President Steel Hammer stretched out a short, fat index finger, and said: "First, don't bully!"

Then, he stretched out the same fat and short **** and said, "Second, I am not afraid of hardship!"

I scratched my head with a dazed expression: "Uh, please forgive me for my dullness. I didn't understand the relationship between these two requirements and the alliance. Could you please explain me?"

President Steel Hammer said: "After the alliance, I will ask my subordinates to come and train the members here, but my subordinates have the same character as me, that is, they like the kind of fearless brave and hate those who are afraid of everything. So, when my people come over, I hope Xiaoyi will help me choose a truly courageous adventurer, so that everyone can get along well."

"As for the second point," President Steel Hammer said: "The training of our Dwarf Guild is quite difficult. If there is no conscious guy who is not afraid of hardship, it is better to tell them to get out of the way early, so as to save my people!"

President Steelhammer's words were very rude, but every word was frank.

The corner of my mouth twitched and smiled dryly: "Um, President Steel Hammer, did you make a mistake?"

"Huh?" President Steel Hammer stared: "What's wrong?"

"The terms I said refer to what you need from my guild for you..."

"Pay?" President Steel Hammer frowned, "Why do I want your guild to pay for me?"

"Because you are willing to form an alliance with my guild..."

Before I could finish, President Steel Hammer snapped and smashed the other corner of the table: "I have formed an alliance with your guild because you are the best and most honored friend of my dwarves! You need to form an alliance with a friend. Reason?"

Forced by the aura of President Steel Hammer, I stammered: " need."

"Do you think I might want something from a friend!" President Steel Hammer continued to growl, "What you said just now is simply the biggest insult to me!"

I was shocked, awful, President Hammer was angry, and I had to make it right.

Before speaking, President Steel Hammer continued to shout violently: "Unless you are willing to invite me to drink the best wine, otherwise, I will never forgive you!"

This divine turning point directly slowed my thunder for a long time.

After dozens of seconds, I came back to my senses, sighed lightly, and said: "It's easy to say, when it's over, I will buy the best wine, and I personally apologize to you."

"That's the truth!" The President of Steel Hammer laughed and slapped the table, and then the table broke to the ground.

With his hands hanging in the air, he paused, and said embarrassingly: "I only patted this lightly, this table is not strong anymore..."

President Aoli pointed at him and laughed: "You don’t even look at the material of the table, this is wood, it’s wood! It’s not our guild’s stone table, and you say, the stone table of our guild will let you break it. A few, no less than five."

President Steel Hammer was a little embarrassed, scratching his head, staring, moving his beard, rubbing his big burgundy nose, and said, "Hey, I didn't mean it."

"It's okay, it's okay" I waved my hand again and again: "It's just a table, it won't affect our friendship at all, and it won't affect the good wine I apologize."

"Ah, that's good, that's good!" President Steel Hammer instantly became energetic after hearing that it would not affect the evening drink.

I know that all the dwarves love wine, but I didn't expect President Auli to be so obsessed with wine.

Then, a few of us discussed again, mainly around the teaching methods of adventurers and the salary of the dwarves who came to lead the team.

President Aoli said that the Dwarf Guild is not short of money, nor is it short of the teaching fee, as long as the dwarf responsible for leading the team prepares a room and enough wine and meat.

President Steel Hammer said that if there is no meat, only wine is all right.

After listening to Jin Siqi, he hurriedly promised that not only would there be wine, meat and room, but also high-level positions in their guild.

President Aoli shook his head again and again after hearing this: "I want those vain things to be a fart? As long as I can make a group of friends who are temperamental, have fights, and drink, that's enough."

President Steel Hammer also said: "It's mainly about drinking and fighting, and everything else is floating clouds."

Jin Siqi insisted repeatedly: "What should be given must be given. This is a matter of principle!"

President Steel Hammer stomped his foot and stepped on the broken wooden table again to make him even more horrible. He jumped up and said, "Since I'm here to help you, you have to listen to me!"

Jin Siqi was also angry and changed her previous humble attitude, insisting: "This is the New Heroic Guild. After your people are sent over, they will temporarily belong to the members of the New Heroic Guild. As long as they are members here, they must listen to my meeting. long!"

The two parties actually quarreled because of each other's sake. This is an ending I never thought of.

Although they are arguing and lively, but there is no unpleasant atmosphere, I simply don't bother to persuade, put my hands on the back of my head, lean back, and lie down on the sofa to watch the fun.

The dispute lasted for more than an hour. Jin Siqi and the two dwarf presidents were too tired, and their throats were smoked, and they were relieved after drinking several large glasses of boiling water.

I looked at the three people and said, "Is the contention over?"

The three people turned to me at the same time without saying a word.

I asked them again: "Are you planning to fight for a while?"

The three shook their heads in unison.

I nodded and said, "Well, since I don't plan to fight, just listen to my decision."

Next, I asked Harold to prepare paper and pen, record the decision I said, and implement it.

After the pen and paper were in place, I said: "For the dwarf friends stationed in the New Valor Guild, their welfare benefits are handled according to Jin Siqi's words, as for other aspects, all according to the wishes of the two presidents."

After speaking, I looked at the three of them: "Do you have any opinions?"

President Steel Hammer's eyes rounded and opened his mouth, only to find that his voice was hoarse and the volume was very low. It seemed that the sequelae of the noise for more than an hour had not been eliminated.

When I saw this, he hehe said: "If you have any opinions, you can directly choose to argue with me, but I have the strength to fight, and the voice is still loud, the way of expression is still artistic, and there will never be any dirty words. Well, do you want to have a hearty bicker?"

President Aoli laughed aloud, President Steel Hammer opened his mouth for a long time, but he couldn’t make a few noises. He blew his beard and stared at him. His angry look was quite funny, but he couldn’t make a sound. Had to lower his head and nodded dejectedly.

Therefore, the alliance event ended perfectly in a harmonious atmosphere, without hustle and bustle, no noise...

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