At the gate of Qinghua University, a group of reporters who were originally scrappy walked towards the interview car one by one, their faces full of frustration.

What a real frustration.

"What kind of demon is this kid, this look with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, is it really just a kid who has just turned eighteen?"

"Even if he is a college entrance examination champion, after all, the age is still here?"

"Yes, Made, when I faced him just now, for a moment, I felt like I was facing a mature and stable successful entrepreneur who often faced journalists, not like an eighteen-year-old hairy boy, this feeling was too strange."


reporters complained one after another, but after complaining, there was a big problem in front of them now.

Go back, how to make a difference?

Reporters and reporters, originally recorded and then adapted for release, they have a complete set of words, a little information, they can make a long speech, but this time, they are really a little difficult, after all, interviewing An Li is not a success at all.

It can even be said that they have been led by the nose by An Oak, and there is nothing to break at all.

"What now?"

"We can even say that we don't know who is Ma Liang and who wrote this song, the only thing that knows that An Li sang this song, and now go back, I'm afraid that I will be chopped to death by the boss."

"It's over, I can already think of the boss with a dark face."

Several reporters were full of bitter haha, everyone used to be peers, but also competitors, but at this time they were deflated together, but they couldn't help but complain together, wanting to see if there was any good way for their peers to solve this problem.

As it turned out, the three became tigers.

Several people were frowning and pondering, when one of the reporters suddenly slapped his thigh:

"I thought of it!"

In an instant, everyone looked at her, but saw that the reporter did not avoid suspicion, and said directly: "Our interview this time, can not be said to have gained nothing, after all, we stone hammer, this song is sung by An Li, you think, An Li is the national full score of the college entrance examination, and he is still the boss, he can still sing such a good song now, is this a big flashpoint?"

When the others heard this, they suddenly lacked interest:

"Is this also a flashpoint?"

"Indeed, this is indeed a breaking point, but An Li said, this song was not composed by him, what is the use?"

"The audience can't be satisfied, and our boss won't be satisfied."

"This report is a bit of an afterthought, and I thought that our first batch of reporters who rushed over could seize the opportunity, but I didn't expect that there was still nothing, and the boss would not be satisfied."


the face of everyone's distress, the reporter smiled mysteriously and shook his head: "No, no, no, you are wrong, we can report truthfully, let's say that An Li claimed that this song was not composed by him, but by a person named Ma Liang!"

Seeing that everyone still didn't understand, the reporter shook his head:

"Self-proclaimed, you have to add quotation marks, and Ma Liang, you must also add quotation marks!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned on the spot.

When a reporter, few are fools, especially those who have been dealing with words for many years, and playing word games is not a problem, at this time, hearing this reporter's words, everyone only understood what he meant in a moment's effort.

Put quotation marks, that is doubtful.

"Yes, although An Li said that this song was not composed by him, and also said the name of Ma Liang, who is Ma Liang?"

"Is it true that Ma Liang said?"

"Haha, yes, the legendary character, he must have randomly pulled a person over to make up the number, I estimate, there is no Ma Liang at all, in fact, it is An Li's own original, but he is not willing to come out publicly, so he made such an excuse!"

"In other words, An Li doesn't want fame and fortune, and he created this song simply for his girlfriend!"

"That's it, it must be like this!"


an instant, a group of reporters guessed the "truth" of the matter.

Whether this is the real truth or not, one thing is for sure, they journalists will not publicly state that this is the truth, but they can lead their readers to believe that this is the truth. At that time, even if An Li denies it, it will be useless, even if a person named Ma Liang really comes out, they reporters can pick it clean!

"I even thought of the title!"

"Mad, you are simply a genius, Lao Li, if you don't become the editor-in-chief, I will feel worthless for you!"

"yes, lying groove, why didn't I think of it."


reporter known as Lao Li smiled indifferently: "Haha, in fact, we are also grasshoppers on a rope, what we have to do in this matter is to release it together, the meaning must be the same, only in this way, you can be safe together, so... It's time to unite! "


When journalists from all media outlets unite, the results can already be predicted.

That night, the headlines of major entertainment media immediately shocked the whole network with bombardment-style behavior:

"That hidden singer, I never expected it to be him!"

"In the future, the singer of the rest of his life will appear, the all-round champion of the college entrance examination!"

"The champion of the college entrance examination sings out for the rest of his life!"

"Creator, who the hell?"

"Ma Liang, does it really exist?"


For a time, the overwhelming and dense press releases appeared, which was already hot enough for the rest of its life, and with the unified unity of these reporters and media, it became the first hot spot in the news in an instant.

This year, Sina Weibo is still in the planning and has not officially launched, if it is launched, the top three hot searches will definitely be related for the rest of your life.

Major post bars, major blogs, and major forums have emerged a trend.

Ma Liang, who the hell?

Some people speculate that Ma Liang is likely to be a local tycoon friend of An Li, and may also be a person who does not worry about eating and drinking, probably like An Li said, An Li just listened to it and sang it again and used it to confess.

This speculation is An Li's original words, but there are very few supporters, and they don't even account for one percent.

The other guess is the most vocal.

An Li, in fact, is Ma Liang, he deliberately took out a character in a mythical story, in fact, in order to shirk himself, because he did not want to be a public figure, he wanted to keep a low profile, so he deliberately said a Ma Liang's name to come out.

This speculation, at the moment of appearance, was immediately accepted by countless people.

Ninety percent of the people on the Internet agree with this speculation.

And under such circumstances, at this time, in the dormitory, together with the three people in a dormitory, they all sat on the chair with a golden knife, and forced to ask An Li:

"Honestly, is Ma Liang you?"

An Que: "..."

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