The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 26: Morning at Hogwarts (Part 2)

"As a result, I still found that I underestimated the bottom line of these pure-blooded nobles."

"Just last night, that stupid Marcus Flint actually used Gouging the Heart on me, which is one of the three unforgivable spells banned by Ministry of Magic legislation. And the Flint family is just a name. It's just an unknown pure-blooded nobleman, but he can be so rampant that he even dares to treat the law as nothing!"

"I know a lot of people who privately call the Chirol family a pure-blood traitor like Weasley, a shame for pure-bloods, but they dare not fight us, at least on the surface. Because they are afraid I, or at least I am afraid of the power of the Zirol family. Marcus Flint kicked the iron this time, and the Flint family will definitely pay the price."

"Although we are pure blood, we have a strong family as a guarantee, but what about the hemp and half-blood wizards who account for 2/3 of Hogwarts? What if these things happen to you guys unlucky?"

Zhang Qi suddenly raised his tone and slapped the table with both hands.

"Fuck your brains, think about it, if this unfortunate thing falls on your head, what else can you do besides waiting to die"!

Yes, what can we do? Many Muggle-born students began to think inwardly.

"Zhang Qi is really crazy." Draco murmured slightly in shock.

"I don't think I'm crazy, Mr. Malfoy." Zhang Qi said without looking back, "By the way, my hearing is several times that of a normal person, and I can hear all of your discussions below."

The contemptuous laughter from the end of the Slytherin table stopped immediately.

"Mr. Ibrahimovic Bain, do you have any opinion on my point of view?" Zhang Qi asked the Ravenclaw long table.

On the train yesterday, Zhang Qi and his cousin Zhang Qiu had already learned about the pure schools of Hogwarts. Ravenclaw sixth-grader Ibrahimovic Bain was one of them, and he was still a dead second. generation.

There are many dead second generation in the academy, such as Draco and Greengrass "sister and brother". However, Zhang Qi never judges a person based on his origin, but always pays special attention (observation) to those with a special origin.

This is his habit of cooperating with political workers to carry out background checks in his previous life.

Through his cousin Zhang Qi, he learned that Ibrahimovic Bain is a hopeless extreme pure-blood, and because of the fact that his mouth was not clean when he was speaking, Zhang Qi decided to take it first. He cuts.

"I seem to have heard Mr. Ibrahimovic call me a dirty yellow monkey just now"? Zhang Qi, who was a little angry, put his hand on his waist. There was a hard touch from the fingertips, and alongside the wand was a black sword-shaped army thorn encased in a leather scabbard.

"So what?" Ibrahimovic Bain patted the table and stood up, with a look of how you can do anything on his face.

"Sit down, Ibrahimovic! 10 points from Ravenclaw"! Professor Flitwick's high-pitched voice came from the teacher's chair.

"I heard that your father was a yellow-skinned monkey, or was he tortured to death with the Cruciatus by the great Dark Lord?" Instead of sitting down, Ibrahimovic continued to provoke. "Maybe you'll enjoy it a lot"?

"Confinement at night, Ibrahimovic Bane"! Mag had stood up regardless of his image and shouted at Ibrahimovic Bane.

"Apologize to Mr. Zirol now, now, immediately"!

"You want me to apologize like a dirty yellow-skinned monkey? Why?" Ibrahimovic sneered disdainfully. At this time, he had already left behind the warning that the elders in the family had warned, "Don't provoke the Qirol family, they are all lunatics who dare to kill." Because he thinks that even if he is expelled from Hogwarts, he can still transfer to Durmstrang to continue his studies, and if he can't, he can go home and inherit the family's property.

He doesn't understand the truth that shortsightedness kills people.

"No need for Professor McGonagall."

Zhang Qi, who had been watching Ibrahimovic Bain coldly, spoke.

"Ibrahimovic Bain, the heir of the Bain family, has just insulted the glory of the Zirol family. As the only legitimate heir of the Zirol family, I request a duel with Mr. Ibu Bain."

"This"... The flustered Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore.

"I think so." Gilderoy Lockhart, who was on the sidelines for a long time, interjected, "It just so happens that I can also help other students learn about wizard duels. Trust me, no one knows duels better than me."

"Then let it be." There was no wavering in Dumbledore's eyes.

"But"...Professor Flitwick said in a panic, trying to save the life of his stupid student.

"This morning, the potions class of the junior year was delayed by an hour." Snape said with a blank face, "The duel will be held at the Quidditch pitch, everyone can watch the game from the stands, our new professor Gilderoy Lockhart is in charge of the commentary, and I hope his talents can It matches his that's natural, my abilities are like my looks." Lockhart answered quickly.

"Murder and use of the Three Unforgivable Curses are to enter Azkaban." When Snape passed by Zhang Qi's side, he suddenly said something inexplicable.

"Knowing the professor, I will try to save him a dog's life. At least he can live today, but what will happen after he leaves the school? I can't guarantee it"~

Zhang Qi showed a cold smile.


Close to Port Lushun on the other side of the world

The snow-white seagulls fly freely in the blue sky above the port, constantly circling and flipping. An old man in a navy uniform is sitting on the concrete pillar of the wharf. He is tearing up half a hard steamed bun that was not needed in the canteen at noon and throwing it into the sky, letting the seagulls **** it up.

"General Huaqing"! A naval staff officer wearing glasses hurried over. "The inspection results came out. The hull has a large area of ​​rust and marine life parasites, but the overall situation is not bad. The shipyard is scraping the bottom of the ship. But those Ukrainians It's really cruel, leaving us no equipment at all, but a bunch of vodka bottles."  …

"It's good to be able to do that." The old man with three gold stars on his shoulders tore up the last bit of steamed buns and sprinkled them into the sky, then stood up and picked up the military cap hanging on another iron pillar. After putting it on his head solemnly, he and the staff officer walked towards the dry dock that was making noises in the distance.

"In the final analysis, we have to thank our comrades in France."

Looking around the seascape, the old man never felt that the sun in the port area was as warm as it is now.


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