That night, Emily came to my house for dinner, and the first thing she asked me after entering the door was: "I heard you have a concert today?"

I raised my eyebrows: "You know that too?"

"Of course I know," Emily said: "This matter is being discussed in the palace now, but most of the voices are complimenting the singing of the two girls."

Remy and Liz looked very happy when they heard Emily praise themselves.

But I think Emily has something to say, but it's not easy to ask in person, so I decided to wait for her to go home.

The dinner went very pleasantly.

After the dinner break, I took Emily home.

On the way, I asked Emily: "Did you have anything to say before?"

Emily said lightly: "Did you detect it?"

I nodded: "I noticed it, let's talk, I am listening."

Emily said: "The main issue is the life experience of the two little girls."

"You mean, someone wants to make a fuss about the two's fairy status?"

"It's not as simple as you think," Emily said: "Some high-level officials believe that fairies are always a threat to the status of fairies and should be wiped out."

"Heh, is this idea a bit too extreme."

"It's really extreme," Emily said: "Most of the people who say this are ethnic extremists. They think that elves are above all else and are the most noble race in the Hefeng Continent.

"What do you think about their racial pros and cons?"

"Of course I think the elves, like other races, are members of the Hefeng Continent." Emily paused, adding: "There is no difference."

"There are still differences," I said: "But it is precisely because of the collection of different races that the Hefeng Continent has become so colorful."

"Are you talking about philosophy to me?" Emily said lightly: "I'm not proficient in that kind of stuff."

"No" I shook my head: "I'm just chatting with you."

After walking for a while, I asked her: "How did you investigate the case of the stolen design?"

Emily looked at the sky: "There is no substantial progress, and...I'm tired of it."

"Tired?!" I was surprised: "It's really not easy to hear the word'tired' from your mouth!"

Emily looked at me suspiciously: "You know me well?"

"Uh..." I shook my head.

"Then why is it not easy?"

I scratched the back of my head, and said awkwardly: "I just think...I guess, you should be the type who will insist on doing it once you decide to do it."

Emily pondered a little and said, "You guessed it right, I am indeed such a person."

"Then you just said..."

"Yes, I'm really tired of talking" Emily said: "I didn't promise to take over this case from the beginning. It was just a task imposed on me by the senior management. From beginning to end, I only had one purpose, which is to intervene in it. That's it, as to whether the case can be solved and when the case can be solved, this is a matter for the investigators assigned by the senior level and has nothing to do with me."

" see the principle issue so thoroughly..."

Emily said lightly: "Yes."

A girl who is very principled must also be a very strong girl, because she clearly understands from her bones what she should do, what she should not do, what she should do, she will do it, and should not What she did, even if she threatened her with her life, she would not compromise.

To be honest, I really like Emily, a girl with a distinctive personality, because she, like my fiancees, has a strong personality that belongs to her only, but the difference is that my fiancees have a commonality. , Is willing to show compromise when I am with me, and it seems impossible to ask Emily to compromise.

For this reason, I had to hide my love for Emily, and only treat her as an elf friend of mine. It might be a good choice to get along like this, although it does have a little regret.

I hate being hypocritical and indecisive, because these two personalities make me weak, whether it is strength or heart.

But with regard to Emily's question, these two questions followed me like a shadow, always refusing to leave for a moment.

I am very troubled, but also troubled.

Emily glanced at my eyes and said lightly, "Are you worried again?"

"When you look at me, your eyes are always so sharp." I smiled bitterly and said: "I do have a little trouble, but it's just a little trouble."

"Worries are no matter how big or small," Emily said: "This is what my former teacher taught me. If you encounter a trouble, you must solve it by yourself, or you can say it, and everyone can solve it together. Just being bored in your heart will not produce results. ."

"Uh, uh, maybe you're right." I spread my hands. "But my personality determines that I will just stay in my heart by myself until I find a solution."

"You will be very painful" Emily said, "Maybe one day you will be completely crazy because of too much trouble."

"Totally crazy?" I frowned, "I haven't heard of this before. Where did you know it?"

"My teacher is so crazy," Emily said: "He died not long after he went crazy."

After listening to her, I couldn't laugh or cry: "Why do you want to tell the ending?"

"Speaking of the ending, you may feel the threat posed by the troubles more deeply."

"Okay..." I laughed twice and asked, "Then, in what state your teacher died, can you tell me?"

Emily thought for a while: "Yes, he was hacked to death by the monster while challenging the monster in the dungeon."

I just broke down: "This has something to do with troubles?"

Emily blinked: "Of course it does matter. If there is no trouble, he might avoid that trick."

"What about after dodging? Can he hack that monster?"

Emily shook her head: "It can't be hacked, but he can die after a few seconds."

"Then the result will still die!" I am a little bit unable to understand the girl in front of me. The reason for her strength is because of her persistence and stubbornness, but the origin of her persistence and stubborn character is because she is naturally staying. Personality?

Regarding this, I looked dazed.

Emily looked at me suspiciously, then stretched out her hand and shook it in front of my eyes: "Xiaoyi? What's wrong with you? Did I offend what I just said?"

"No, no, not at all." The corners of my mouth twitched, hehe said: "Let's put your teacher's question aside and talk about other things."

"What are you talking about?" Emily asked.

"Talk about what you want to eat tomorrow."

Emily said solemnly: "What to eat tomorrow will be considered tomorrow."

Fuck, I even forgot, her principle and natural stupidity.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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