And when An Li shouted exposure, the three roommates on the side were all confused at this time.

What the...... Circumstance?

An Li's identity, they have long known, in fact, they also adore An Li in their hearts. There are reporters interviewing, although this matter is somewhat unexpected, but in fact, it is acceptable, after all, people have made so many achievements at a young age, and it is nothing to come to a few reporters to interview.

But what surprised them was what the journalist said!

For the rest of your life....

Did he sing it?

And when the three of them looked confused, more and more reporters had already gathered around:

"Hello Mr. An Li, we are reporters with unlimited entertainment, are you really the creator of the rest of your life like netizens broke the news?"

"Mr. An Li, the previous Du Tao incident, why didn't you stand up and refute it?"

"Mr. An Li..."

The reporters crackled and said all the questions they wanted to ask, and for a while the scene was a little uncontrollable, and the quiet dormitory, at this time, was like a vegetable market, and there was a lot of noise, even the students of other dormitories couldn't help but crowd to the door to watch.

Looking at this situation, An Li was completely helpless, and waved his hand repeatedly:

"You guys are mistaken, it's not me, it's not me!"

Unexpectedly, such a denial was of no use in front of these reporters, and one of the reporters directly took out his computer and turned it on: "Mr. An Li, it is useless for you to deny, someone has already investigated you on the Internet, you happened to go to Shaxi Ancient Town that day, and stayed in a homestay inn in the ancient town, the time and place coincided."

"That's not necessarily me, after all, there are so many people in Guzhen." An Li was helpless and continued to shirk.

"Mr. An, you said and laughed, someone has investigated in detail, they checked all the guests in Shaxi Ancient Town that day, and some people found the owner of the bar, and even found a few guests who were at the bar that day, many people said, it was you who sang!"

The reporter's words immediately blocked An Li's words.

An Li knew that this Internet had fermented to this extent, in fact, someone investigated that he had been to Shaxi Ancient Town at the beginning, but no one associated him with the rest of his life, but except for Du Tao's affairs, under the attention of the whole network, many secrets are actually not secrets.

The power of human flesh is very powerful.

Especially when An Li did not deliberately use his own technology to destroy his own traces, he was the singer for the rest of his life, and it was excavated little by little.

Originally, this was already big news.

What's more, this singer not only sang a song, but also won the national college entrance examination with a full score, and was also the youngest well-known entrepreneur this year.

Under such circumstances, journalists naturally rushed like crazy, hoping to grab first-hand information at the first time.

And in the face of this group of menacing journalists, An Li was convinced.

Denial, it's useless.

"Okay, I had a showdown, I did sing a song in the bar of Shaxi Ancient Town for the rest of my life."

An Li was helpless, and finally nodded and admitted, and the reporters suddenly crackled and began to take pictures, and their faces were already smiling, this is big news, enough news for their promotion and salary.

But without waiting for the reporters to ask, An Li had already said again:

"But one thing you are mistaken, I am only the singer of this song for the rest of my life, not the creator of this song, in fact, the creator of this song is a person named Ma Liang."

What the?

At this moment, the reporters were stunned.

I never expected that there would be such a thing when I checked and checked, and it was surprising enough that An Li was the singer of this song, and as a result, An Li now actually said that this song was not composed by him, but someone else?

Ma Liang?

Who's this?

When the reporters were confused, An Li had already spoken again:

"This Ma Liang is a particularly powerful creator, but few people know about him, in fact, I just overheard him sing this song, I am not familiar with him, if you want to know more, then sorry, I don't have much information."


The reporters looked at each other with astonishment on their faces.

What's going on here?

You sang people's songs, and you sang them on fire, but you don't know them?

"Mr. An, since you said that this song was not sung by you, and you are not familiar with the Mr. Ma Liang in your mouth, can you tell me why the singer of this song is looking for the singer of this song on the Internet, and even when Du Tao appeared, you didn't say anything from beginning to end?" A reporter was not slow to react, and immediately asked:

"Even if you don't care about these false names, you should justify the name of your friends, right?"

Hearing this, the reporters' eyes immediately lit up.


Such a question, even if An Li wants to refute, there is no way to refute it, after all, since you sang people's songs, you can not want these false names, but the imposter appeared, you still don't stand up and say something?

Or, you have a character problem.

Or, you're the creator!

This problem is a trap, and at the same time it is persecuting An Que.

Unfortunately, what kind of person is An Li, he is not a hairy boy, let alone a stupid person who will panic in front of the camera, such a low-level trap An Li naturally can't get directly into it, at this time smiled:

"Perhaps, Ma Liang likes to be low-key as much as I do?"

"Like me, don't eat by singing?"


Reporter, complete defeat.

Yes, people created this song and want to keep a low profile on your?

After all, not everyone relies on singing to eat, let's say An Li is like this, people don't need to rely on singing to make money, and people don't care about the reputation of singing a song.

"That... Then I don't know if Mr. An Li has ever thought about singing it again so that more people can listen to the full version? A reporter asked.

"Don't want to." An Li shook his head directly.

"Why?" The reporter was puzzled.

"This song, I sang it to my girlfriend, I won't sing it to others."


A group of journalists, the reporters who deal with words every day, suddenly all petrified, and some words were exhausted for a while, and they didn't know what to say at all.

They found out that this kid must not just think of him as a young man who has just turned eighteen, he is completely a public relations veteran, and he can even silence you in minutes.

"So, guys... The interview is over, can we leave, we plan to take a lunch break? Seeing

that the reporters had nothing to say, An Li asked with a smile.

This is, the eviction order has been issued!

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