(There is a problem with the mobile phone number, the signing will be delayed for a few days, but the book friends in the group are promised to do things, so two updates today)

"The village of Moghold is here, this, uh, Mr. Little Wizard".

After about 20 minutes of violent turbulence, the bus finally stopped steadily in front of an old and dilapidated house.


Zhang Qi thanked him, then jumped out from the front door of the bus, and then waved goodbye to the conductor.

The conductor waved his hand in the same way, and then the bus twisted into a red light again, and disappeared into the distance with a light snap.

Seeing that the bus finally left, Zhang Qi looked around and found that there was no one around. After the activity, he carefully pushed open the front door of the dilapidated house and walked to a dilapidated wooden bed.

"Floating up into the air".

Casting a floating spell that he finally learned to understand, the tattered wooden bed floated in the air first. Zhang Qi, whose night vision ability was comparable to that of a house cat due to the awakening of his bloodline, immediately found the huge creature under the bed. Tunnel entrance.

According to the original book, this tunnel leads directly to the beating willow of Hogwarts, which is the fastest way for Zhang Qi to go back to school.

Zhang Qi first jumped into the tunnel, and then waved his wand, making the tattered wooden bed cover the tunnel again.

The whole screaming shack still looked so dirty, as if no one had ever been there.


In the tunnel, magic torches that do not need to consume air are burning all the year round. And based on the style of the torch hangers, Zhang Qi can even conclude that these partners may have been burning in this closed tunnel for thousands of years.

After walking for about 45 minutes, knotted tree roots suddenly began to appear on the road ahead.


Zhang Qi quietly stuck out half of his head from the exit of the tunnel, and then turned over while Liu had just woken up and hadn't reacted. of a large bag.

The whole willow tree seemed to tremble a bit, and then all the branches that had just started waving fell down, motionless, as if it were really an ordinary willow tree.

The numbness was numb.jpg

Quickly trotting all the way to escape the fire coverage of the beating willow, Zhang Qi breathed a sigh of relief and walked slowly towards the gate of the castle.

According to the little badgers in Hufflepuff, the gates of the castle at Hogwarts are unlocked at night, because Hagrid, who lives in the Forbidden Forest, occasionally gets up in the middle of the night and goes to the kitchen to find some supper, and the school also gives some midnight snacks. Leave some space for couples who slip out.

Otherwise, in the middle of the night, some strange things may happen in Hogwarts, such as strange sounds due to the study of human body structure in an empty classroom, which once made the people who did not know the truth feel very panic, Everyone thought Hogwarts was haunted.

In the end, the professor who came to hear the news finally decided to use the phantom invisibility spell to ambush in this empty classroom at night, and then the most embarrassing thing happened since the establishment of the school.

So after this embarrassing incident, the gate of the castle at Hogwarts is unlocked at night, and anyone who wants to go out can go out directly. You can do whatever you want as long as you don't get caught by Filch.

Gently pushed the gate of the castle open to a gap for one person to enter and exit, Zhang Qi put light footsteps, slipped into the castle through the gap, and then gently closed the gate.

"Huh! I'm really tired after a busy night."

Zhang Qi said to himself, and then carried the box with the space extension into the Hogwarts auditorium.

The Hogwarts Hall at 12 midnight was pitch black, and the magic candles hanging in the air were extinguished at 10 o'clock, so the lighting of the Hogwarts Hall in the middle of the night depended solely on the moonlight shining through the glass dome. .

But unfortunately, today is a dark and windy night (because the dark and windy moon is high, so Zhang Qi will choose to go out to do errands tonight), the light here can be described as invisible, even if it is outdoors, it is almost invisible now. Can't see things clearly, not to mention the castle auditorium with poor lighting.

Zhang Qi walked along the aisle between the two long tables to the stairs not far away, because as long as you go from there to the basement floor, and then walk forward more than 30 meters, you will find the Slytherin common room.

When Zhang Qi came out at 10 p.m., his roommate Arito had already slept like a dead pig. And in order to ensure that his roommate does not accidentally wake up in the middle, Zhang Qi also used his handkerchief to dip a little bit of life and death water on the roommate's people.

It is estimated that she will be able to sleep until tomorrow morning.

But speaking of which, the sleeping face of this silly roommate of mine is actually pretty good-looking, with white hair, flat chest, and drooling when he sleeps...

No, what am I thinking?

Shaking his head, he pushed those not-so-good thoughts out of his mind. Zhang Qi continued to walk towards the front stairway.

She must have been spoiled by her rude mother. How could a gentleman like me think of such rude things?

It must be so!

When he was about to reach the entrance of the stairs, Zhang Qi stopped, stretched his waist, and planned to take a bath when he went back. Anyway, there was only one potions class from Snape the next day, and it took him more than 10 minutes to relax. Not a big deal at once.

But at this moment ~www.readwn.com~ the dark clouds in the sky outside were blown out by the wind, and a pure white moonlight penetrated the clouds and just shone on the glass dome of the Hogwarts Auditorium.

Although this beam of moonlight only appeared for less than half a second, within this half second, Zhang Qi found that something seemed to be glowing with a cold light above his head, reflecting the white moonlight to the ground in front of him. .

A silver-white rapier entwined with countless ice-blue runes had been raised high above his head, and then slashed down towards Zhang Qi's neck!

Rune: Break Armor

Rune: Paralysis

Rune: Sharp


Just through the tip of the sword he saw at the edge of his field of vision, Zhang Qi had already seen three runes glowing silver on the long sword, and in the blind area of ​​his field of vision, there were more attacking runes. Is just around the corner on the long sword.

The original sin of Sadhu, one of the most powerful mithril swords in history, is the magic weapon in the eyes of vampire hunters. Although it does not contain any magic power, with the countless alchemy runes engraved on it, it can still have the strength to compete with the Gryffindor sword!

The total length is 120 cm. The appearance is a delicate oak walking stick. It has a wolf head gauntlet made of platinum. It takes no effort to pull it out. The blade is sharp and tough, and if you swing it hard, it can directly cut a wooden pole, and the incision is smooth, without a trace of wood stubble.


There was an old man's roar behind him, and the mithril long sword slashed through the air, slashing towards Zhang Qi's neck with the whistling sound of death!

"Go to hell! Dirty vampires"!


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