The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 25: Morning at Hogwarts (middle)

"Please pass me the orange juice, thank you." Zhang Qi ignored Fu Fuji's bow for the time being, and turned to Yalito.

Alito hesitated for a moment, then picked up a silver drink pot and handed it to Zhang Qi.

"My grandmother, Vida Zirol, was a saint, so this imprint of blood has stayed with me and my mother - Durmstrang rejected my application for admission because of my blood. , as did Beauxbatons." After drinking a sip of iced orange juice to relieve his choking status, Zhang Qi's tone also brought a hint of coldness.

"Not to mention the fact that the United States has been quite unfriendly to me."

"Originally, I thought the situation would change when I came to the UK, but I found out I was wrong. I was really stupid to imagine that the country that cultivated Voldemort would be able to face up to other people's blood and be able to truly to break this filthy shackle and grant equality and fraternity to all."

Speaking of which, Zhang Qi laughed at himself.

"If I'm a freshman, called a Mudblood according to your words, and not the heir to the first pure-blood family in France; the only eldest son of the Chirol family in the Holy Twenty-Eight Family, then I'm afraid I was very angry yesterday. Might die in the Slytherin lounge, and my family might suffer endless revenge."

"So put away your hypocritical bow, Minister Fudge. Don't learn from Hiyori and the archipelago. It is unrealistic to expect to rely on bowing and apology to reduce the consequences. If you want to be forgiven by others, you must take Show some sincerity and do some practical things.”

"No no no, I never meant to shirk responsibility"... The cold sweat on Fudge's forehead flowed down his cheeks, gathered on his chin, and then dripped drop by drop in the Hogwarts Great Hall On the smooth marble floor.

He really knew too well who the current leader of the Qirol family, Hekmedia, was.

Hekmedia is famous even in the UK. In the Auror circle, everyone knows it, and Fudge is no exception.

Back in the days when the Death Eaters were rampant, when he was still a head of the Department of Justice at the Ministry of Magic, he was once tasked with taking in the Death Eaters who had been captured by Hekmedia. The Auror team vomited from the horror of the two Death Eaters when they arrived at Zirol Manor.

Hekmedia was raised by Zhang Qi's grandfather Zhang Yan. As for Zhang Yan, before the uprising joined Scarlet China, he was one of Boss Dai's most satisfied students, the number one spy of the Military Statistics Bureau. After the work gradually became free, the old man often passed on work experience to his "adopted daughter" (in the direction of his daughter-in-law) when he had nothing to do.

So I guessed how miserable the two Death Eaters were.

Not to mention that Hekmedia was able to eat a plate of crimson tuna fillets with mustard in such a **** environment slowly and without any psychological pressure (I was pregnant at the time, so I liked to eat something more irritating. Food), when I think of the hideous wounds and crimson valgus muscles on those Death Eaters, that is a scene that can leave a huge psychological shadow on Fudge and the other 4 people on the scene!

Now, thinking back to that scene, Fudge nearly vomited on the marble floor of the Hogwarts Great Hall.

Fudge has no doubt that if this matter is not properly resolved today, he will probably be found drowned in the toilet at home tomorrow.

Then Barty Crouch will take the position without pressure and become the next Minister of Magic, throwing **** on his own grave, the kind that can't even blow away the wind of history.

Thinking of this, Fudge shuddered and hurriedly continued:

"The Ministry of Magic will carry out an inventory of all pure-blooded families from now on, and it is bound to wipe out those who use power for personal gain."

"No, no, I personally think it would be good to just conduct a large-scale investigation of the Flint family. Most of the other families are law-abiding, so this kind of action is unnecessary. Besides, it's easy for you to open your mouth, but the following Aurors are going to run and break their legs."

Zhang Qi crossed his hands on his chest and said to Fudge.

"Yes, yes, the Ministry of Magic will never tolerate such behavior again." Fudge immediately patted his chest to assure.

"Then I accept the apology from the British Ministry of Magic on behalf of the Zirol family." Zhang Qi stood up and walked in front of Fudge, holding out his right hand.

"I think you wouldn't mind if the Zirol family made some investments in Diagon Alley. We will pay taxes on time."

"welcome". Fudge stretched out his right hand excitedly and held it with Zhang Qi.

This time, not only has the relationship with the Zirol family been successfully restored, but it has also attracted a new wave of investment for Diagon Alley. Fudge is quite happy.

"Then I'll take the suspect away first, Headmaster Dumbledore." However, watching several Aurors walking from the inside of the castle, with Marcus Flint, who had been **** in chains and was slightly unconscious, in the middle, Fudge asked a little strangely:

"But why does the suspect seem to be confused?"

"Yesterday he was hit by the Disarming Charm when he was releasing Heart-piercing Bone to Classmate and the tip of the wand that was releasing the spell hit him." Flitwick replied. "It's very rare, but obviously he's unlucky."

"That really deserves it." Fudge quickly agreed, "Then I won't bother you, Headmaster Dumbledore."

"Go and do your duty, Minister Fudge." Dumbledore's blue eyes looked at Fudge kindly, "You are also welcome to come back to Hogwarts. I remember when you were in school, you liked sitting on the steps of the castle to bask in the sun."

"Yeah, yeah, it's a pity that I've been too busy after becoming a minister, but I'll definitely make time to come back and have a look." Fudge looked around the castle's auditorium with a little nostalgia, and then said goodbye to Dumbledore.

"I had heard some bad things before I came to Hogwarts, but I didn't care at the time." After Fudge left, Zhang Qi said to the students in the auditorium.

"Later I found out that most of these rumors are actually true. Many families who claim to be pure-bloods discriminate against Muggle-born wizards, make things difficult, and insult them. This situation makes me very angry and sad, when will we be able to Come out of this endless infighting"?

"Professor Dumbledore"? Mag asked a little worriedly.

"A very interesting child, let him go on, Minerva." There was a hint of nostalgia in Dumbledore's tone, because the child in front of him with his arms upright, was gradually overlapping with the figure in the Father Shelley cemetery in Paris, France, decades ago.

These two people are so similar, if the child is not Asian, Dumbledore might even suspect that Zhang Qi is the descendant of that person.


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