The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 24: Morning at Hogwarts (Part 1)

When I got up at 5 in the morning, I listened carefully, and there was a small snoring sound from my roommate Arito's bed. Zhang Qi shook his head helplessly, quickly put on a black training uniform, washed quickly, then gently opened the door of the dormitory and closed it again.

It rained just last night, and the broad slate paved road was a bit slippery, but the air was filled with the fragrance of grass and soil, which was very suitable for running.

A lap of Hogwarts is about 5 kilometers, and Zhang Qi ran the entire distance in just 6 minutes.

And he didn't run as hard as he could.

Zhang Qi, who was secretly surprised by his abnormal physique, walked to the Quidditch pitch which was empty in the morning, and after a little thought, he pulled out his wand.

"Clear water is like a spring".

Zhang Qi first filled his own kettle with water, and then drank most of the kettle.

It tasted like the original mountain spring water, Zhang Qi couldn't help but sighed at the magic of the magic world.

"A drastic change in appearance".

He threw a small stone he picked up on the side of the road into the air and applied a transformation spell. With a sound similar to a balloon deflating, a dark painted wooden figurine smashed firmly to the ground.

It's exactly the same as the one at home.

Wooden figurines are not unique to Wing Chun, Bajiquan, Wudang, etc. are all available, but they are not as delicate as Wing Chun's wooden figurines.

But this is very delicate, so Zhang Qi practiced Wing Chun.

Starting from left pose, fighting pose, neck-climbing hand, left and right hand spread...

"Boom, boom, boom"...

The sound is very loud, but it is not very harsh because of the rhythm. Although the penetrating power is very strong, because Zhang Qi deliberately chose a place far away from the castle, it should not cause disturbance to the people.

During the period, Professor Sprout, the dean of Hufflepuff, who was going to take care of the greenhouse, passed by. He looked curiously for a while but did not take the initiative to step forward, so Zhang Qi, who was practicing, did not take the initiative to say hello.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Zhang Qi, who had completed his daily exercise, returned to his dormitory. There was still a small snoring sound from his roommate, Arito.

Zhang Qi shook his head slightly helplessly.

"Get up!" Zhang Qi patted the bedpost with his hands.


From the silver-green curtain came a murmur that was still awake.

"The first class in the morning is the potions class. If you don't get up again, you will be late."

"Potions class, potions class...potions class"!

There was a short exclamation from the curtain, followed by the sound of getting dressed in a hurry.

Astoria actually didn't sleep well last night, because she was full of weird thoughts at the time, so naturally she rolled around on the bed and couldn't fall asleep.

Even Zhang Qi was almost tossed by this roommate and didn't fall asleep.

"What time is it?" Arito, who had a messy white head and short hair, asked, staring at his bloodshot red and swollen eyes.

"It's 7:10 in the morning." Zhang Qi glanced at the French military waterproof mechanical watch in his hand.

"What time is Professor Snape's potions class? And have you seen my comb?"

Arito hurriedly put on his slippers and ran towards the bathroom.

"Your comb should be on the sink in the bathroom. As for Professor Snape's class, it should be at 9 in the morning."

"I found the comb... 9 o'clock in the morning, isn't it? That's okay... Wait? Nine o'clock"?

Arito, who had just put the toothbrush in his mouth, widened his eyes and asked vaguely with a mouthful of foam:

"But it's only 7 in the morning!"

"Early to bed and early to rise is good for the body." Zhang Qi shrugged and said I was doing this for your own good.

"Ah ah ah"! After hearing this, Arito collapsed slightly and fell back onto his big bed with his toothbrush in his mouth.

"Merlin, let me sleep a little longer"...


The traditional British breakfast is very greasy, its main ingredients are bacon, sausage, and eggs. Of course, to cater to the lighter tastes of some students, there is also white bread and milk on the table.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the auditorium began to fill up one after another, and the students who got up early began to discuss the schedule for the start of school.

"I heard that there was an accident in Slytherin's bedroom yesterday"? A Hufflepuff student asked.

"I heard that it was Slytherin's prefect, Marcus Flint. He put a curse on the freshman who beat him up on the train, and the freshman was beaten down."

"Isn't Marcus Flint a Slytherin prefect? ​​Why is he so useless now?"

"Hey, a pure-blooded gorilla who eats his own family, how can he really learn? When he came to our lounge to make trouble before, wasn't he **** by us and thrown into a vinegar vat?"

There was an immediate burst of laughter from the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor table.

"Cough cough cough". There was a sudden cough in the direction of the teacher's chair.

Everyone looked up and saw that Dumbledore had already sat in the headmaster's seat for some time, looking at everyone with a serious face.

The originally happy auditorium was instantly quiet.

"To announce one thing, everyone must have heard about what happened in the Slytherin dormitory yesterday. I will announce the facts of this matter to you below."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the auditorium was pushed open. Countless Aurors in the uniforms of the British Ministry of Magic filed in, led by a middle-aged man in a striped suit and a brown top hat.

"Hello, Dumbledore." The middle-aged man took out a handkerchief from the pocket of his suit and wiped his sweat. "I'm here to wait for you to hand over the suspect."

"Good morning, Minister Fudge." Dumbledore smiled and replied, "Aren't you going to have breakfast?"

"No need, Headmaster Dumbledore. We had a group meal before we left." Fudge showed a standard politician This time it can be said that the matter is very tricky. Originally, I heard that the heir of the Flint family used the Unforgivable Curse on others, but it did not cause huge damage. At the time of the injury, Fudge just planned to let the Flint family bleed once, and in addition to compensation for the victims, he also had to donate a large amount of financial cash to the Ministry of Magic.

It's just that after hearing that the victim was the eldest son of the Qirol family and a relative of a senior official of the Shenzhou Xuanshu Association, Fudge was so frightened that he quickly got up from his bed and ran to the Ministry of Magic's Attorney General to take away more than half of it. Aurors even took the Knights Bus to get to Hogwarts faster. To this day, he still feels a little dizzy and nauseous in the car.

"Hogwarts Slytherin seventh-year student Marcus Flint was arrested for using the Unforgivable Curse on a classmate and will face trial today." Fudge announced this explosive news to the teachers and students of the whole school, and the audience was in an uproar.

"As for Mr. Zirol, who was attacked, the British Ministry of Magic would like to express our deep apologies to you and will compensate you for a certain amount of mental damage, and the British Ministry of Magic hopes that this matter will not cause a diplomatic incident." Fudge bowed deeply to Zhang Qi, who was still holding half a piece of bread in his mouth, and the entire auditorium was instantly quiet.

At this time, Fudge was already sweating profusely. The power of the Cirol family in France can be described with one hand. The entire French Ministry of Magic is their people, not to mention the fact that the child is still behind. There is a shadow of China. Although Britain and France have always been at odds, if this incident triggered a diplomatic incident, or even caused dissatisfaction in China...

Then Fudge, who came to power last year, can immediately step down. Such a small Britain can't stand his torment.


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