The content of this lesson is to make a potion for treating scabies, and the materials to be used are dry hemp, snake fangs, and porcupine thorn.

Oh yes, there is one of the most disgusting things - slugs with tentacles.

Specific steps:

①Put 6 parts of snake teeth into a mortar and grind.

②Put 4 parts of powder into the crucible.

③Heat for five minutes, then the mixture will turn dark brown.

④Wait your wand and wait for the mixture to thicken.

⑤Put 4 slugs and 2 porcupine thorns into the crucible

⑥ Stir clockwise for 5 times, at this time the liquid in the pot will gradually change from dark brown to warm yellow.

⑦ Swipe your wand and you're done!

(Thanks to Zhihu God)

He threw 6 fresh snake fangs into a brass mortar (ordered from a Chinese pharmacy in Chinatown), Zhang Qi closed the lid, picked up the pestle in his hand and smashed it a few times, then turned clockwise a few times. to completely crush the remaining slag.

"The porcupine thorn has been cut into small pieces." Arito has also done his work there.

"You make a fire, and I have to deal with those disgusting slugs." Zhang Qi replied without raising his head.

Alito stuck out his **** bit of relief, then used a small silver spoon to scrape out the powder in the mortar and put it into the ignited crucible.

Frowning his brows, he cleaned the mucus from the slugs. Zhang Qi cut open their bodies with a silver knife and removed their internal organs.

"Five minutes is up"! Yalito reminded Zhang Qi.

"I'm in charge of adding the ingredients, and you're in charge of mixing." Zhang Qi stood up and walked to the material cabinet at the back. "I will make some improvements to the potion, and do what I say later."

"OK". Because his godfather was Snape, Arito, who was very knowledgeable about potions, replied.

Zhang Qi didn't want to be lazy, he was just afraid that if he did the stirring operation himself, the huge amount of magic power would directly blow up this poor crucible.

The consequences should be the same as that of my colleague in my previous life. When making braised fish, he forgot to cut a knife on the back of the fish's neck in advance. As a result, the fish that had been knocked unconscious by a rolling pin when the oil was overcooked was cooked in hot oil. The excruciating pain woke me up.

As a result, due to facial problems, he had to be transferred from the field plainclothes team to the logistics team for 4 months, because he could not participate in the operation until the scar on his face was removed.

For nothing else, the scar on this face scalded by the hot oil is so eye-catching, it attracts the attention of the target 100%.

Arito stirred the crucible clockwise for 5 times with his magic wand, and then saw the dark brown viscous paste inside began to gradually dissolve like water, slowly oozing out bright yellow liquid.

"Wow, you guys are amazing"!

A Hufflepuff boy across the aisle on Alito's left said enviously.

"You're doing a good job, too,". Zhang Qi glanced at the boy's crucible, and the mixture inside showed a viscosity like water and starch, exactly as it was written in the textbook.

"I also powdered the porcupine thorns with a mortar, because I think the powder will dissolve faster than the fragments. I hope I can succeed." The boy slightly raised the small spoon in his hand, which contained half a spoon of pitch-black powder.

"A very creative idea". The corners of Zhang Qi's mouth twitched uncontrollably, "But I suggest that you scrape a little with your fingernails and try to put it inside, otherwise it will be more difficult to handle in case of danger."

"That makes sense, thank you for your reminder." The boy nodded thoughtfully, then scraped a little black powder on the edge of the spoon with the little fingernail of his left hand, and then bounced it into the cauldron.


The liquid in the crucible exploded like hot oil with water added suddenly, but it was okay, it just collapsed. If the whole spoon had been added just now, then...

"There is also a cold method for potions, which needs to be boiled with saltpeter fire, and ice cubes are put in the pot to keep the temperature low. Only by using the cold method can all the raw materials be ground into powder, otherwise it will definitely explode." . Zhang Qi looked at the boy who was startled and reminded.

"But you can slowly sprinkle it along the edge of the pot in batches, and then remember to hold the lid of the pot with your hands to cover your face. If you do this, your potion will at least allow Professor Snape to add two more to you. Minute".

"thanks". The Hufflepuff boy thanked Zhang Qi sincerely.

(The inspiration for this paragraph comes from two things. The first is that a high school classmate of mine did an experiment at home. This product threw pure aluminum powder that had been removed from the oxide film and preserved with an inert gas into deoxygenated distilled water. ...)

(The second thing is the advice given to me by a chef when I was learning how to cook fish in my spare time, plus the painful experience of being slapped with hot oil when I made double-cooked pork when I hadn’t learned cooking with others before. .....)

(And pay tribute to the first Harry Potter fanfiction I read - the legend of Harry Potter, my heroine's source of inspiration refers to this book)


"Now stop the movements in your hands, there is still half an hour before get out of class, I will now check the results of your class." Snape's indifferent voice came from the podium, and everyone who heard it quickly put down the tools in their hands.

"It doesn't look like a potion for scabies, it looks like a troll's snot." Snape ruthlessly criticized Selwyn's work with a venomous tongue.

The fat Slytherin girl lowered her head and glanced at Arito, who had taken the limelight in the first class, with a resentful expression.

"not bad". Snape passed by the Hufflepuff lifted the lid of his pot and glanced, then nodded in approval.

"Hufflepuff adds three points".

The boy suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Very, special"... Snape finally came to Zhang Qi and Arito's group, and thought about the potion in the crucible for a while.

"I guess you should have added something else to it. I can see that there is mint, but there should be something else."

"There are also sulfur and honeysuckle, the former has a miraculous effect on scabies, and the latter can play an analgesic effect." Zhang Qi replied, "I carry the honeysuckle with me, and I sometimes make tea with it."

Snape didn't answer, he waved his wand, and a drop of the potion floated from the container and landed on the back of his hand.

Snape spread the drop of potion with his fingers, felt it carefully, and then brought the back of his hand to his nose to smell it.

"It has a cooling sensation when applied to the skin, and there is no itching or redness. What a genius idea!"

Snape raised his voice and said to the students in the classroom.

"For the birth of a potion genius, Slytherin gets ten points"!

The Slytherin students applauded, and the Hufflepuff students next to each other looked at each other and applauded.

For nothing else, just because this old bat can actually add three points to them today. You must know that the seniors of these freshmen have already told them that the previous Potions class had been deducting points, and as a result, Hufflepuff was rarely given three points in the Potions class today.

Professor Snape's face must be given. If he changes his mind at that time and deducts the points again, it will not be worth the loss.



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