looked at me, smiled at me and nodded, and I subconsciously nodded at her.

Then I went back to the room, trying to take a nap, but found that I couldn't sleep at all, so I took out my pocket watch and looked at it.

Walking out of the room, the fairy patriarch sat cross-legged on the high platform and wiped the moonlight scepter in his hand.

I walked over and said hello to her: "Grandma patriarch, good morning."

The fairy patriarch slowly got up, held the scepter in his hand, and nodded at me: "Good morning, you haven't slept this night, right?"

"Yes, I didn't sleep" I stretched my waist and said, "But it doesn't matter, I'm not sleepy anymore."

"It's fine if you don't feel sleepy," the patriarch said: "Come on, let's have some breakfast, and then I will tell you the story of this scepter."

After touching his stomach, he was indeed a little hungry, so he went to the cafeteria with the fairy patriarch.

When I entered the canteen, I found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. The fairy clansmen who had been sitting there stood up immediately after seeing me and saluted me with excitement, while I greeted them with a daunting expression.

Ever since, in the cafeteria, it soon became an endless scene of saluting each other.

This repaying ceremony really made my old waist sore that it was unnecessary, so that after the repaying ceremony, I couldn't even straighten up and sit down for breakfast.

Fortunately for the help of a few goblins around me, I was forced to support my waist and sat firmly on the chair.

During the meal, I rubbed my waist and asked the fairy patriarch: "Grandma patriarch, what are your people doing? Why do they all salute me?"

"Because you are the benefactor of my fairies."

"Benefactor?" I was surprised: "I can't bear this word, and I haven't done anything..."

"You can return the Moonlight Scepter to my clan. This is already a great boon," the fairy patriarch said: "After your Majesty Ophelia passed away, this scepter also disappeared. Our fairy royal family has been there for generations. People searched for it, but did not find its whereabouts or clues, until it was found by you, and then it could reappear in the world."

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