In the dungeons of Hogwarts, dim torches hang from rusted iron shelves, illuminating the moss-covered walls.

The freshmen who had just witnessed a thrilling duel match were walking quietly in the dark corridor at this time, and no one dared to say a word casually. Because the atmosphere here is too depressing.

Pushing open the oak door, there was a fairly spacious classroom, but it was still very dark. The shelves on both sides of the classroom are full of strangely shaped glassware, and there are strange things floating in them. They are all sticky specimens of animals and plants, which look very disgusting.

In this deliberate environment, no one dared to make a loud noise, and everyone sat quietly in their seats. On the left is Hufflepuff, on the right is Slytherin, separated by a narrow walkway, and no one dared to speak.

However, everyone could not forget the spectacular scene they saw just now.

"Clang clang"~

The ancient wall clock in the classroom struck 10 times, and the door behind the podium was suddenly pushed open. The expressionless Snape was like a giant bat, walking with wind and wind. The robe floated in the air, making him look like a giant crow flying into the classroom.

"Class roll call". The greasy hair and the cold voice made the students shudder.

"Rena Fritz".


"Jon Hart".


"Elena Kaslana".

"I'm his sister Teresa Kaslana, Elena was in the infirmary after cooking by herself last night and eating her stomach."

(Eldest sister's head is shocked)


"Very good, it seems that no one dares to skip my class for the first time." Snape closed the roster with satisfaction.

"Put away your wands! You don't need him here, and I don't expect you to really appreciate the beauty of that simmering cauldron, the white smoke wafting out of the fragrance, and I don't expect you to really understand. The fluid that flows into people's veins, the mind-bending, mind-blinding magic... I can teach you how to disturb your mind, confuse your senses, gain prestige, brew glory, and even prevent death. But it has to be There's a premise that you're not the troll-brained idiots I've often encountered, say, Mr. Longbottom and Mr. Weasley, second-year Gryffindors, who are the only ones who can come first. Blow up the cauldron in one class."

There was a low chuckle in the Slytherin section.

"Miss Selwyn, what role does Bai Xian have?" Snape's face sank when he heard the laughter, and then he called out a fat girl in Slytherin with a stern face.

"I, I don't know, Professor." The girl stammered.

"What's the difference between a boat-shaped aconite and a wolf-shaped aconite"?


"If I were looking for a piece of bezoar, where would you go to find it"?

Selwyn hesitated to answer.

"Alito, you answer." Snape snorted coldly, then knocked on the desk of Arito, who was sitting in the first row and visibly uneasy.

"Bai Xian can be used to treat traumatic wounds. There is no obvious difference between the two types of Aconitum. Bezoar is the stone of cattle, which can usually be found in the stomach of cattle." Arito, who came to his senses, thought for a few seconds, and then answered these questions perfectly.

"Very good answer, 5 points for Slytherin." Snape nodded slightly when he was done.

"As for Miss Selwyn, I hope you can focus more on your studies. Instead of making useless plans to rescue your senior Flint from prison, you will go to Azkaban to plan the robbery."

(Yes, that's right, I'm just mapping the reality. Signing fans have the ability to chat privately and scold them, just to practice for a few friends who study criminal investigation and network law enforcement)

Selwyn wanted to say something else, but Snape didn't give her the chance.

"Then, Mr. Greengrass, what will you get if you add narcissus powder to wormwood infusion?"


Alito hesitated for a long time. Even though Snape was indeed her godfather, and he often told her about potions, this was the first time he had heard such a profound thing.

"I think I don't know"...Alito was about to say that he didn't know, but a voice came from behind him.

"You will get a powerful sleeping pill called Life and Death Water. Of course, if the professor uses the blue daffodils, which is a specialty of Baihua Valley in the southern border of Shenzhou, you will get a highly toxic sleeping pill, and those who take this potion will Struggling to die in a nightmare."

A boy's voice came from the door of the classroom. Snape looked up at the door. Zhang Qi was pushing open the door of the classroom with his intact right arm.

"I'm sorry for the lateness, Professor Snape. But I still want to thank Mrs. Donfrey for her exquisite medical skills, otherwise I may not be able to be discharged successfully tonight."

"Sit to the right of Mr. Greenglass in the first row, Mr. Zirol." Snape nodded, a greeting, plus a thumbs up for his answer.

"Almost perfect answer! 5 points for Slytherin".

Zhang Qi walked to the first row under the envious eyes of all the students in the and sat on the right hand side of Arito.

"Today we are going to learn about the potion for treating scabies, turn your textbook to page 2, and I have written the specific operation points on the blackboard. Also, why don't you write down the answers of the two classmates just now? Did you all learn?"

Following Snape's loud roar, everyone bowed their heads obediently and began to take notes. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound of the tip of the pen rubbing against the parchment in the classroom.

"You, your arm is healed"? Alito stared at Zhang Qi with wide eyes, with surprise and joy in his tone.

"Rough skin and flesh can't die... But Mr. Greengrass, I have a suggestion for you."

"What, what advice?" A red tinge appeared on Arito's face.

"You should lose weight"...

The expression on Arito's face instantly solidified, and then it darkened visibly to the naked eye, with a trace of grievance.

"I, I don't usually eat much at all"...

"I also feel that I don't usually eat much." Zhang Qi made up for it in time.


With a light snap, an old man in a white robe appeared on the now-empty Quidditch pitch.

"Burning Fire"!

Dumbledore raised a wand with a strange structure in his hand, and shot a faint blue fire at the pool of blood on the ground.

The blood black as oil was reluctantly vanished in the flames of destruction.

"Dragon blood with such a strong aggressiveness is really rare"...


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