After listening to my nursery rhymes, the room instantly became quiet, and the needles fell.

A few seconds later, there was a roar of laughter, and even Kunna, who had always been cruel, smiled and bent over.

Yula smiled and pointed at me and said, "Ha, ha, Xiao, Xiao Yi, your song...puff hahahaha!"

She could not speak anymore after only half a sentence, and then made a plop, and she fell to the ground with a chair. After landing, she couldn't stop laughing.

Barbara had been rolling around laughing for a long time, she grunted to me, suddenly opened her mouth, and took a bite to my thigh.

The pain... came too suddenly, I couldn't help but snorted, and then looked at my thighs that had been bitten through many small openings with a distressed look, and my eyes twitched and said: "You, you Why bite me?"

"Because...puff hahahaha" Barbara continued to laugh with her belly, she had no strength to explain why.

After laughing for more than 20 minutes, Remy said to me, a little relieved: "Xiaoyi, your ugly."

"It's too ugly, right, haha" Yula clutched her stomach and stood trembling from the ground. She seemed to have used all her power to laugh.

"Is it really that bad?" I scratched my hair in distress: "I think it's okay."

"Ha, ha ha, Rot, Carrion Puppet Society, will you smell her own stench?" Susan asked me with a smile while panting.

In her arms was Belle, who had completely laughed into a pool.

I murmured twice in distress, and said to Lemmy and Lizi who were still laughing: "Anyway, don't be nervous. As for other things, I have nothing more to tell. I will go down to regulate the order of the scene. what."

After all, I rushed out of the room.

On the first floor, Loki and Lily were drinking a large glass of juice.

Loki waved to me: "Boss, come over and drink juice together?"

I shook my head: "No, you guys have a drink, I still have a lot of things to do."

In fact, I really don't have much to do, but I can't bear to disturb the brewing atmosphere of these two teasers.

Going out, standing in front of a high platform, looking around, it can be described as a sea of ​​people.

According to my visual observation, so far, there are thousands of people who have come to listen to Remy and Lizi singing, and the flow of people is still flowing in. If this state continues... if you can sell them Concert tickets, how much money did I earn this time!

When I think that I have overlooked such a good money-making opportunity, I feel painful...heart hurts...

I sighed deeply, I was a little depressed.

Just when I was frustrated, a female voice heard in my ear: "Is it frustrated because I didn't receive the ticket money?"

As soon as I turned my head, Lilea didn't know when she was already standing next to me, her starry eyes flashed, and her eyes showed a small cunning look.

"Hey, yes" I did not intend to quibble, but directly admitted: "Although it is possible to lose some of the guests, if I can collect concert tickets, I will definitely make a small profit."

"Guests will not be lost," Lilea said: "Elves are different from humans. They love art. As long as they can feel the real art, they never spare money."

I curled my lips: "That's right, you elves already have money. If you change me, I would definitely prefer cheaper or free ones."

Lilea proudly said: "This is the difference between us and you."

Seeing her with a proud smile, I tugged at her face: "Don't be too proud, you are only a half-elf."

"Half-elves are also elves" Lilea smiled: "You are different, you are pure humans~"

I spread my hands: "Well, I can't tell you."

Then, he took out his pocket watch from his arms and took a look. It was already 4:20. According to the usual time, the elves had returned from the dungeon, or were at home, or went to a restaurant to start dinner.

Looking at the scene, thousands of elves lined up in an orderly line to surround the stage. The maid girls shuttled through the several aisles they set aside for one person. The snacks they sold were upgraded from melon seeds and peanuts to biscuit cakes, except for drinks. Milk, coffee and tea have also been added to the juice.

Most of the elves at the scene seemed to have rushed over without eating dinner. During the waiting period, they were all tortured by hunger, but none of them chose to turn around and leave. His eyes, Baba looked at the stage-even if there was no one on the stage.

Looking at their expectant and painful expressions, I really want to laugh at them and admire their spirit.

With a light sigh, I first climbed to the high platform and looked around. I felt very good. I cleared my throat and said to the elves in the audience: "It's 4:20, and the singing will only start in ten minutes. ."

After speaking, I walked off the platform.

This is the last thing I can do for them, so what will they do in these ten minutes?

If it were me, I would definitely buy a bunch of delicious cakes from the maid to fill my stomach first. Of course, this is just my own idea. The elves may spend the last ten minutes in other ways.

With the mentality of observing the behavior and behavior of foreign races, I observed every elves present, and wanted to see how they would spend these ten minutes. However, when I saw the way they spent time, I was disappointed.

Yes, very disappointed.

Their way of killing time is exactly the same as I thought. The elves lined up and bought snacks and drinks from the maids one by one. In just a few minutes, the store of cakes and drinks in the cafe was empty, fun. The lady boss and the maids couldn't talk from ear to ear.

Those elves who didn't buy snacks and drinks had to hold their stomachs and resist the hunger pangs, just to be able to feel the wonderful singing in a few minutes.

A few minutes passed, and Lemmy and Lizi walked to the high platform hand in hand.

The moment the two loli stood on the high platform, all the elves held their breaths, their eyes widened, and the whole scene instantly became silent.

For the first time, Lemmy and Lizi sang for so many people. They were so nervous that they looked at me with their big eyes, full of help.

I smiled and gave them a thumbs up, but the two loli were too nervous, and their bodies were shaking unconsciously, not to mention talking and singing.

In the current situation, it is unwise to force them to sing, only relief and guidance.

I frowned slightly and came up with an idea in an instant. I calmly stepped onto the stage and said to the elf below: "Our two little beauties are singing on stage for the first time, so they seem very nervous. Please give them some applause. Okay?"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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