Ignoring Jackson, who is ignorant, I chatted with the proprietress for a while and walked out of the cafe quickly.

At this moment, there are no less than a hundred elves sitting around the door, many of them are adventurers who rushed back from the dungeon, and even the battle uniforms have not had time to change. This situation is definitely rare-because of them It's an elf.

The elves are said to be the most gentleman and the most courteous race in the entire Japanese style continent. If it is not a very urgent situation, they will definitely not be disheveled. It can only be said that the singing of Remy and Lizi is simply too tempting. Up.

While the clever maids were carrying plates of snacks, they prepared many clean white towels. They all smiled and handed the white towels before an adventurer.

The elves who received the white towels were embarrassed and took some money out of their pockets and put them on the plate as a tip, or bought some fruits and drinks.

This is the characteristic of elven gentlemen. They are different from other races. They are not so thick-skinned. If it is me, after receiving the towel, I will probably only say thank you to the maid. As for paying for this kind of thing, it is absolutely impossible. possible.

After seeing this scene, Kagali whispered to me: "If you change you, you will definitely not pay."

"Hey, I really made your guess." I reached out and squeezed her face, and I said, "But I will still thank you."

Kagali chuckled, and ran away, returning to Phoenix. They were in a group.

At this moment, Phoenix bulged her cheeks and looked at me pitifully. I wondered what was wrong with her, so I walked over and asked, "What's wrong with you? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Phoenix flattened his mouth and said, "I'm thirsty."

"Little fool, go drink water when you're thirsty, why are you still pestering here?"

"I want to drink juice..." she said, looking at the juice in the maid's pocket.

I laughed, walked into the cafe, asked the lady boss for a big glass of juice, then came out and handed it to Phoenix.

Phoenix, who saw the juice, had his eyes lit up, took it, and began to drink.

Seeing her sipping juice and not being upset anymore, I was relieved and returned to my position.

After it was in place, I looked at Phoenix again. She had put the juice cup back on the edge of the stage, and the juice in the cup was only drunk!

Isn't she thirsty? Why only drink so much?

I was wondering when I saw the Phoenix glanced at Kagali triumphantly, while Kagali hugged her dissatisfied hands and snorted.

Covering your face...This is basically a game between women. I didn't even notice it at all. I thought Phoenix was really thirsty!

"Well, I was fooled by her innocence and cuteness." Lilya approached me and said coldly: "I tell you from years of experience, the more cute, innocent and natural girl, the cut is all black. of."

I smiled and looked at her: "I feel that your looks are also very cute, and your personality is quite pure and natural."

Li Leia's starry eyes flickered: "Would you like me to show you a black one?"

Faced with such challenging words, I raised my hands to express my surrender. Because of this girl's instigation, I no longer know how many times I have been beaten collectively by my fiancées. I don't want to taste the taste of being beaten again.

It is four o'clock in the afternoon, and the elves are already sitting all around, and the elves like a tide are coming to us one after another.

I walked into the cafe and came to the second floor. I saw Remy and Lizi looking down from the window. The two little loli were very excited. But while excited, their little faces It was also full of tension, but Barbara on the side was jumping for joy, her eyes lit up and said: "Xiaoyi, how many people are there?"

I thought for a while: "Hundreds."

"Look, there are a lot of people here again" Barbara said excitedly: "Ah, ah, if these people can come to our cafe to consume, my dream of lying in a pile of gold coins will soon be realized~ "

"Do you want to lie down and roll in the pile of gold coins?" I spread my hands: "You said earlier, I can meet your request at any time."

"No!" Barbara suddenly turned her face to me with a serious expression: "I just want to lie and roll in the pile of gold coins I earn, not in the pile of gold coins you prepared for me!"

"Is there any difference between the two?" I wondered: "I am your fiance, and my money is your money..."

"Oh, it's different, it's different, it's different!" Barbara began to jump her feet: "This is a matter of principle, even if you are my fiance!"

Facing Barbara who started to get violent, I quickly apologized and said no, this eliminated the possibility that Barbara would scratch me at any time.

Yula, who was sitting reading a book, smiled and said, "Xiao Yi, you really don't understand women."

I gave her a blank look: "Hmph, as my fiancee, you dare to say my silly words like this, believe it or not, I will spank you."

Susan was playing with Belle on the side, and she suddenly coughed and said, "Xiao Yi, don't flirt, there are still underage friends here~"

I took a look at Belle, and found her head hung slightly, her blush was like a tomato, and there was even a slight smoke in her ears.

In other words, Belle shouldn’t be considered a juvenile friend anymore. It’s time to understand some things between men and women, such as telling her'how did you come', or'as long as you catch me, let you hey What does the "hehehe" in "hehe" mean?

However, the current situation is of course not suitable for teaching her knowledge of physical health. At least it is not suitable for Susan's presence. With Susan's unexplained smile, God knows what shocking things she will do. .

I turned my gaze back to the two little loli who were both nervous and excited. I stepped forward and rubbed their hair: "When you sing for a while, feel free to sing boldly, even if it's not a song, don't be afraid."

"Yes, but..." Remy said nervously, "What if I sing the wrong tune?"

"Sing the wrong tune?" I laughed: "Singing a wrong tune is treated as a new song. Anyway, many new songs are born from the wrong old songs."

"Even so...I'm still nervous..."

The two little loli couldn't help but hugged each other, shivering, she looked so cute.

"It's normal to be nervous" I said: "Whoever stands on the stage for the first time will feel nervous, but you can rest assured that with the respect of the elves below, even if you two sing a nursery rhyme, it will be a sensation. The whole audience."

"Children's rhyme?" Lizi and Lemi had question marks on their faces.

"Ah, yeah, it's like,'The sky is in the sky, the flowers smile at me, and the bird said, early, early, why are you carrying explosives on your back...'" I covered my face and meowed , Sang wrong.

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