"Come on, Mr. Abu Byrne, a winstonwinston cigarette, which is a famous brand in Italy, which is very difficult to smoke in England."

Having said that, Zhang Qi patted Abu Bourne on the shoulder, then stuffed the cigarette into his mouth, then took out a delicate golden lighter and set it on fire.

"You, what are you doing"!

Abu Byrne watched in horror as the boy in front of him walked towards him with a lit lighter, for fear that a spark would fall on the floor soaked in gasoline.

Abu Bourne leaned back desperately, but Zhang Qi finally lit the cigarette in his mouth, then sat on the sofa he was sitting on just now, looking at him with a smile.

"A cigarette takes about 8 minutes to burn clean, so you only have 8 minutes to say everything you know."

Zhang Qi looked at Abu Bourne's terrified expression as if he had seen a ghost with satisfaction, and began the interrogation.


"Abu Byrne".

"The superior and your supply relationship"?

"The location of other strongholds"?


This method is very simple and rude. If the subject of the interrogation spit out the cigarette, then he will be burned alive; but if you can't tell useful information before the cigarette burns out, then you will also be lit because of the cigarette butt. Gasoline was burned alive.

It is also impossible to bite the cigarette into your mouth to extinguish it, because gasoline has been doused on your face, and the only result of such a difficult operation is that you will still be burned alive by gasoline.

"I, I already know this, can you let me go now? You promised me just now!"

Abu Byrne said shiveringly with the cigarette in his mouth, and at this time there was even half of the cigarette left in his mouth.

"Is what he said true?"

Zhang Qi ignored Abu Byrne, who was begging in a chair, and turned to the Sicilian mafia.

"It's true, Elder Elder, we have already verified some of the strongholds he said, and we can confirm that what he said is the truth."

A strong man in a suit answered respectfully behind him.

"You, you are a member of the Sicilian Mafia Presbyterian Church? Please accept me, let me do anything!" .

Abu Byrne's eyes widened in surprise, and then hurriedly answered.

"Lord Elder, we have rescued all the survivors, and the gas tank in the kitchen has also been turned on in the upper room to ensure that it can be disguised as a gas explosion afterwards, and the dead councillor's son will never cause you any trouble." .

Another man in a suit looked at Abu Byrne who was tied to a chair with disgust, and then said to Zhang Qi.

"That's good, I'll leave the rest to you."

Zhang Qi smiled and shrugged at Abu Byrne, then dragged Marcelo Weiss out of the room without looking back.

Zirol Company has never held any mercy for traitors, and what awaits Marcelo Weiss will be a more cruel ending.

Abu Burn's desperate howl sounded behind him.


Before returning to Hogwarts, Zhang Qi glanced at the sky-high fire in the Whitechapel area behind him, took out the satellite phone in his pocket and dialed a number.

"Hello, Mom"?

The phone was connected shortly after, Zhang Qi said into the microphone.

"Yawn~...Xiao Qi? Why did you come out of Hogwarts to call me if you didn't sleep so late? You don't need my approval for a night tour, you should go directly to Filch." ......

Hekmedia's resentful voice came from the other end of the phone. It was estimated that he had not woken up and was abruptly disturbed by the phone ringing.

"Marcelo Weiss used the money you gave him to buy powder, a whole box of 40 small yellow croakers."

Zhang Qi helplessly listened to the confused voice of his unreliable mother, and decided to cut straight to the point.

"Marcelo Weiss? I really didn't expect him to be the inner ghost that I haven't found after so long. I guess this time I want to convert the gold into medicinal powder to make it easier to leave the country."  … .

"The man is in my hands now, and I have taken back the gold, what should I do now"?

Zhang Qi asked seriously.

"Snape wrote to me saying that you have been engaged in alchemy recently, and the gold will be left for you as a reserve fund. As for Marcelo Weiss, the brainless traitor"...

"Just find someone to deal with him. For example, find a pier and pour it into the concrete pillar. Otherwise, if the body is exposed, the follow-up treatment will be very troublesome, and it will take a lot of time to clear the relationship." .....

Hekmedia on the other end of the phone yawned and sentenced Marcelo Weiss to death in the most common tone.

"You gave me such a share of the bedroom on purpose, didn't you?"

There was a hint of helplessness in Zhang Qi's questioning tone.

"Yeah, this is to let you get used to your married life. Of course, if you succeed in advance, remember to take safety measures. It's already tiring to raise you alone. I don't want to raise the first one for at least ten years. Two"...

When talking about this topic, Hekmelia's voice on the other end of the phone seemed to have become a lot more energetic, and there was also a hint of trying hard not to laugh in her tone.

Presumably, Hekmedia's expression now must be full of aunt's smile.

"You are really making trouble for me"...

Zhang Qi tried his best to suppress the corners of his twitching mouth and complained on the phone.

After chatting a few more words, Zhang Qi hung up the phone somewhat helplessly.

"It's getting late, it's time to go back to school."

Zhang Qi lowered his head and glanced at the cuff of his sleeve, which was still stuck with some accidentally splashed blood.

"Clean up."

Putting a cleaning spell on his clothes, Zhang Qi walked to the widest road in the Whitechapel district, raised his left hand holding the wand, and waved it three times in the air in a manner similar to calling for a taxi.

The air on the road in front of Zhang Qi suddenly distorted, and with a crisp explosion, a red double-decker bus appeared in the empty and empty, as if it had jumped out of the toilet-like whirlpool. on the road.

"Hello, the Knight Bus is serving you, where are you going?"

A grown man's voice came from inside the car.

"Wow! It's actually an immature little wizard, hurry up and get in the car, this is the most chaotic one in the Muggle area, there are gangsters and criminals everywhere."

A friendly face poked out from the conductor's seat at the door, with a few pockmarks growing on it.

"To Moghold Village".

"Three xikes, if you add one more, you can take a set of toiletries from the car."


Zhang Qi got on the bus, then took out three silver coins from his wallet and handed them to the conductor.

"The train starts, please stand firm and support yourself. At the next stop, Moghold, friends who get off the train, please get ready~www.readwn.com~ The conductor glanced at the carriage behind.

"Okay, you should be the only one out shopping so late"...

The red double-decker bus started abruptly in the dark, twisted into a red afterimage and rushed into the distance.

London's Whitechapel district at night has regained its tranquility.

"Well, Mr. Thumpak, I actually don't agree with what you said just now. London's Whitechapel district is not the dirtiest one in the Muggle area."

Zhang Qi stared at the street scene that was distorted by the high speed of the vehicle outside the window, thought for a moment, and said with a little emotion.

"Oh? Where is the most chaotic place in London?"

The conductor who was putting the three silver coins in his pocket asked casually with some curiosity.

"It's Downing Street."

Zhang Qi said lightly.


Mr. Thumpak scratched his head, then lowered his head again, and continued to count the silver coins in his coin purse with a belly full of doubts.


Later, Mr. Stan Thorpark, the conductor of the bus, thought about it all day, and finally felt that the Whitechapel district in London was a little more chaotic.

Downing Street is one of the most heavily guarded places by Muggles. Even wizards dare not pass by there. Aurors from the Ministry of Magic will deliberately avoid it when patrolling, so as not to get into unnecessary trouble.

How could this kind of place be the most chaotic?

I really don't know what the little wizard was thinking. He couldn't understand such a simple thing.

Hogwarts really is getting worse every year.


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