After looking at Monroe with a irritated expression on his face for a while, I couldn't help but curl my lips, and said in my heart: What does the dwarf guild think about you?

It's okay to think about it in my heart, but I can't say that on my lips, otherwise I will lose such an ordinary friend.

After brewing an answer in my heart, I said: "Perhaps... they may have seen the changes and development potential of the New Heroic Guild."

"Change?" Monroe had a question mark: "Is there still development potential?"

He looked around the guild, plain, simple, and shabby, and then looked at the past adventurers. The newly purchased equipment has not yet arrived. They are now wearing old-style leather armor, and their weapons are mostly iron. The products are mainly products, no matter how you look at it, it is shabby.

Monroe looked up and down and looked left and right. Finally, he sighed like a discouraged: "With all due respect, I don't feel any favors in the guild at all."

"Well~ Maybe the dwarf guild sees things from a different perspective, or how they are the first of the five major guilds in the Hefeng Continent, but your Iron Wolf guild is not. There must be some reason for this, but you can’t tell it. ."

Monroe seemed to be a little dissatisfied with what I said. He frowned slightly, then stopped talking a few times, and finally sighed: "Well, just like you said."

He didn't even argue with me?

This really surprised me.

Any member of the five major guilds enjoys the glory that other adventurers do not have. Because of this, their arrogant character is better than others, and they defend their own guild better than other guilds’ adventures. Family.

Just now I deliberately praised the Dwarf Guild and demoted the Iron Wolf Guild. Originally, I wanted to transfer the topic to other places by quoting the war, but I didn't realize that Monroe, a senior cadre of the Iron Wolf Guild, actually admitted on the spot!

It seemed that the toughness of the Dwarf Guild was really imprinted in his bones, and he didn't even have the courage to refute.

I was thinking about it, and Monroe suddenly said: "An Xiaoyi, I think one of the dwarf presidents just took the initiative to greet you, are you very familiar?"

I nodded: "Yes, we were old friends."

"Oh...that's it," Monroe seemed to mutter to himself: "No wonder the Dwarf Guild and the New Valor Guild are allies."

Seeing him muttering to himself, I explained: "Things are not as you think. The dwarven guild can form an alliance with the new heroic guild mainly because they are optimistic about the development of our guild. As for my relationship, hehe, do you think the dwarves Will the guild president accept the alliance as a trifling matter because of his old friends in private?"

Monroe listened to me and thought about it for a while: ", absolutely not."

On the surface, I pretended to be serious, but in fact I already snickered in my heart.

Monroe is too subjective, because of the worship of the Dwarf Guild in his bones, so that even the most basic common sense and truth-seeking have been given up. You don't want to think about it, why the Dwarf Guild is not even your Iron Wolf Guild, but you prefer to love it. What about Jin Siqi's new heroic guild?

Moreover, why did President Aoli give me the warmest hug after meeting me? That kind of hug is limited to the level of the most distinguished guests!

Of course, if Monroe didn't understand the customs of the Dwarf Guild, he wouldn't expect the latter to be normal.

Amidst various speculations about Monroe seemingly crazy, I sent him out of the guild gate.

After that, I hurried back to the living room and opened the door. Jin Siqi was chatting and laughing with the two dwarf presidents. Just looking at Jin Siqi's expression, it was a little unnatural.

President Aoli saw me coming back, and said with a loud voice: "Is that stick just given away?"


The corners of my mouth twitched slightly, so President Auli would regard Monroe as a stick...

In fact, Monroe is still quite strong. Of course, this is only limited to priests. Any warrior or assassin who has experienced many battles is much stronger than him.

"Going back" I said: "But it's a coincidence that you came back from the dungeon so early today."

"I can only say that it’s a coincidence." President Aoli said: "I met Steel Hammer just when we were spawning monsters. During the lunch break, I mentioned you to him and talked about the guild of friends. , And then the guy couldn’t wait to drag me back, saying that any plan should be implemented immediately. Delaying is bad behavior. In short, it’s just an awe-inspiring rhetoric. However, I think this guy mostly wants to take advantage of this. Have a chance to get to know you, and then see if you can develop into a drinker, hahahaha!"

President Ollie laughed, and the smiling President Hammer blushed.

President Steel Hammer's beard stretched, his eyes widened, and his voice said loudly, "What's the matter? I just want to find Xiaoyi as a drinker. Is there something wrong?"

Seeing President Steel Hammer's eager eyes, President Aoli smiled even more happily.

After that, President Aoli and President Steelhammer exchanged a few words, but the overall atmosphere was still very harmonious.

I coughed lightly, interrupted their subsequent joking and ridicule, cleared my throat, and said: "The two presidents, time is running out, let's discuss about the alliance first."

Jin Siqi might be afraid of destroying the harmonious atmosphere that was so easy to build, and worried to me: "Xiao Yi..."

Harold winked at her and shook her head. Jin Siqi was silent again.

"Time is pressing?" President Aoli asked me: "Xiao Yi, isn't it just after noon, it's not pressing at all."

I smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't the two presidents want to start the party sooner?"

"Party?" President Steel Hammer's eyes lit up: "What party?"

"A party with all-you-can-drink!" I waved my arm and said, "All kinds of alcoholic beverages, all you can drink, you can drink as much as you want!"

Then, I grinned at them: "I'm a treat."

Upon hearing the drink, the two presidents instantly became excited as if they were slapped in blood. President Aoli slapped the table in the living room for a little bit: "That's not hurry! What time is it! "

I looked at the table that was broken into pieces with distress. You are so excited, what are you doing with the broken table! That's all money!

Jin Siqi hurriedly pulled off my arm and comforted me with her eyes: This little money is not important, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

My eyes twitched, but I couldn’t say anything, so I had to smile bitterly and said: "Since the two presidents have said that it is an alliance, there must be some issues that need to be discussed and adjusted. May I ask you about the alliance? What are the requirements?"

President Aoli and President Steel Hammer looked at each other, and President Aoli said: "You speak first?"

President Steel Hammer thought for a while: "Okay, let me talk about it first."

He faced me and said seriously: "My request is very simple, only two points!"

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