After that, I couldn't find any suitable topics.

Although Emily is youthful and calm, heroic, unparalleled, and capable, she has to be said that in terms of chatting, she can be called the "topic terminator".

Most of the topics that can be used for fun and nonsense, under her solemn answer, will become a dull meeting declaration.

She is really a strong girl who lacks humorous cells...

Generally speaking, to create an environment for girls with such a character, most of them are serious, dark, and desperate. At least one of the three is required.

I can probably conclude that Emily's environment must have been inseparable from seriousness since she was a child, otherwise she wouldn't be able to speak seriously.

Sent Emily back home, I walked home quickly, and while walking, suddenly felt as if someone was following me quietly, immediately stopped, closed my eyes, and felt everything around me.

While holding my breath, I felt that a dozen meters behind me, there were, three, three people were walking towards me.

Listen carefully to the sound of their walking. It is very soft and slow, without the urgency of rushing over to give me a knife.

Since there is no sense of urgency, I also relax a little bit.

Thinking of this, I turned around.

Looking closely, it turned out to be three people, masked black clothes, and an assassin's equipment, but they didn't have any weapons in their hands, they just slowly approached me.

I raised my hand: "If you are looking for me, please keep a distance of more than five meters from me. With a sense of distance, we can talk easily."

Hearing the words, the three stopped and looked at me.

I also watched them silently, waiting for them to speak.

"You are An Xiaoyi."

The man in black in the middle spoke. Although his words seemed to be asking me, his tone was affirmative—you are An Xiaoyi.

"Yes, I am An Xiaoyi" I said, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know this, and it has nothing to do with you..."

I laughed: "You said it has nothing to do with me? Unless the person you three are looking for is not me."

Seeing no response from the three of them, I frowned. How come these guys have no sense of humor than Emily?

Moreover, although their faces are covered by a veil, I can feel from their eyes that their expressions at the moment must be alert and cold.

If you change it to the Internet language, it would be: your expression is simply dazzling.

"What are you hanging on? Mom is selling the criticism!" I cursed in my heart, frowning, and said: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, then three people, what are you doing when you ask me? Do you want to assassinate me head-on? Or is there something else?"

"Our trip is by the Lord's order to ask you for someone."

After I listened, I chuckled, "Who is your lord?"

"That has nothing to do with you..."

"It's okay, right?" I said, "It's nothing to do with me, and it's nothing to do with me. You don't even have any sincerity, so you can talk to me!"

After I finished speaking, I slowly raised my hands and clenched my fists. The rough metal surface of the guard made a piercing noise.

I moved my lower knuckles, and I hooked my fingers at the three of them: "Come on, let's do it, it's a waste of time to talk to guys like you who only think of yourself as a person. It's better to meet and start your hands."

The three men in black looked at each other, and did not pose any posture, did not launch any hidden weapons, and did not even move their footsteps.

Under normal circumstances, I don’t like to attack. Although the attack can take the lead, it will also expose the shortcomings of my own attack. Therefore, I will let others attack first, and then take advantage of the opponent’s attack. , To find out the flaws in his attack method, and then attack the flaws in one fell swoop.

But right now, none of the three men in black moved. They all stood quietly five meters away. They only put on a guard posture, but did not launch any attacks.

As the saying goes: the enemy does not move, I do not move.

Ever since, I put down my fists, frowned, and looked impatient: "Can you fight?"

"The Lord ordered us to negotiate terms with you, not to engage in this kind of unnecessary fight with you."

My brows became even tighter: "Let's talk about it, who is your boss looking for?"

The black man said: "Those two women with fairy blood."

I nodded: "What is your boss's terms?"

The man in black said again: "As long as we hand over those two women, we and your guild will never quarrel with the river, and will never disturb them."

"That's breaking the conditions," I said, "I thought your boss would be grateful to climb to my feet and lick my feet."

"Rude!" The man in black said angrily: "How dare you insult the Lord!"

"Fuck you!" I was also angry: "I know that those two girls are under my cover, so I dare to ask for someone!"

"You..." The black-clothed man who spoke was staring at the boss.

A man in black next to him stopped him and said to me: "An Xiaoyi, it is not wise to be an enemy of us. You should consider your family and friends more."

"So that's it." I nodded: "You can't do anything with me, so you plan to do something with my family and friends, yes, very good, you did a great job, yes, my family and friends are indeed My weakness, you can use them as a bargaining chip to threaten me, but you can’t use them to persecute me. I can tell you very seriously that the reason why I have not taken any action to destroy you is not because I care about your forces, but It’s me who cares about the lives of my family and friends. If one day, my family or friends are threatened, hurt, or tortured, I swear, even if I fight for this life, I will take the entire Moonlight City and pull I will be buried with the entire Elf race, but before that, I will use all of my forces to find out all your friends, relatives, lovers, children, and put them to death bit by bit in front of you. "

After a short pause, I sighed slightly and continued: "I made this oath. As for whether you believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me. However, here, I still want to tell you that once you do something to my person, you It’s best to pray that I have no family, no friends, no lover, no children. Oh, yes, there is one more thing. I must tell you that there is a very powerful pastor beside me. As for how great, let’s make a metaphor. Well, even if you die, as long as your soul has not left the body, you can be forcibly rescued, so don't think suicide can end everything."

Having said this, I stopped and walked slowly towards the three of them. At the same time, strands of killing intent overflowed from my body and slowly spread all over my body. I knew that I must look very different now. Horrifying, especially in this unclear night, surrounded by countless black and red killing intents.

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